The Twelve Months of Mimi (2008) ~ If I Were A Word I'd Be "Oops"
This year was huge for me. And wide open. Thank you for reading. Thank you for cheering (and sometimes shaking your head too..)
Thank you for accepting "what spills from my pen" and never once asking me to censor. And thank you for allowing me to continue to try out my willow wings. They are stronger for it.
And so am I.
Here are snippets from my life in the year that was 2008 and a few unusual Mimisms along the way. Seeing things in chronological order helped me put the year in perspective.
January 2008 brought death, thievery, peanut butter boy, snow, toy store nonsense and band music:
"My mind is on the sky tonight. And a four-year-old baby boy who doesn't understand why his grandpa isn't ever coming home again."
Serenading The Moon and Clouds Eva Cassidy helps me say goodbye.
"It is hard for me - or anyone else reading the nonstop hugs - to believe that the sad human being we've been focusing on represents the bulk of humanity. He does not....And so I say..... if blog love could catch a thief, he'd be in jail by now. " The robbery at Bloggingham Palace
What A Thief Cannot Steal
The Band Meme exploded into infinity and thanks to Bud the Meme Stealer's stellar stealth work in the blogosphere. We all became a rock band.
Peanut Butter Cowlicks launched Baby Boy into cartoon-colored blogdom on my site.
"I did not know....until today....this hour
this moment
looking into the trusting curve of your face that I'd feel the strangest sensation... that time had stopped - and some sweet something out of paradise had transformed your tiny frame into that of your father's.
"You're not supposed to answer the phone!!"
"I know that..... "
"Hang up the phone, lady!"
"......but it was ringing and I was here."
February 2008 brought insight on love, blog hackers, dead rats, Super Bowl epiphanies, my Grandmother's skin and another new blog site - Message Bottles:
Happily Cooking A Disaster in 2007: The Year Mimi Wrote
"Courageous writing is mush. I am nothing without my willowness. My work is not a damn thing without it.... And perhaps, this year more than any before, the unmasking of the layers that sprawled serendipitously on the blog page held more promise for real than real ever had. ...I withered. I waned. I willowed. You watched. The moments were loud.
But they were authentic.
"If I had to write a book on love it would be of the sea. I like to swim in deep waters.....Sometimes love comes to unravel us. Let it."
To Catch A Blog Thief ~ The Dust Diary Scandal: Pencil Skirt is about to make a full court pounce.
Message In A Bottle Launched!
What message would you like to send out to the universe?"
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Screams:"I'd like to report a deceased rodent on the floor," I sobbed. "And get someone here fast. I really need to come back into this room to do my job. Officer Crumbcake is not equipped to teach opera today. He can't even tell a real scream from a high C!"
"It took me all afternoon to figure out that the coin toss had nothing to do with Ground Hog Day......In baseball (which is round, mind you) if somebody throws the ball and nobody catches it, you are not out, you are not down, you are just out of luck until you find it. Then you pick it up and throw it. The only time it doesn't count is when you catch it FIRST and then drop it. Now THAT'S a fumble.
This is the way the world should work."
The Bath
I added more hot water, soap on the washcloth, tender touch, slow and steady....but not before she saw my tears that fell on her leg in the lilac water where the warmth of my love lay glistening in the crook of a perfectly shaped calf.
She could not have been more beautiful to me that day. Or more vulnerable.
Seventy-four. And my grandmother was beautiful."
"He took me to his chateau in the hills of the Unknown Parts where he forced me to (gasp!) blog. The rest is totally unbloggable. " My pencil skirt is in hot water.
I met blogging friends Princess Patti and Duchess Linda of Norwich Upon the Thames in Connecticut. It was very special. See the dinner deed (complete with videos) here.
a month of emotional peaks and valleys, Baby Boy's steadfast love, firetrucks, trains, ghosts, peace globe launches.
I had a few questions for God.
"Could it be that once again I stand alone wearing nothing but my mush?
And how, once again – pray tell – did I get here? " Oh damn.
"I don't need to find someone who loves my mush. I need to wholeheartedly love my own mush. " Self-revelation comes knockin'....
A Boy And His Train
"He has the largest blue eyes I've ever seen and sometimes they rest on my face like some starry-eyed fairy full of wonder. He studies every part of my profile with an invisible microscope of love that makes me melt right where I'm standing.
And he cares not that I see."
Firetrucks In Bloggingham
"You mean air conditioning vents are supposed to be dusted? Who knew?! I drove as fast as I illegally could to the drawbridge of the castle and had to pull over twice to let a firetruck and a car with flashing red lights whiz past me to a fire that I knew did not exist. I tried to flag them down but they weren't paying attention. Not even in my skirt and 3 inch heels.
