Mimi's Message In a Bottle Meme
UPDATED LINKS as of April 8, 2008.
is up and running. Check it out to find your bottle and messages from all over the world. There are already 224 bottles floating in the blog ocean.

I'm feeling creative. A new day. A new meme! I hope you like it.
**Start Copy
Here are the rules:
You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not.
What message would you like to send out to the universe?
Message In A Bottle Meme
1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle 2. Right click and Save the graphic below
3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Post the meme and these rules on your blog
5. Return your "Message In a Bottle" to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at yahoo.com, sign the Mr. Linky below and leave a comment HERE telling me you've finished. IF YOU WANT YOUR MESSAGE TO BE ANONYMOUS PLEASE SAY SO.
6. Tag a minimum of five people - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.
Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the blogosphere ocean for all blogernity (That's a Mimism for blog + eternity.) I will add it to the master list of message bottles. Participation is optional.
Just remember I have a dungeon.......and some of you are STILL there from the Band Meme. What am I gonna do with ya? Have fun!
You not have to be tagged to play! I will add your blog to the list when you let me know you've completed the meme. Check back often to copy the updated list below for maximum link love. Enjoy.
Message In A Bottle Meme Participants ***(as of March 19, 2008) 1. Mimi Lenox 2. Mar 3. Hahn At Home 4. Comedy Plus 5. Carver 6. Lynt 7. Witty Writer Gal 8. Speedy Cat 9. Daisy The Curly Cat 10. http://grottynosh.wordpress.com/ 11. Misty Dawn 12. hanna 13. Mel Kaye 14. mary/the teach 15. Stacey 16. The Mama Bear - Penelope Anne 17. Crazy Working Mom 18. Mama Pajama 19. Jersey 20. Coffee2go 21. The Evil Blogger Twin 22. Pimp Your Blog 23. napaboaniya 24. Coffee Counter 25. Vixen 26. Akelamalu 27. Autumn 28. love,poetry and chat 29. DeeJay 30. Desert Songbird 31. OneLuvGurl 32. BlogBlast For Peace: The Official Site 33. Dating Profile Of The Day 34. Cookie Sushine 35. Kathi 36. Dottie 37. Travis 38. Linda 39. Idaho Daily Photo 40. Old Crone 41. AAL 42. trinity 43. hanna 44. Lesley 45. Leonard Blumfeld 46. Jamie 47. Kelly Cat's favorite human 49. Opinionated Black Woman 50. Writer Cramps 51. Just About Scrappin 52. This That And The Other Thing 53. My So Called Site 54. It's All Good 55. Drowsey Monkey 56. gt281 57. JB's Small World 58. Bijoux & Banter 59. Everyday Healy 60. Reba's Run 61. Tell Me About It 62. Are We There Yet?
63. And Miles To Go Before We Sleep 64. Buffy 65. Rach (Heart of Rachel) 66. Monday Morning Power 67. Lunes 68. Alasandra & The Cats 69. Barbara 70. ~* ♥ Fallen Angel ♥ *~ 71. barbara in France 72. Julie's Blog 73. Tarheel Ramblings 74. Roberta 75. deep down the heart 76. Judd at The Rising Blogger 77. Sandee 78. Hello....Is This Thing On? 79. Momto3Cubs 80. Just Write 81. Pet Monologue 82. A Simple Life 83. Life Is A Roller Coaster 84. Leaping Before I Look 85. Your Caring Angels 86. On A Limb with Claudia 87. Sarah Spelled the Right Way 88. The Backwoods Drifter 89. Rose' World 90. Jo Beaufoix 91. Another Desert Rat 92. Caught In The Stream 93. Anyhow Blogs 94. Dixie's Heart and Soul 95. Wonderland Or Not 96. Marie Millard 97. Asara's