History and Philosophy
November 4
Bloggers from all across the globe
will blog for peace.
We will speak with one voice.
One subject
One day
Bloggers from all across the globe
will blog for peace.
We will speak with one voice.
One subject
One day

Not all of them blog. Many blog peace on Facebook and Twitter. All have earned a special place in my heart.
They continue to amaze me with their inspiration and dedication to the peace globes, which now fly in 60+ countries and countless provinces and cities across the world. They are housed in an online gallery here and shown daily throughout the year on thousands of blogs. Every November 4th - which is my grandfather's birthday - we fly them in unity. We launch a new BlogBlast For Peace. We hear new stories. We welcome newbie peace bloggers. We learn about the world around us, how alike we all are, how human. It is a beautiful thing to behold.
This man, my Papa, is the reason I hold tight to the peace globes. Read his story below. I wonder if he knows what an inspiration he's become to so many... long after he left this world. I wonder if he knew that earth wrapped marble would become a symbol of peace and hope. He was that to me. And now he is that to you.
Papa's Marbles ~ How It All Began

Because I believe in the inherent goodness of people, deep down, to do the right thing. If I didn't, there would be no reason to hope for change. In our individual trials and collectively as humankind, there has to be a spark of goodness in every soul. We were made for greatness.
We won't get there without the goodness.
Peace bloggers are good folk.

The posts have already inspired me and so any others. Many people posted their reasons in Facebook statuses each day. It was amazing to see. The year of 2012 peace globes will bring something new as well. Peace bloggers are always coming up with new ways to spread the word.
I don't know what force led me to find a blue globe graphic and throw out a peace challenge. I don't know what manner of spirit or luck or destiny led me to my grandfather's marbles that night.
But there's a certain inexplicable electricity that accompanies faith fueled with the audacity to believe in something bigger than yourself. This movement has a power all its own.
I respect that.
Our motto remains the same
If words are powerful....then this matters.
Please join us.
How To Blog4Peace The short version: 3 STEPS
How To Blog4Peace The short version: 3 STEPS
1. Save and Sign. Choose any graphic on this page. Right click and Save.
Decorate it or leave as is.
2. Send the finished globe to blog4peace@yahoo.com or TAG Mimi Lenox on Facebook
3. Post it anywhere online November 4 and title your post Dona Nobis Pacem (Latin for Grant us Peace) hashtag #blog4peace #blogblast4peace
We are a beautiful community of peace-lovers. Thank you for being here.
©Mimi Lenox All Rights Reserved
Blog4Peace™ BlogBlast For Peace BlogBlast4Peace™ Blog For Peace ™ peace bloggers™ I Am a Peace Blogger™ peace blogger ™ Post4Peace™
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