May 2008
I changed. My God, how I changed this month. With every conflict I researched and wrote about - a little piece of me changed. May 2008 was a month I hunkered down in shit and gore and war and hell. I got my pencil boots dirty. My eyes opened.
"But really. Who wanted a girl whose hair weighed more than she did to represent them in the Miss-School-Of-The-Deeply-Deprived-South-USA-Competition? I couldn't do it. There were Daisy Dukes involved" and then a fa
"My boots, once fit for a Queen, sank deeper into the miry, disquiet and unholy shit of war. The war I read on my own blog. Why did I start this?
And I'm wondering how I ended up in this jungle without falling on my prissy behind and crying? And how I expected my readers to follow ....without falling on theirs?
Just words."
And yet, today, I am peaceful. Ataraxic. I have no idea why.
I am not inherently entitled to my soft-shoe world. Nor are you.
An Attack of Ataraxia nailed my purpose to my plate.
Too bad we were in the Key of F.
We rocked the peace globes in grand style, the dolls twirled, the dungeon flooded and I learned how much I had changed. That's what researching wars will do.
I had to de-funk.
The Doll Box makes an appearance.
"Open them, Mimi. They hold a secret. Open the box."
I'm writing this story at my usual perch at the table but of course, in my mind's eye I am there, on the porch with my Papa and we are planting pansies and the sun is hot and the leaves are falling and I don't want to leave. We are having such a lovely day. All is right and he has chosen to visit me now. I don't want to break the spell. I don't want to open the box.....but it is there. It is there in front of me, on the table.
A visit from my grandfather.....
A Changing Queen In An Upside Down World
I just posted peace globe #1467. Brava to the blogosphere.
A visit with my father.....
"All that matters at this moment is my spoon on the side of the bowl, his careful buttering of my mother's pan-fried cornmeal and the wink. Oh the wink. ....
"Sometimes a Queen's gotta do what a Queen's gotta do. Do not try this at home.........
The moment had arrived. I was dressed and ready for action. It was time to descend the stairs and face the muddy music. Lizards or no lizards, somebody had to rescue Baby Jesus, who by this time was lying face down in a pile of water in the bottom of the closet where his manger shouldn't have been in the first place. And it was all my fault! And then it happened.... "
Baby Jesus wasn't the only one naked. If You See A Naked Blog proves the point. "This blog does not fall far from the tree."
How To Unfunk A Queen......a true story and a light bulb moment on men and then wrote a post about my terminal funking. Go figure. Bloggers had to go into blerapy (that's blog + therapy for all you non-blog speakers).....It was just sad.
Ice Cream and Questions......
"Why does God make people and then take 'em back?"
I looked at the innocent face staring up at me by the sink of unwashed toys. And this in the middle of a conversation about ice cream and found rubber balls in the grass? Out of the blue. No warning. Dear Lord, I silently prayed, don't let me mess this up. "
Beatles and Bad Moon Rising
I kind of miss that feeling.
Throwing Myself In Front Of A Train Is An Option (another midlife dating disaster)
Of Love And Dollar Bills......
I memed a lot, photographed a lot, talked to myself a lot, wore Jackie O's glasses and revisited a man I loved and lost. John Mayer's "Say What You Need To Say" took on a brand new meaning.
Son Of A Preacher Man, It's On Fire
"What's Your Favorite Drink?... A Saturday 9 meme about drinking. My favorite hobby. NOT. But I tried.
"I thought a flaming cocktail might be nice. "How to pour 5 martinis at once while on fire"... What I've been missing in my life!" .... I love Dr. Pepper. When my date showed me the square bottle I thought it was pretty. And square. Like me. Perfect! What could be better than a sweet almond drink with an Italian name? Sort of like my date....but I digress.
It tasted just the same so I drank a lot.
Justine's Butterfly flew by.......
Don't Mind Me, I'm Just Having A Conversation With Myself
If You Are A Guy, Do Not Read This Post! (The Purse Meme)
" I can't tell you how many boyfriends I lost simply because they could not put up with my purse swapping. Ready for dinner, dear? Yes, handsome. But wait, I have to switch my purse. Purse swapping is a relationship deal breaker. So now I just carry a versatile all-weather-boyfriend-purse while engaged in boyfriending. Things work out better that way. Until I change my clothes. Sigh."
What I Came To Say
"He was fifty years old and I loved him.