Mental Meanderings 98. That Grrrrl 99. In Search of Life 100. Mimi Lenox 101. Laketrees 102.Amel's Realm 103. Clumsy Mommy 104. What She Said Too 105. Maryannaville 106. Odat's Mumblings 107. Much Of A Muchness 108. Late Bloomer Boomer 109. Mighty Mom 110. Blue Dreamer's Top Five 111. california is a recipe for a black hole 112. Balitang Kalye 113. Twisted Sister 114. Life and Adventure 115. PinayMama's Diary 116. Amazing Life 117. Terri Terri Quite Contrary 118. Run Away Thoughts of EMZ 119. Points of View 120. Filipina In Hawaii 121. BryningBunny's Challenge Page 122. Modern Musings 123. Sacred Ruminations 124. O'Ceallaigh & The Quill 125. Leaf Float Down River 126. Expressions and Thoughts 127. Chanel's Journey 128. Mickey's Musings 129. Castle of Nannbugg 130. ....on the Wall 131. Nyumix's Blog 132. ValleyGirl 133. Bits and Pieces 134. Apples of The Eyes 135. Trav's Thoughts 136. Kids, Cats, & Books...What Else Is There? 137. No More Mr. Nice Guy 138. Just Another Day In....Paradise? 139. moms......check nyo 140. Meezer Tails 141. When Silence Speaks 142. Wandering Consciousness 143. Mom Knows Everything 144. Hootin' Anni' 145. Julie's Jewels and Junque 146. New England Lighthouse Treasures 147. The Random Forest 148. Happy Life 149. Ramblings of An Idle Insomniac 150. Dana's Random Blatherings 151. Field Of Dreams 152. Royal Kitties 153. Small Reflections 154. Foster Me Up 155. Oh I've Got The Blues 156. Keep Fondly In My Mind 157. The Starr Ann Chronicles 158. Blogger Happy 159. Clean and Simple 160. Journey to Authenticity 161. Screw Perfection 162. The Morning Meeting 163. Foxxfyrre's Honk 'n Hollr 164. Choc Mint Girl 165. Betty's This and That 166. Kellementology 167. Crowns and Daisies 168. Slavery Bliss 169. Julie Pippert: Using My Words 170. Rose of Sharon 171. Minority Kills 172. Fil-Am Never Ending Stories 173. Valerie Joy 174. Isis Dominguez Lahora 175. Etavasi 176. Space of Reality 177. Will Think 4 Wine 178. Cap'n Dyke Lesbian Pirate Queen and Rogue Blogger 179. Mother of Shrek 180. Bogie's Wonderland 181. The Calalilly Space 182. Zaius Nation 183. Bits and Pieces by Jan 184. Precious Moments 185. Tertium Quid 186. Titration 187. Comedy Plus 188. When Your Only Tool Is a Hammer 189. Maya's Window 190. Our Two Little Princes 191. Strange But True 192. Awestruck 193. Pinay-At-Heart 194. The Big Leather Couch 195. The Cookie Sheet 196. Memoirs Of A Chaotic Mommy 197. Managing Autism 198. Find Out What Jen Finds 199. Hobbies & Such 200. Life's A Dance You Learn As You Go 201. Norte 202. Warmstone 203. Real World Mom 204. Chronicles & Tales Unlimited 205. The Beacon 206. The Best Is Yet To Come! 207. Luz de Luma, Yes Party! 208. Rojoy's Daily Update 209. Secret Agent Mama 210. Weird Sanctuary 211. The Furry Bambinos 212. The Kat House 213. Emila's Illustrated Blog 214. Larry Hnetka Goes Hhmmm 215. The Salty Mooch 216. Teacher Julie 217. Missybw 218. Andrew 219. Mya 220. Jeff B 221. Ida 222. Anything Goes! 223. Hani Ali 224. Teeni
