BlogBlast For Peace Is Here ~ November 6, 2008 (How To Get Your Peace Globe!)
The next Blog4Peace will be NOV 4, 2014. Join us!
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Welcome to BlogBlast For Peace - The Fifth Launch! Dona Nobis Pacem in the blogosphere is upon us again. These three Latin words which literally translate "Grant Us Peace" have become a mantra for an incredible dialogue and exchange of ideas that happens twice a year. It has also become my hope that the simple words we find scrawled on the face of our peace globes and blogs sink heavily into our hearts and collective consciousness to infuse and ignite us, as a people with a voice for change and a vision for peace. And then, one day soon, they will spill over into new territories, stepping off the blog page alone and inspire us to action in our homes and communities. It's already happening.
Dona nobis pacem is not just for the blog galaxy - it's for my everyday life - and an ever present part of the evolution of change I hear in my own personal mantra of choices and beliefs.
In June we began a Revolution of Words.
In November 2008 let's continue the revolution and begin an evolution....
one in which the power of our words manifests intrinsic change and expands our compassion for and understanding of people everywhere,
dictates a respect for diversity,
and calls me - and my neighbors -
to a place of peace.
In November 2008 let's continue the revolution and begin an evolution....
one in which the power of our words manifests intrinsic change and expands our compassion for and understanding of people everywhere,
dictates a respect for diversity,
and calls me - and my neighbors -
to a place of peace.
That is the hope I have for myself. It is my hope for you.
If words are powerful....then this matters.
If words are powerful....then this matters.
The History: The Peace Globe project began in the fall of 2006 with a simple post from this blog. The post ignited a flame in the blogosphere. The flame became a passion. The passion became a movement. It amazingly traveled from blog to blog across the globe until it has now reached 38 countries nearly every state.

BlogBlast For Peace #2 June 2007 "Dona Nobis Pacem"
It happened on my blog. It happened on your blog. It happened all over the world. It is positively inspiring to watch. The simplicity of three Latin words on a globe and bloggers writing amazing articles on what peace means to them.
Simple. And powerful.
Visit the official gallery and find your official number! There is a post dedicated to each peace blogger with a links back to your blogs.
On November 6, 2008 bloggers from all across the globe
will blog for peace.
We will speak with one voice. One subject. One day.
will blog for peace.
We will speak with one voice. One subject. One day.
How To Get Your Peace Globe
Here's how to do it in 4 easy steps!
Here's how to do it in 4 easy steps!
- Choose one of the four Peace Globe designs shown below. Right CLICK and SAVE in JPG format.
- Sign the globe using Paint, Photoshop or a similar graphics tool. Decorate the globe anyway you wish. You can even include the name of your blog. Click here for hundreds of inspiring examples from previous BlogBlasts.
- Return the peace globe to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at and sign the Mr. Linky below. Let me know your blog's name and url by leaving a comment here. Your submission will be numbered and dated in the official gallery . Your globe and post will be listed on the Official BlogBlast For Peace website and The Peace Globe Posts page.
- On November 6, 2008 DISPLAY YOUR GLOBE IN A POST. Title your post "Dona Nobis Pacem" - Latin for "Grant Us Peace". This is important. The goal is for all blog post titles to say the same thing on the same day. Write about peace that day or simply fly your globe. Click here for examples of peace globe posts from previous BlogBlasts.
If I believe that words are powerful......then this matters.
Widgets,Badges and Information! Please grab one!
Choose a color, size and style for your blog. If you have trouble with the code or size please write and I will help you.
(There are several to choose from in my sidebar as well.)
**Today's Mimi Writes Dona Nobis Pacem post
**Today's Mimi Writes Dona Nobis Pacem post
And at 9 pm EST that night......

I will be a guest on The Doctor Anonymous Show
We'll wrap up Peace Globes Day and take your calls at 9pm EST. I'm excited!
Thank you, Dr. A, for inviting me.
NOVEMBER 4th was a blast with Dr. Blogstein!