But I hadn't always."
September 2008
I did.
Just hold my purse and take it like a man.
I Do Not Intend To Sleepwalk ~ Remembering 9/11
He was crying. 'Mom, people are jumping from buildings.'
"All I needed was a bar stool and a sideways cross-legged pose, my mother's lip plumper to execute my finely tuned pouting-while-flirting look (ala innocent deer in headlights face) and a willing
" They had no business turning me -and my camera - loose in a hardware store."
He never knew what hit him.
Best Friends With Barbie ~ A Saturday 9 Meme
Why do I let her talk me into these things??
But the bathroom walls were just lovely.
Baby Boy's bubble bath changed my perspective and a new President-elect changed the world.
"You don't want them to fight, do you?
If you're not careful, Baby Boy, they'll end up in a war." I could see the wheels turning in his mind ....did I do something wrong, Mimi?....
Staring at me with suds on his face he asked,
"What's a war?"
Oh God. I didn't want to tell him.
No Lollipops??!!
Can you guess what I'm holding in my hand?
The voting booth was not prepared for the Queen's arrival.
November 2008
Peace Globes and the hope of change.
Watching History As It Happens ~
The lollipop gig paid off.
My candidate, Barack Obama, made his way to the forefront of history. Never in my life had I been as enthralled with and addicted to campaigns, speeches and issues as during the past year. I've watched all of his speeches on YouTube by now and bought several books to learn all I can about him. He is man who believes, and I quote, "The power of words still matter."
Dona Nobis Pacem dawned November 6th ....
The Maybelline Mirror of Life: Oh Lucky You ~ Introspection strikes again. I can always find it in the bottom of the lipstick tube.
I'd Like A Sexy Brain To Go, Please
Exactly nowhere.
Just call me Mimi Dot Dumb.
Happy Birthday, Baby Boy saw pirate cake and swords. He was a sight.
"After one week of losing his summer sleep to ride an hour in my car at the crack of dawn - with music blasting all the way - and mingle with very old people volunteers and stir canned creamed corn in a pot for an hour he said, “Why didn't you just send me to REAL jail?! I hate this!”
Mama's Jail: A Thanksgiving Story
A hodgepodge of me in transition - on so many levels.
Cuddling 101: Pay attention.
Cuddling is something you do accidentally (yeah right) in the middle of the night when your feet are cold.
It is not a scheduled activity.
It is what naturally happens after what naturally happens happens naturally.
Baby Boy's In A Plane, Mimi's In a Panic
"When I get in the air," he said, " the cars and the trees and the houses will look like toys. They'll be reeeeaal little."
"Right, Sweetie."
"Will I be little too?"
Maestro Mimi Strikes Again
She looked at me with an I-wish-I'd-never-met-you glance and continued to pull on the door latch. It was just stuck. "Well," she fumed, "we can't walk into that room in the middle of the piece and take our places in the choir. We'll just have to wait until it's over and pray somebody sings our part. Maybe he won't notice it's not us." "I don't think he's going to forget he cued a missing soprano, Smarty Pants," I said. "We're in deep doo-doo."
Chicken Soup Is Not A Projectile ~ Ten Reasons I'm Not Going To The Inauguration
The Christmas Meme via Sunday Stealing ~ "I stuff myself in a stocking and call it a day."
"It's me. He insists that my name is not Susie, but Susan. He will not call me Susie."
At this point I am laughing hysterically - we both are on the floor laughing hysterically.
"You spent $82.00 for THIS??"
"I am so relieved this relationship is over," she said.
"Me, too. But whhhhhhyyyy?" I asked.
"Now I don't have to mop my kitchen floor."
Whew! What a year. It was exhausting just re-living it the last couple of days to put this post together. But I'm glad I have the condensed version. When you see it all on one page, it puts it in perspective. Never let it be said, even in abbreviated moments, that I am short-winded. I wouldn't want to lose my Pencil Skirt job, now would I?
I need another nap.
Happy New Year to all!
Copyright © 2008 - 2011 Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved.
What a year you've had! I've enjoyed reading all of your posts, Particularly 'What I came to say' That one really touched my heart.
I have a little something for you at my blog.
Wow. And again. Wow.
That was a lot of work but then again, that was a lot of year! I found myself thinking that it couldn't possibly have been last January that you were out sniffing for snow as it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that you wrote that post but apparently it was. Where does the time go?
May 2009 give you the chance to write about romance, kisses, and cuddling (with or without flannel)!
Oh no, not short -winded at all, Your Long-Winded Majesty!