63. And Miles To Go Before We Sleep 64. Buffy 65. Rach (Heart of Rachel) 66. Monday Morning Power 67. Lunes 68. Alasandra & The Cats 69. Barbara 70. ~* ♥ Fallen Angel ♥ *~ 71. barbara in France 72. Julie's Blog 73. Tarheel Ramblings 74. Roberta 75. deep down the heart 76. Judd at The Rising Blogger 77. Sandee 78. Hello....Is This Thing On? 79. Momto3Cubs 80. Just Write 81. Pet Monologue 82. A Simple Life 83. Life Is A Roller Coaster 84. Leaping Before I Look 85. Your Caring Angels 86. On A Limb with Claudia 87. Sarah Spelled the Right Way 88. The Backwoods Drifter 89. Rose' World 90. Jo Beaufoix 91. Another Desert Rat 92. Caught In The Stream 93. Anyhow Blogs 94. Dixie's Heart and Soul 95. Wonderland Or Not 96. Marie Millard 97. Asara's Mental Meanderings 98. That Grrrrl 99. In Search of Life 100. Mimi Lenox 101. Laketrees 102.Amel's Realm 103. Clumsy Mommy 104. What She Said Too 105. Maryannaville 106. Odat's Mumblings 107. Much Of A Muchness 108. Late Bloomer Boomer 109. Mighty Mom 110. Blue Dreamer's Top Five 111. california is a recipe for a black hole 112. Balitang Kalye 113. Twisted Sister 114. Life and Adventure 115. PinayMama's Diary 116. Amazing Life 117. Terri Terri Quite Contrary 118. Run Away Thoughts of EMZ 119. Points of View 120. Filipina In Hawaii 121. BryningBunny's Challenge Page 122. Modern Musings 123. Sacred Ruminations 124. O'Ceallaigh & The Quill 125. Leaf Float Down River 126. Expressions and Thoughts 127. Chanel's Journey 128. Mickey's Musings 129. Castle of Nannbugg 130. ....on the Wall 131. Nyumix's Blog 132. ValleyGirl 133. Bits and Pieces 134. Apples of The Eyes 135. Trav's Thoughts 136. Kids, Cats, & Books...What Else Is There? 137. No More Mr. Nice Guy 138. Just Another Day In....Paradise? 139. moms......check nyo 140. Meezer Tails 141. When Silence Speaks 142. Wandering Consciousness 143. Mom Knows Everything 144. Hootin' Anni' 145. Julie's Jewels and Junque 146. New England Lighthouse Treasures 147. The Random Forest 148. Happy Life 149. Ramblings of An Idle Insomniac 150. Dana's Random Blatherings 151. Field Of Dreams 152. Royal Kitties 153. Small Reflections 154. Foster Me Up 155. Oh I've Got The Blues 156. Keep Fondly In My Mind 157. The Starr Ann Chronicles 158. Blogger Happy 159. Clean and Simple 160. Journey to Authenticity 161. Screw Perfection 162. The Morning Meeting 163. Foxxfyrre's Honk 'n Hollr 164. Choc Mint Girl 165. Betty's This and That 166. Kellementology 167. Crowns and Daisies 168. Slavery Bliss 169. Julie Pippert: Using My Words 170. Rose of Sharon 171. Minority Kills 172. Fil-Am Never Ending Stories 173. Valerie Joy 174. Isis Dominguez Lahora 175. Etavasi 176. Space of Reality 177. Will Think 4 Wine 178. Cap'n Dyke Lesbian Pirate Queen and Rogue Blogger 179. Mother of Shrek 180. Bogie's Wonderland 181. The Calalilly Space 182. Zaius Nation 183. Bits and Pieces by Jan 184. Precious Moments 185. Tertium Quid 186. Titration 187. Comedy Plus 188. When Your Only Tool Is a Hammer 189. Maya's Window 190. Our Two Little Princes 191. Strange But True 192. Awestruck 193. Pinay-At-Heart 194. The Big Leather Couch 195. The Cookie Sheet 196. Memoirs Of A Chaotic Mommy 197. Managing Autism 198. Find Out What Jen Finds 199. Hobbies & Such 200. Life's A Dance You Learn As You Go 201. Norte 202. Warmstone 203. Real World Mom 204. Chronicles & Tales Unlimited 205. The Beacon 206. The Best Is Yet To Come! 207. Luz de Luma, Yes Party! 208. Rojoy's Daily Update 209. Secret Agent Mama 210. Weird Sanctuary 211. The Furry Bambinos 212. The Kat House 213. Emila's Illustrated Blog 214. Larry Hnetka Goes Hhmmm 215. The Salty Mooch 216. Teacher Julie 217. Missybw 218. Andrew 219. Mya 220. Jeff B 221. Ida 222. Anything Goes! 223. Hani Ali 224. Teeni
Grab this code for a scroll box version of the above links..