Other Related Links: Blue Whales and Bubbles Sharing My Heart The Official Site of BlogBlast For Peace The Peace Globe Gallery Happy Birthday, John Lennon Voices from Iowa Peace Globes Came Calling ~ On Television? Monday Mimisms ~ Why? What Have You Heard? Wild Peace
BlogBlast For Peace logo and concept is the sole property of Mimi Lenox copyright.
Copyright © Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved.
Well it looks as if my google reader has kicked in just in the nick of time. Fortunately that feeds into my blogroll too.
Glad you put the count downer there as that means I have 57 days to get my act together.
Best wishes
Looking forward to another spectacular day of hope and celebration.
we'll be there honey!
smiles, bee
My Peace Globe is already in your capable hands. Looking forward to another wonderful BlogBlast for Peace. Big hug and losta lovies. :)
I'm in! Thank you for all of the work you do to make this happen.
It's a pleasure and a privilege to connect in peace with people from all over the world.
I am in, more than ever !!
Thank you for this great idea and all the work you did for us !!
Great work, Mimi!
We're doing one again!
I'll be joining in on both of my blogs. I'll post something about it soon and get the globe back in my sidebar soon too. Thanks for all your efforts!
Yay for peace globes! I think I'll do something really different this time. I'll have to cogitate on it.
will try to get my peace globe done soon...
I'll be there of course!
It's becoming a natural part of Fall, isn't it? How extraordinary.
You know I'm in.
Maddy - Laughing at your "i have 57 days to get my act together."
Jeff - I feel sooo celebratory about this launch. Very much so.
Bee - I have no doubt. Will you be reigning on the high seas this time?
Sandee - You are the first!! I'm going to post it too.
Carol - It's amazing the connection that happens..I said it's "magic" and I mean it.
Gattina - Thank YOU.
Ferd - Welcome to BlogBlast For Peace.
Gandalf - You are two of the coolest cats EVER.
Carver - Your father's painting of the angels really inspired me last time. It is one of my favorite globes. The history behind it makes it so meaningful. Thank you so much for participating my friend.
Marilyn - I shall await your cogitation!
Ciara - Your globe was animated and sparkly last time. I loved it! How are you going to top that??!
Akelamalu - Smooch to my friend from across the pond.
Margo - There is no stopping....
Travis - I know. Thank you for offering to make peace globes for people. I will make sure to mention it. Do you know what you're saying???!
Not lost on me that I discovered this post on 9/11.
I'm looking forward to another Blogblast for Peace Mimi, and will begin work on my new globe. Btw I love the Blog for peace buttons.
Have a great weekend~
*yay* My countdown is fly'n; now, I begin my globe which shall be spectacular I'm tell'n you. Good go'n girlie.
Peace out.
Star - Special indeed.
Ann - Looking forward to seeing your globe. I went to your and discovered you'd placed a logo on your blog. Thank you so much!
Chuckie - Spectacular it will be I'm sure! Cause that's just you ya know....
I'm taking a hiatus to Italy/France/Monte Carlo during this peace globe time but I would do one for you if it wasn't for that. I am afraid my blog time will only be late at night setting up pictures and notes for my husband back home. But may I show one of yours, like the tie die I love, on my sidebar so that people can come see yours and the others?
The Couch is on board and the countdown clock and banner are flying!
looking forward to the Blog Blast yet will be an interesting week to say the least!
Deana - You take whatever you need dear. I would love for you to show it on your blog in your absence. And have a GREAT time. We will await the pictures. You will be emailing me, won't you? How exciting!
Bond - Your heart is peace globes too. Yes, indeed. Smooch.
Katherine - The timing is uncanny, isn't it?
This should be a great day to celebrate. Perhaps my peace globe may not be spectacular, but it has a message with bite I hope!
Peace on earth, such a rare event, sadly
Let's do our share every little bit matters
Thank-you Mimi
I'm thankful that I can be part of the BlogBlast for Peace project.
Hi Mimi, thanks for the invitation. So now am in. :) i blogged about this and a badge on my sidebar. am still working on my globe and i will email it to you in a lil while.
this is such a great idea. too bad it's just my first time to join.
Thanks for vdrawing my attention to this action for Dona Nobis Pacem, I am happy to join the BlogBlast for Peace project. It's a great idea.