And full of hot air... er, I mean, you write with the airs of Your Royal Hotness!
2008 was a great blear! (That's... oh, you know...)
Happy 2009, my friend!!!
: )
Yep, and most of us have been right here with you during this entire year. Great job honey.
Have a terrific 2009. :)
What a great round-up! A lot happened in just one year Mimi.
Here's wishing you good health and happiness in 2009 and lots more blogging my friend. xx
Mimi, you never fail to impress me when I stop in. This year end wrap up was AWESOME. Yes, I see that not everything was great last year, but such is life, no??? The special moments make the world a real miracle.
Yes, you are FAR more than a meme Queen. You are also a gifted writer and blogger. Incredible post, my friend.
Who knows what may be in store for 2009. That's the beauty of life though .... infinate possibility. One thing I do know, I'll be here to check up on you, as well as all of your fans. Happy New Year Mimi, may the Dr Pepper flow freely (( smile ))
What a Wonderful World
Have a terrific day and a very Happy New Year my dear friend. Big hugs. :)
Looks like I didn't miss much! The concrete driver, though. *cringes* I bet you couldn't wait to make your escape! I'm very much looking forward to a whole new year of your adventures. :)
Wow, that was a pretty busy and productive year. Good luck for 09.
The year in a have had a lot to do!
Happy New Year!
Babs - Thank you. I think What I Came To Say and Blue Whales and Bubbles are my most vulnerable posts of the year. I can't read either one without crying.
I appreciate your visit and comments this year more than you can know!
Linda - You know, I'm not "looking" for the flannel cuddling but if it happens, great!
And the same to you my dear.
Ferd - You are learning the Queen's English quite nicely (blear...ha ha). I am not, I am not, I am not, I am NOT long-winded...see?
Sandee - You sure have and I love you for it.
Akelamalu - Happy New Year to you as well, my friend from across the pond!
Eric - I may have "Dr. Pepper" for New Year's in just a few hours as a matter of fact.
I have enjoyed your bloggy friendship this year and look forward to 2009. Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for your kind words.
P.S. Eric - Are you going to start singing What A Wonderful World? Yes? Yes??!!
I hope so.
That would be lovely.
You too, Sandee - Sending you a hug and raising my glass to you.
Autumn - Adventures I shall give you! Happy New Year.
Charles - And to you the same!
Jeabn-luc - Nutshell being the operative word. I knew what you were thinking!
Great post! I feel like I didn't miss a thing...since I stopped in for the recap.
Have a wonderful 2009!! : )
PS - Love those boots, and I'd like a sexy brain to go as well! ;)
Scarlet with the fiery red hair - Love it! Nice to see you. Intelligence in men is such a turn on to me. Am I the only one?
I think not.
I did a post very similar to this of course yours is more elaborate LOL than mine...I am exhausted reliving your year...but it is a great way to get caught up
wishin you a happy new year
The year went fast. Enjoy your night. Happy New Year, Mimi...
How did I miss commenting here before the New Year? At least I can be your first post of 2009.
Here's to firsts...
Heh, only Mims could lose the top of a tree! *LOL*
Happy 2009 to you dear queen!
A wonderful recap of 2008, Your Majesty.
The year flew by for many of us, it seems.
I remember these wonderful posts, except for the vacuum cleaner one and your friend, Barbie.
I bow to your prolific-ness.
May you have a wonderful and healthy 2009 ~~
Georgie - I'm exhausted too! Thanks for reading.....
Bud - And to you.
Don - To you as well.
Tish - I started not to tell the story but...well....the daft does not fall far from the tree, as it were.
Patti - Then you kept up with my life better than I even I did. I admire your succintness, Your Princess-ness.....
That was a great recap! Don't fret, by the way, if I were a word I would be "uh-oh" =)
Starrlight - Then here's to more 'uh ohs'.....we wouldn't wanna miss out on that!
Well that is good, cause I am currently doing a 3 part post on my European vacation at age 16. All because of one facebook convo about Karaoke =)
Starrlight - I'll put it on my must-read-blogs list. Looking forward to it. Let me know when the flashback begins! I don't have "Facebook convos." What am I missing? I can't even keep up with Twitter. Do you Twitter too?
So much to do, so little time!
Part 1 rolls out Monday the 5th =)
I actually am better about Facebook status updates than I am about Twitter. I always forget about Twitter!
Happy New Year, Mimi, my dear friend!
May you be blessed with much happiness and many joys in 2009!
May the world be blessed with Peace & Justice in 2009!
That was quite the retrospective!
Happy 2009!
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