63. And Miles To Go Before We Sleep 64. Buffy 65. Rach (Heart of Rachel) 66. Monday Morning Power 67. Lunes 68. Alasandra & The Cats 69. Barbara 70. ~* ♥ Fallen Angel ♥ *~ 71. barbara in France 72. Julie's Blog 73. Tarheel Ramblings 74. Roberta 75. deep down the heart 76. Judd at The Rising Blogger 77. Sandee 78. Hello....Is This Thing On? 79. Momto3Cubs 80. Just Write 81. Pet Monologue 82. A Simple Life 83. Life Is A Roller Coaster 84. Leaping Before I Look 85. Your Caring Angels 86. On A Limb with Claudia 87. Sarah Spelled the Right Way 88. The Backwoods Drifter 89. Rose' World 90. Jo Beaufoix 91. Another Desert Rat 92. Caught In The Stream 93. Anyhow Blogs 94. Dixie's Heart and Soul 95. Wonderland Or Not 96. Marie Millard 97. Asara's Mental Meanderings 98. That Grrrrl 99. In Search of Life 100. Mimi Lenox 101. Laketrees 102.Amel's Realm 103. Clumsy Mommy 104. What She Said Too 105. Maryannaville 106. Odat's Mumblings 107. Much Of A Muchness 108. Late Bloomer Boomer 109. Mighty Mom 110. Blue Dreamer's Top Five 111. california is a recipe for a black hole 112. Balitang Kalye 113. Twisted Sister 114. Life and Adventure 115. PinayMama's Diary 116. Amazing Life 117. Terri Terri Quite Contrary 118. Run Away Thoughts of EMZ 119. Points of View 120. Filipina In Hawaii 121. BryningBunny's Challenge Page 122. Modern Musings 123. Sacred Ruminations 124. O'Ceallaigh & The Quill 125. Leaf Float Down River 126. Expressions and Thoughts 127. Chanel's Journey 128. Mickey's Musings 129. Castle of Nannbugg 130. ....on the Wall 131. Nyumix's Blog 132. ValleyGirl 133. Bits and Pieces 134. Apples of The Eyes 135. Trav's Thoughts 136. Kids, Cats, & Books...What Else Is There? 137. No More Mr. Nice Guy 138. Just Another Day In....Paradise? 139. moms......check nyo 140. Meezer Tails 141. When Silence Speaks 142. Wandering Consciousness 143. Mom Knows Everything 144. Hootin' Anni' 145. Julie's Jewels and Junque 146. New England Lighthouse Treasures 147. The Random Forest 148. Happy Life 149. Ramblings of An Idle Insomniac 150. Dana's Random Blatherings 151. Field Of Dreams 152. Royal Kitties 153. Small Reflections 154. Foster Me Up 155. Oh I've Got The Blues 156. Keep Fondly In My Mind 157. The Starr Ann Chronicles 158. Blogger Happy 159. Clean and Simple 160. Journey to Authenticity 161. Screw Perfection 162. The Morning Meeting 163.Frank's Honk' n Hollr 187. Comedy Plus 188. When Your Only Tool Is A Hammer...
Visit Mimi Writes often to repost the newest Message In a Bottle links to your scroll box. Edit until you like what you see. You can resize the box, change the font and font size. End of code.
I will add you to the scroll box and list above.
New Buttons!!
Go HERE to see all the bottles floating in the blog ocean. The site is called Message In a Bottle. If you're feeling completely anonymous you can follow the rules there instead or do both!~Want a button for your blog? Grab this code for your sidebar and check back often to see the message list growing and keep up with all the cool message bottles!

I tag these Bloggers (still in the dungeon........) Bond's Big Leather, Hammer ,
This is mine and a few of my friends'.
Is this not hysterical? From Colin at Life.

Sandee's from Comedy Plus! The girl wants to stay out of the dungeon.

Copyright 2008 Mimi Lenox All Rights Reserved
Message In A Bottle
Message In A Bottle Meme
(at left...from Carver)
What posted on Mimi Writes one year ago today? We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Vacation
Copyright © 2008 Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved.
I must think hard to come up with a good message...
cute meme
will need to think on it
Mine's scheduled to publish this afternoon!
This is a great idea and I'm going to do it soon. I'll put my name in linky after I do it.
Great Idea Mimi, I'll do it then put my name on linky when I've posted. x
We will get on it!
Awesome Mimi. My post is up. See how I fear that dungeon of yours?
Mimi's Message In a Bottle Meme.
Hi Mimi, I posted my message in a bottle. I enjoyed doing this. Take care, Carver
Sandee, Carver, Lori: Your memes are great. Insightful, funny, creative. Great job!
Bond, Katherine, Bud, Daisy, Akelamalu: I know they'll be special!
Excellent meme idea. I'll put my thinking cap on...just as soon as I remember where I left it.
Dang cats probably hid it under the bed.
done. and my first meme on the new blog. heh heh. i liked this one better than the album.
Tagged by Hahn at home. Love the idea, thanks!
...and I thought you were still mad at me ... HOOORAY!! I like this meme. You know, when the queen of memes tags me, "I FEEL LIKE A BLOGGING CHAMPION" :-)
Thanks for including me. I bet you cannot guess what my message will be. Odds are 5/1 in Vegas.