I'll be getting ready for the Dona Nobis Pacem soon and will email you :)
This time I'll be taking part for my 3 blogs...Peace!!!
Have emailed you my peace globes.
Participating sites @
Its Not a Weekend;Its a Lifestyle & Napaboaniya APAD
Wonderful!!! I'll be participating on both blogs again this year ... maybe all three!
Hugs and blessings,
Don't know how I will top the last one Mimi! But I will try and I will suggest Blogblast on Creative Photography when I get off vacation.
OK I have mine up Mimi, sending it to ya now :D
Looking forward to Peace Globes this year! Our banner is (has been) on the sidebar!
~ The Bunch
Hi.. I'm not sure if I'm commenting in the correct place, but just wanted to let you know I'm taking part, and just emailed you my peace globe!
Sent in my globe...I'm ready for this!
Greyscale - Yes, it does! I love it!
Madeleine - I love new peace bloggers. Welcome.
April - Welcome to the movement. Glad to have you here.
Arlene - I'm sure you will find it rewarding and always is to me. Thank you for joining.
reader wil- Your globe is wonderful. Thank you for being here with us.
Picturing - Got it and I will be right here!
Napaboaniya - I have already hinted on my blog that your peace globes are spectacular. And they are!
Storyteller - Hope to see you here...I enjoy doing memes with you.
Roger - Nobody in the blogosphere doubts that you will come up with an incredible peace globe. Thank you for all you are doing to promote.
Have a wonderful vacation!
Cats Goats Quotes - You guys are true blue peace bloggers. Purrrr....
Paula - Got it! It looks great! Welcome!
Ashley - I did receive it and I applaud your speediness. You are ready! Welcome to the movement.
Mimi - Thanks SO much for the invite. I would love to be a part of it. I posted a widget on my page and left my "linky" above. I'll do the globe and email it to you.
Thanks Jodi!
Thanks for the official invite, Mimi! I had seen one of the widgets at Bud Weiser's blog and was going to participate. Now it's official!
Hi Mimi! Thanks for the invite. I'm putting up the widgets first on my two blogs while I'm working on my peace globes and hopefully it'll be up in time for the big day.
Keep it up and great job! Will invite my other friends to join in too.
Take care!
I just grabbed a globe and I'm all in. This is an inspiring idea. Thanks for inviting me.
I just made my globe for 2008. Thanks Mimi! Peace! :-)
Thank you for the invitation, Mimi. I will be very happy to display the globe on November 6th. It is a wonderful idea.
I'm so honored to be part of this, I missed the last time because I didn't know html from hot mail from hot flashes back then!
I hope you like my globe.
Thank You!! for all you do.
Kwiz - Glad you are here!
Wapsicle - You are a sweetheart. Thank you,
Gal - So glad you are participating! I enjoy your blog very much.
Tricotine - It is really lovely.
Bobbie- I can't wait to see it!
Mel- I will definitely check it out. It's always nice to see you.
Dianne - hotmail to that was funny.
Honoured to be part of this
I was a part of it last year, and this year I knew I had to keep it going. Thanks mimi. :)
Just added a Blog Blast for Peace countdown banner on my blog. Thanks for your inspiring work, Mimi.
I found out about BlogBlast for Peace from the blog "what if this is good as it gets?". I would LOVE to participate. I've put a countdown clock on my blog (Fly Away Home - and on my MySpace page ( I've also emailed you my Peace Globe.
Thanks for what you are doing!
Ruth - Honored to have you.
Chica - People tell me that once they start it, they have to participate each time. The comraderie in the blogosphere is amazing. There are people who actually stay home from work!
Princess - I just visited you and I thank you. Also for the MySpace banner. We need people on MySpace to spread the word. Thank you!
LadyBug - Oops. It's you who has the MySpace page not the other princess above you. Sorry! It looks great! See you on the 6th!
Count me in!
hi again Mimi! I don't see if you actually ever receivecd my globe. I am trying again to send u a link. I think what you're doing is so wonderful. :)
Hi Mimi, I wrote you a long e-mail. I would love to see everyone come sign my petition. This is such a wonderful thing. I am amazed at the power we bloggers have. I would imagine we could get world peace if we all banded together. I think a blogger could be President! I have posted my globe proudly!
