Saturday 9: Best Friends with Barbie
Crazy Sam wants to know about friendships, specifically best friends this week in the You've Got A Friend meme. I've never shared her with you before. She's a unique lady. Thanks, Crazy Sam, for reminding me just how special she is. I'd like you to meet her as well.
1. Who is your best friend?
My best friend's name is Barbara. This is a recent pic at her sixtieth birthday bash at the O'Henry Hotel restaurant. She is still the most beautiful woman - inside and out - that I have ever known.
2. How did you meet?
We met at a church service in the 80's where I was singing. Her husband was a Quaker minister at that time. Since I've never been a Quaker I have no idea how we ended up in the same service but I'm so glad we did. We went out to lunch with a large group of people, struck up a conversation, and the two of them became our "couple friends" for many years during my once-upon-a-marriage.
We had a lot of cookouts, beach trips, dinners out and tending to little ones in the early years. I sang at both her children's' weddings. One was in this candlelit castle.

3. How long have you known each other?
Nearly 30 years. At times it seems longer. And no matter how long it's been since we spoke, we always pick right up where we left off. I can absolutely tell her anything without fear of judgment or worrying about confidentiality. I will always remember one night in the 90's when I was having a particularly rough time with my teenage boy and a failing marriage. 
I would do the same for her in a heartbeat.
4. Have you traveled anywhere together?
You mean besides the mall? Oh. Well....There were the infamous beach trips with our spouses. Over the years she lost the title of Preacher's Wife while I lost my "wife" title altogether and we're still best friends - even post-divorce which isn't always easy to do when the husbands were close friends as well.My favorite trip was without our husbands. I hope they aren't reading this...
We took a crazy road trip once to Pennsylvania and explored Amish country, visited friends there and talked nonstop with two other girlfriends in the car.
Of course, we got lost on the way up (and back) which added to the drama.
You can't get into a lot of trouble in Amish country, but we tried.

You can't get into a lot of trouble in Amish country, but we tried.
5. Did you ever have a problem over a romantic interest that you shared?
Definitely not. Although she has a LOT to say about my single life and holds nothing back. I won't share! She has an uncanny ability to see straight through a person from the onset. I carry her around with me on every date (like I've had a lot lately. Sigh). But if I ever need her, she's a phone call away with her special vibes..... She should bottle that stuff.
She's been married to the same man for three hundred and forty years. The dancing Quaker man to the left seen here.
How could I not approve?
7. How long since you have seen your best friend?
During the summer..too long. When I started this meme and found the pic of her party, I started missing her and picked up the phone. We talked for an hour. That is why this meme is late!8. Do you remember each other on birthdays and holidays?

You can never celebrate prissiness enough.
9. What is the biggest fight that you have ever had?
We've never had a fight. It is not in her nature. Not to say we don't disagree. Politically we are at opposite ends of the spectrum but that is not anything to fight over for Heaven's sake. I respect her open-mindedness and we respect each others' varying opinions.If I told her today "I'm moving to Ecuador to live with a traveling wine salesman with a tattoo," she'd say "Whatever you think, dear. I'll be here when you return!" (smart aleck) Seriously, we've both mellowed over the years and evolved tremendously - having seen each other through lots of trials (some joys, some not). I can't imagine ever finding anything worth fighting over enough to lose our friendship.

I love you, my friend.
Uhh...have you found my website yet?
Uhh...have you found my website yet?
I've always wanted to go to Amish country....sounds like you have a wonderful friend! Have a great Saturday, MiMi :)
You did yourself and Barbara proud with this post. Great writing...
Nurse - She is awesome.
Bud - She says hello....and thank you! You know how much she means to me.
look you have a nice friend! Thanks for the visit.
What a wonderful post about your BF! My best friend is Misty. I don't know what I would do without her!
You know your friend is your BFF when they love you without judgement. Rare... in my personal experience.
My BF is my Honey... I lucked out!
Every girl needs one of THOSE girlfriends.
ladynred- She's the best and always has been.
Tammu - It must be great to have another blogger as a best friend. My Barbara does not blog. It is totally foreign to her.
Anndi - I do think that is a rare thing. I am lucky to have a couple of friends in my life with that quality. You are lucky to have found the love of your life AND your best friend. It can happen.
Don't get me started...
Songbird - It only takes one and it is priceless to me.
Thirty years is a long time.
My two best mates and me, we've been mates ten years and thats rare in this day and age, so thirty years- that's something special.
What a lovely post about your friend. And having silly birthday parties is the best!
It appears your friend is the best gift you can give yourself.
I loved this post on your thirty-year friendship with your BFF. I have a thirty-five year friendship that I cherish beyond description.
She sounds like an awesome friend. Such a great post Mimi!
I envy your friendship. Having moved around so much in my life, I haven't been as blessed. Thanks for sharing her with us, Your Highness.
Strangely, some of my closest friends have been women. I miss having someone I can confide in. My closest friend now lives about an hour away, and he's going through so much junk in his life it's hard to get time with him.
Mimi- You and Barbara have been best friends as long as Colleen & I. Sometimes it takes a turn where it seems like we are more like sisters. We went to Amish country and couldn't get into trouble either!! On more than one occasion I might add. The night life stops at 6pm there. LOL!
Enjoy your beautiful friendship. It is a blessing just like mine is.
Definitely sounds like a friend for the ages.
Ingsock - It is! Friends like this are rare. Sounds like you have great friends too.
Kwizgiver - I agree about the silliness.
Queen - Good point and so true.
Julia - The memories go on and on....
Shannon - I love her so much.
Lee - I can tell you'd make an awesome friend. Some of my best friends over the years have been men and share a special friendship with a guy right now as a matter of fact!
I'm sure your friend misses and needs you as well.
Jodi - I do consider her a blessing.
Charles - She's always been there for me!
your bestfriend it so lucky to have you! :)
I really enjoyed reading your post.
Wow Mimi you have the bestest friend in the whole world!! Except for mine of course. I have a few and could never pick one over the other!! Love this post, thanks for sharing her!
Hugs Giggles
A friendship like that is absolutely priceless. :)
Excellent post with some gigglies.
Barbie sounds like an absolutely wonderful friend! I'm happy for you!
I have a few of our mutual friends that survived the divorce. I'm grateful for their understanding and acceptance. And I'm grateful for my even fewer soul brothers. Life would be much harder without true friends to share it with!
Thanks for sharing Barb with us!
Barb sounds like a gem,very lovely lady! You are both very fortunate to have found each other and formed such a wonderful friendship.I can only hope my friendships endure time and life's adventures as well. =)
Mimi, You are so lucky to have a best girlfriend like Barbara. I don't.
I envy you.
My best friend airhead!! Get it? It's Ralph.
Mimi,it has taken me six months to muster up the courage to post on your blog. Afterall, how does one respond to a blog that displays such an honor, my exceedingly talented best friend. Thank you. I love you, Barbara
Barbara!!!!! - SMOOCH! You told me you were going to do this. I knew you'd find a way and figure it out. Do you see how everyone here admires you? I know how special you are. It was my honor to share who you are with my blog friends.
I love you.
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