"I'll be baaack" (like Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Meme is done here. I will will duplicate at my main blog as well, ping technorati, message tags .... all that tomorrow. Tonight I am out of gas!
Thanks again,
Eric from "Speedcat Hollydale"
I did it, I did it!
Cute idea - I´ll post mine tomorrow!
I read Daisy's, which sent me here. Her's is great :)
Whew - I've avoided the dungeon once again ;-)
My message in a bottle is at www.mistysmusings.com
I'm completing the meme now. However, may I make a suggestion. Include the people who have participated in the section that everyone copies. Also, suggest that everyone make regular visits to your site to update their lists. This way the "link love" continues, you get a large bump in readership and everyone can see everyone else's entries.
I'll let you know when mine is completed.
Hi Mimi,
I'm done: http://mondaymorningpower.blogspot.com/2008/02/mimis-message-in-bottle-my-entry.html
Take a look at how I set up the section to copy. All you need to do is to add the "frequent visits" to yours and have everyone come back to copy paste the most current list. This is for everyone's benefit.
Do you have a button the participants can put on their site, like you did with my Big Bang. If you are not sure how to create it, I can make one for you. Just let me know. info@mondaymorningpower.com
What a great meme! I enjoyed this one! :-)
Mimi, Love this meme! Sandee tagged me. Mine is Up! Work of the Poet
Okay, Mimi here's mine.
This was too fun! Sandee helped me with the graphic...what a sweetie! I've got mine up now!
As promised - my message in a bottle is floating!
My message is ready to go:
Message in a Bottle
I caught something strange... the outcome is a message in a bottle!
Hi Mimi,
In regards to your button...
First, I have already added it to my site.
Second, I have a couple of suggestions:
1. It's too big....make it a little smaller.
2. Take out the word "meme."
3. Make it enticing for someone to click on it. How about:
"Message In a Bottle"
"Come Join the Fun"
My heading for your badge is "An Abundance of Creativity"
Travis - The cats are cute. And mischievous.
Lynt - I'll be there soon to check it out! Thanks!
Witty Writer Gal - I saw yours. It is wonderful.
Speedcat - Why do I think I'm going to see a chicken?....
Daisy - Are you wearing frilly pink?? I want to see!
Sanni - You know how I love that picture of you! I think we should start a petition to get you on the cover of that magazine.
Grottynosh - The Keeper of My Dungeon? I don't get it. Splain please.....
Nancy - Thanks for stopping by!
Misty Dawn - Don't you want to spend some time in Bloggingham? The dungeon isn't soooo bad.
I'll even cook!
Mel - I've taken your advice to heart. Great suggestions. There is now a button.
Stacey - Great! I wasn't sure how this would go over but it's really going well.
Teach - I'll be over soon.
Tish - On my way.
Thrivingat30 - That Sandee is a such a sweetie. I can't wait to see it.
Sanni, Evil, Jersey - You all three crack me up. Wonder what it is....
Mel - Duly noted. Thanks.
The bottle has been duly tossed into the ocean ... you can find it here ...
Message in a Bottle Meme
Done! I'll post it for tomorrow (Feb 21).
Thanks for this wonderful meme. I needed it to "spill out my beans".
I was tagged by MaryT.
I've done mine here.
My message is posted here!
have a wonderful day :)
ookie dookie DONE!
take care ;0)
I just throw my bottle in the North Sea here and hope it arrives well !
You are so creative. This is a great idea. Mine is up at vixensden.wordpress.com
I fell back on music, as usual. The first thing I came across that struck me. Yay! How fun! :)
Finally done!
I posted mine! :)
I posted mine and then totally forgot to tell you, LOL! Ooooops!
Ok I'm done. Posted mine, signed Mr. Linky and now leaving a comment. I think I got it. :)
I have mine up Mimi!
Very Cool Meme!
Hi Mimi... mine is up.. and I think this is cool!
This is an amusing idea. Mine is up at Will Write for Food.
My unbottled message is up at World So Wide.
The dungeon was looking way too dank, cold, and frightening. My bottle is up at Durward Discussion
It was that new guy you hired named Sweeney that provided the inspiration.
I'm seeing some amazing messages out there!
Great game! I have done mine!
Hi Mimi. Thank you for starting this wonderful meme.
