How To Get Your Peace Globe
One subject
One day
1. Choose any graphic on this page.
Sign and design the template anyway you choose.
Examples of previous peace globes at
2. Send the finished globe to and/or TAG Mimi Lenox on social media
3. Post it anywhere online November 4
Title your post Dona Nobis Pacem (Latin for Grant us Peace)
Write about peace or simply fly your peace globe. hashtag #blog4peace
Technically challenged? FREE peace globes made for the graphically challenged. Just leave a comment that you need one or email me. A peace globe worker bee will assist you.
Why? All peace posts are collected and housed together in a gallery of peace. Your submission will be numbered and dated in the official gallery with a link back to your original peace post, earning a permanent spot on the Official BlogBlast For Peace website.
That's it! You've been a voice. You've blogged peace.
If you'd like to read about the history of this movement, go here.
BlogBlast4Peace Videos are on our YouTube channel
Your peace globe and post will be assigned a number and placed in the Official Gallery.
By participating in BlogBlast4Peace aka Blog4Peace you agree that your peace globe and links may be displayed on other social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Digg, Instagram, wherever peace bloggers are online, and shared across the Blogosphere and Internet in the name of peace and in the spirit of promoting this work. They may also be used in printed works and publications online and elsewhere by the founder of this movement, Mimi Lenox, in creating published works about the Blog4Peace movement. If you do not want your peace globe shared and made accessible to others, let me know. Otherwise, please understand that this movement is all about spreading the message. Thank you for being part of this incredible community of peace bloggers.
© 2006-2023 Mimi Lenox
All rights reserved
All rights reserved
Blog4Peace™ BlogBlast For Peace BlogBlast4Peace™ Blog For Peace ™ peace bloggers™ I Am a Peace Blogger™ peace blogger ™ Post4Peace™
Our Peace Store
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Hello, I got your invite this morning . I have posted a blog telling folks about this and got my globe and count down up flying high.I've signed up at facebook invited folks there and at bloggers_unite ,too.
Got 1 question what does "sign the Mr. Linky on that day" mean??
Let me know if there is something else I should do to prepare.
peace ,terica
Terica! Thank you so much for promoting so heavily. I hope you enjoy BlogBlast For Peace day.
"Mr. Linky" means that on my main page there is a register to sign at the bottom of the post that will be there on November 4th. You'll see.
So nice to have you in the movement.
Hi Mimi
I'm guessing it is deliberate, but possibly it's not...
When you click on a picture normally, you go to a big version of it, which is good to save to file and work on, and is usually much clearer than saving the picture on the page (as these here).
When I went to click on the peaceglobes here, so I could do this, it instead links to other pages on the website...
Would it be better to have it link to the bigger, better image, which are usually better quality as well?
(However, if this is deliberate, please ignore :-) )
would really like to pawticipate, but just tech challenged to know how. Will post the image tomorrow, but cannot understand how to do more. I am so disappointed, what a wonderful peace endeavor. So sorry, Mom and Savannah
The e mail address for you won't here is my blog link.
Jane Chris and Family.
i'd love to add "I'm a peace blogger" on my blog, but I'm not sure how to.
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