This is a wonderful idea.
I'm in! Thanks for reminding me!
Sojourner - I soooo look forward to reading your post.
Lucy - I did receive it yesterday and it will be in the gallery shortly!
Eric - Welcome to peace globes. I really like your site too.
Prin - You're welcome. See you then!
This is the second time for me. Once again, give peace a chance. :)
We're proud and honored to be a part of this memorable event... soon it will reach one and all.
I am in again (fourth time). I just wrote a post that I hope will generate a few more participants. Thanks for all your hard work with this very worthy venture Mimi!
globe done - emailing it post haste
I'll be participating of course. But as usual, I'm surprised over how few (considering how many bloggers there are out there!) bloggers that are participating.
Too busy to demand Peace? Never. One has to TAKE the time needed - and it's not much.
No wonder we still have wars....
I suspect that one thing that can hinder some bloggers is that they got no skill or not in the mood to make their own globe image. OK, it's enough to just sign it or something, but you know, people wanna be the best :-)
So maybe there shouldn't be any demand that you MUST have to make an own peace globe?
Another option could be just to grab a public one and write a post the specific peace day?
Blogger's like choices. This is such an important issue that I think that one has to be as wide open as possible for alternatives to make it spread more.
Maybe even have some sort of competition in the beginning of the "Peace season", of bloggers making a lot of public Peace globes to share with them that won't make their own?
People like to win competitions...
Just a thought :-)
This is awesome I will definitely be there :)
For that I'm back on "blogging-track" I'm really looking forward for next blog blast!
I'll be there!
I just grabbed the button
Big hugs from Germany,
I just sent you this year's Peace Globe, Your Highness. I hope it meets with your approval. I've started writing my post and it will be ready on the 6th.
Hi Mimi,
I e-mailed my peace globe plus a link to a post I've done on my blog. See you all on the 6th!
Peace from Manila, Philippines.
Mimi, let's go!!
Salutos de Brazil!!
Looking forward to it. My Peace Globe is on its way.
Are November 6 Peace Globes being posted before November 6th?
Seems like my notice of Memeification {Meme Mummification ;~))} of the Blogblast For Peace Meme was discovered wrapped around a Technorati Black Hole. The Blogblast For Peace Meme has been added to my latest post!
I emailed you my globe yesterday.
working on my post and peace globe today Mimi :))
hi. dropped by ur site a little late so will be back tomorrow to copy the blast for peace... nice one..
Hi Mimi, my globe was emailed. Thank you for tagging me:-)
count me in Mimi! glad to be part of blogger history! peace!
Okay, just emailed you two Peace Globes. One for the Pet Purrs & Purrayers blog and one for Missy, KC and the rest of the cats.
We haven't missed a blog blast since you started them.
Looking forward to the big day.
Imagine world peace - I'm happy to participate!
I got tagged by Jackie Hooper and happy to be here and join the meme!
emila yusof
I didn't want to miss out - it's a wonderful opportunity!
Will be sending my globe soon...
This seems to have a good head of steam! Keep up the great work and full peace ahead...
I also participating in this meme. Nice work :)
I just sent you my globe! I am very excited to participate again.
Hi mimi
What a fantastic idea. Il'l be sending my globe as soon as it's done. :-)
Hi, I sent you my image, my URL is, also mentioned in my e-mail. Is that all I need to do for now?
hi there, i sent you my image... :) my Url is
it's nice to be a part of a meme that means something... :)
What a wonderful project ,,,I am exciting to be a part of it~!
Peace ~
My Peace Globe is almost ready. See you all on the 6th
I just joined and here's my peace globe as well.
just left you an email - will be putting my peace globe up on my blog and link to here.
I don't see my name on here. I thought I had joined but maybe since my site was down and I had to rebuild it all over again, I forgot. Please add me to the list. I am all for peace! Thank you my dear friend.
Love and Blessings,
This is a first for me. I have emailed my globe and have signed Mr. Linky. I sure hope it works because I think this is awesome.
Sweet Praline and Mom Paula
Mine's in the mail!