Sanni tagged me to do this meme and I'd like to share my message in a bottle with you.
Phew my message is done have a look here http://bijouxandbanter.wordpress.com/2008/02/22/message-in-a-bottle/
At least I don't have to be punished now.....
We hope you like ours.
~The Cats
My silly little message is posted.
Hi Mimi,
Open the dungeon door; mine is up on my blog and you also should have my e-mail.
A big challenge for me...Paint & I are not yet the best of buddies.
You have the greatest ideas and I think that this is going to also have a huge impact.
Take care my friend.
Hi Mimi,
I got my message posted. Would you add me to your list?
Julie's Blog
Can I get out of the dungeon now? I finally finished the meme. I know I'm a slacker, but it was my first offense.
I haven't come up with a creative/insightful/inspiring message yet, but in the meantime, there's a fun meme I just posted on my blog. Give it a go, if you're so inclined! :)
Done! And it was fun!
Great idea, thanks for this.
Here is My Message In a Bottle.
done with my wish! hope you can find time to visit my site"deep down the heart"
Hi Mimi-I hate to be picky, but would you be willing to take the \ out the name of my blog on your post? Right now it looks like "Julie\s Blog"... Thank you soooo much!
So many messages! Hooray!!!
And the Queen looks so "wavy" *g*
Hope you don´t mind I´ve included your Bottle MEME into my Sunday Suggestions -
Happy weekend!
Yvette - I shall come and see.
Rachel - I saw and it is already up on the site. I love it!
Bijoux - No punishment for you!
Alasandra - I'm sure we will love it.
Barbara - I love silly messages!
Barbara in France - I think you do fine with your Paint skills. You're a new blogger and learning lots of things. It's up on the site already. Thank you!
Julie - I shall be right over.
Lee - Your first offense, eh? I'm not so sure about that....
Cindy - I will check it out. You'll think of something.
Roberta - Glad you enjoyed it.
Ellen - I will be there today. Thank you.
Julie - Done! I don't why that happened but it did with several people. Thanks for pointing it out.
My message has been posted, after being tagged by Desert Songbird. Was a fun idea, thank you!
mimi! love this meme. we would have responded a bit sooner but the folks here were planning, executing, participating in a birthday that ended in a ZERO — with a big number in front of it! as a result we have many bottles! but we will save one to consummate your meme and it has been set adrift. yes...
Hi Mimi! I enjoyed this tag. Come and see my message here:
Hello Mimi,
Just stopping in to let you know I did the meme. I don't know if I did it right But I did try. God Bless:)
what fun, i'm going to do mine right now :)
I have done mine. I just couldn't get the message in the bottle. I guess I need to get a graphic program to do it.
Love and Blessings,
Excellent meme. I've completed my message and am enjoying perusing the other words of wit and wisdom floating with the flotsam and jetsam that is the blogosphere.
I've finally done the meme Mimi....
now I'm going on a long holiday to a desert island :)
Hi Mimi,
My image is sent via email and my post is up. Thanks!
Hi Mimi
Thanks so much for adding mine. I think it's such a lovely and fun idea. So glad Akelamalu pointed us in yur direction. :D
LOVE the idea. I've always thought that Message in a Bottle is a romantic thingie he he he...I've just added mine! ;-D
Mimi I can't possibly do this one until next mid week. Would that be too late? I have to work the next 3 days and have too many photo jobs to finish. And I am already doing a promised meme on Saturday? I'm sorry. I will be thinking of my message if next week will be okay.
Wow!they are all good message!I 've added already :)
Please free me from this cold, dreary, *AAAA CHOOOOOOO* creepy dungeon... I've got my message posted.
I just did one,looks like you have your hands full.
Great idea.
Ok, got mine up today.
Ok I've done it too!
Kila - Songbird is the best. Glad you enjoyed it.
Petmono - I like the idea of "consummating a meme"...very poetic! Your site is awesome.
A Simple Life - I love it!
Sindi - You are a jumping green frog! I'm sure you did great!
elena jane - I loved yours!
Rose - Thank you and do come again. I shall be over...
Angelbaby - I sent some help your way. Glad you liked it. Thanks for playing along.
another desert rat> - Aren't they wonderful?
Kim - That kind of vacation sounds heavenly. Let's all go!
franscud - I saw your lovely bottle, poem, and artwork. It is up on the site already.
Great work.
Jo - You did s wonderful job with yours as well.
Amel - It is sooo romantic.
Deama - No worries.This meme is going to continue to spin. Whenever you have a chance. And good luck with your photography this week.
Sweetiepie - I have been inspired all week!
Dixie - You are free!! It wasn't soo bad down in the dungeon. Was it? Bwaaahaahaaa
Cooper - You can say that again. It's been awesome.
Odat - How are you doing, sweetie?
Done! It was the best fun :)
Hi Mimi,
I have mailed my image and have posted the meme on my blog. Cheers.
Cooper tagged me. Have posted. Will email image a bit later today. Cool idea. But your site seems to have issues with Firefox running on a Mac (sigh).
This is cool! I have mine but I don't have a program that will put my message on the picture of the bottle!
I finally made it, after several pop-up.
Thanks Mimi! I've done this at A Simple life, but I would love to do it here too. I'll be back. Have a blessed weekend. ;)
Hi Mimi, thanks for dropping by my site with this lovely message in a bottle meme, looks like fun! :)
All done and posted.... Thanks for the great meme.
I've done mine too, tagged by Aisha, this is the link to my message: http://farahb.blogspot.com/2008/02/genie-in-bottle.html
phew, finally out of the dungeon!
Dawn - Yours was awesome!
Arv - Got it all the way from India.
Amoeba - I'm sorry you're having troubles with the site. I'll try to work on that.
aisha - I took care of that for you. It's up!
Toby> - Thanks for participating. It was great!
Liza - Yes, I have Simple Life. Please let me know when you do the other one so that your site can get proper credit.
mariuca - Hope you enjoy doing it.
jo - I enjoyed reading yours as well.
farah - I loved your "genie" take!
Nola Dawn - You know you love my dungeon, girlfriend!
Cooper tagged the amoeba and I at our joint site, and he put a message in a bottle up there. I also created one up on my own blog. I'll send the image after dinner. (Yep, it is still early here in Rainbow Land.)
I followed Quilly and the Amoeba. Took a look at the meme and knew I had to play. Thanks.
I finally did mine! Sorry about how long it took.
My Message Meme is posted at: Message in a Bottle at Seguin Island Lighthouse
Seems my surprise post fell into another Black Hole at Technorati?
Fortunately, a digital wormhole has opened up to: To the Lighthouse Excellent Award
I left my message here http://www.therandomforest.com/2008/03/02/meme-message-in-a-bottle/
Thanks for the Meme it's a great one!
I hope some of the people I tagged carry it on.
Hi, Mimi! This is an interesting meme. I've just inserted my message in a bottle...
Tag: Message in a Bottle
As I indicated in my previous comment here, I've posted another Message in a Bottle at my other blog, Small Reflections. Thanks again for facilitating this wonderful idea!
Hugs and blessings,
Brilliant. I keep thinking I'm going to come up with something clever like this. But I never do. *sigh* Anyhoo, I posted mine today! Have a gr8 week.
I just managed to publish mine ! [http://maniaravings.com/blog/oh-ive-got-the-blues/]
Thanks Mimi for this clever meme !
Hi Mimi. Great meme you got. It's cute and I had fun doing it.
Posted mine in my for tags & awards blog: http://keepfondlyinmind.blogspot.com
please do check it. thanks :] keep those great ideas and memes coming! :]
btw I was tagged by Bluedreamer27:
thanks again :]
Let us out of this dungeon, dammit. I'm claustrophobic and Starr Ann's starting to like the place.
Fun one, Mimi.
i love this meme because i'm a believer of the "law of attraction" this is what i want to send to the universe:
thanks again. this is great!
I know it's about time, but I was busy on a cause last week. My message is here.
Quilly - It's up! I love it.
I Dive - I really enjoyed yours as well. Thanks for playing.
Tammy - No worries. This meme is (hopefully) eternal. No rush. Just peaceful bottles floating in the ocean.
Debbie - The ghost story was fabulous that went along with your meme. I so enjoyed it! Lighthouses....ghosts....mermaids....bottles...you should feel right at home Miss Dolphin.
Forest - People seem to be going forward with this. Amazing!
Choc Mint Girl - I'll be right there!
wildcat - I saw it! Love it! Its already in the ocean.
storyteller - Your #2 bottle was just as wonderful as the first one! Thanks for putting hte buttons on your sites as well. And especially for doing all the commenting you've been doing. It means a lot.
Chuck - Thank you. I hope you have a nice week too.