Lowdown from Lois
Thank you for including me
smoochie kisses
Thank you for this!
Holistic Mama
Just made my peace globe and I'll be posting bright and early on the 6th.
Sorry for the delay, but I would NEVER ignore a tag from the queen.
My globe is up...
i'm willingly to join this meme..
here is my post..
and the globe that i already decorated and designed a bit.. :)
i am blogging for peace
the world has changed overnight
just think how much better the world will be after tomorrow
Hi Mimi...LOVE your blog!!!
Awesome idea....I will blogging for peace tomorrow! :)
I noticed on your scroller you have many countries and states listed and I didn't see my home state North Dakota so I'm checkin in for ya...blogging for peace...YAY!!!!
I'm looking forward to my first-time participation in this. With som many people focused on peace, who know what we can accomplish!
See ya tomorrow :)
Rushing to get my act together Mimi.
Hi Mimi:
I just e-mailed you my globe. i know, it's a last minute, but I will fly it proudly tomorrow.
Mines up Mimi! Happy Holidays to you as well as a awesome BlogBlast! :D
I think I commented in the wrong post... Anyway, I just emailed you our Peace Globe and it is scheduled for tomorrow at our blog.
Peace & Purrs,
I wish I'd found this earlier. I want to be a part if this. Thank you for making it possible.
I just noticed how many of the backlinks are mine.
Well here's one more:
Dona Nobis Pacem
I can't tell you how much it means to be a part of this. Even a small part.
jite raho Mimi... "may you live long".
Sorry - we were a bit late - Karl and Ruis
Donny & Marie - we posted! At!
Casey - I posted too! At
We posted one, too!! Have a wonderful day!
Your FL furiends,
I'm just putting up my globe.
Hope the day is a great success!
Happy blogblast Mimi!! Another success, on the back of a new day!! Hip Hip Hooray!!! I am so excited!
Hugs Giggles
A little late, but better late than never
Hi Mimi, my first Peace Globe is flying high after Tuesday's election here in the US! I hope we can all give peace a chance now.
just posted my blast for peace post, will go to check out others
have a peaceful day!
I am proudly flying my globe! It can be seen here.
Hi Mimi, my peace globe is in my sidebar..where it will stay year round!!
Iago's first peace globe is up!
Oh Mimi - I'm proud to be #254!
I have put up my globe, I signed the Mr Linky, but I'm not sure where or how to send the email to?
Just got in under the wire. I put the glorious globe on 2 blogs, and signed Mr. Linky as Marian Swift and Shalynne (once for each blog).
Many, many thanks for this!
Bit of a typo,sorry, would love to look around at others just home from work. Daughter coming through door with ear splitting scream of earache off to emerg. peace to all as I tend to my little peach.
Oh shit! somebody should have reminded me:(
Just got mine up today. Sorry MiMi! But better late than never, huh?
Just found your blog yesterday through "Around the island" and what amazing things you are doing! I got a globe event though I am too late for the event.
On Monday's I post "Three Sites To See" and yours was featured today. I hope to spread your word and I will keep reading! Congrats on a great project!
We must this year get the OBAMA gifts...
cheers from italy
Many people have asked “What can we do for peace?”
Bobby Pizazz demonstrates that individuals can do a lot for peace just by doing what they do best. In his case, since he’s a musician, Bobby Pizazz sings songs for peace then writes and sings more.
There is no need to stress about confronting politicians or the courts because that is not what musicians do. The answer to the above question is simple.
Just do what you do the best you can and when you get the chance, stand up and let your feelings about peace be known.
Obviously, the government has yet to hear and understand the voice of the people. You would think the calls for peace would be hard to ignore.
Calls for peace compete with other messages for attention.
No organization can go head-to-head with the multinational corporations in the arena of spending money to influence government. Without a doubt, they control the purse strings.
Never forget that We The People have the numbers.
Just keep doing what you do best. When you get the opportunity, speak up for peace and add your voice to the multitudes asking for the same thing.
When enough people call for peace, the call will be impossible to ignore.
With peace and love from Norway:
Dona Nobis Pacem is A Blog Blast for Peace
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