Jaffer - I shall be there soon. Swimming over now....
twinks2 - I did find yours. Great stuff!
Margo - Well, when you put it that way. I would never argue with a cowgirl.
Thea - I'm a believer in that Law as well!
Epiphany - Your cause was a worthy one and well done. No rush on the meme. I appreciate you playing. It's a great bottle!
Message heaved into th'BlogSea, Mimi.
Th' Cap'n
Inspirational idea!!
it's interesting...i've posted it
Hi Mimi,
This morning I decided to throw another bottle into the ocean. I've just posted and am about to contact my tags. I don't know what has happened because now I see that my original bottle is no longer listed. I can't even find my original comment, but I did receive an email from you listing my first bottle as number 38.
I've had a button promoting your site on my blog for weeks.
I really like the idea and liked my first bottle so much that I came back to do it again.
Hi Mimi,
I can't locate my original bottle. It was listed as #38 and is still posted on my blog along with a button promoting my site.
I enjoyed it so much that I created a new one this morning.
Love this!! Thank you!
Hi Mimi,
I went back to check my original bottle. It was listed as number34 and has now disappeared somewhere in the ocean where no one can find it unless they just happen upon my blog. It was a very simple inspirational thought so I am assumming that it was not pulled on purpose. Inquiring minds would like to know?
Hi Cookie! Your bottle was not eaten by sharks. It is listed as number 32 here...http://sendmessageinabottle.blogspot.com/2008/02/message-32.html
Here's my comment on your original submission (which was very inspirational!)"Your message bottle is now afloat in the vast blogosphere ocean. You are Message In a Bottle #32.
Feel free to toss in a bottle whenever you feel the urge to send a message. The blocean is always open.
Thank you for displaying the button in your sidebar! I have new buttons on my site if you'd like to see. I appreciate it so much."
Please check again. If you still don't see your bottle #32 please let me know. Bottle #38 is Bears Mountain. It's possible I typed in the wrong number when I sent you the email. If so, I'm sorry.(I've been a little soggy lately)
Rest assured, you are still floating along....
Thanks for promoting on your site. The word is really spreading.
I just posted my second bottle, as promised! :-)
I posted and Linky'ed my first one... may do others as this meme is so very coooooool!!
Link to post: http://weirdsanctuary.blogspot.com/2008/03/meme-in-bottle.html
This was fun! We just posted on our blog!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Hi Mimi!
This was fun to do :) I've just posted mine.
Link : Message In A Bottle
Hi Mimi! Have done the meme, here's the link:
Emila Yusof
Hi Mimi! I've got another (new) blog I'm adding to the Message in a Bottle ocean! Madison is happy to go for a swim, since she is known as "The Salty Mooch"! :-)
Hey Mimi,
My message is done :D Here's the link:
I Send An S.O.S. To The World ...
Done, and in the ocean. This is really cool!
Thanks for making one of the easiest memes ever! Fun and quick!
Just put mine up to further pollute the blogospheric ocean.
Oops, forgot to sign here too. I put mine up on the 19th. The link is in the Mr Linky thingy.
Jen - I love it!
Stacey - I shall post it soon!
Meredith - You are in the ocean swimming with the other lovely and peaceful bottles.
Furry Bambinos - You are so cute!
Nessa - Your bottle has been tossed! Thank you! It's awesome.
Emila - I will be there shortly to make sure yours got tossed in too!
Larry - Got it! It's great!
The Salty Mooch - I'm glad that Madison is happy in the salty ocean.
missybw - And floating along peacefully until someone finds it and is inspired.
Andrew - You're welcome. It is great fun for me. I'm so glad people are enjoying it.
Meme, That was fun. I hope I did it right. Why are people in the dungeon? Please don't put me there, I hate the Dark!
Hello Mimi. I was tagged by Tish at The Kat House for this meme. It was fun. Mine is posted at http://vtroom.wordpress.com/2008/04/05/message-in-a-bottle/
Hi, Mimi,
Thanks for starting and maintaining a fun meme. Storyteller is the one who got me going on this. :)
just posted mine here:
Here is a contribution from my Gratitude site. Come and get it!
Isn't about time that you made a Gratitude contribution???? You can be a blatant as "I'm grateful to everyone who has contributed to my yada, yada, yada." And put it in one of you own bottles. How's that for an idea.
hey. i'm done with mine. but it's kinda lame compared to others. hah.
I'm done with mine too!! =)
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