The night shall bear witness to said and unsaid

If the core of my life stays centered in flame
I'll open what give thee
to burn
just the same

from the pruning of heat

in the place where soft slumber sifts wild through my sleep
hold not the dreamer
to manner or verse
who forgot to ask morning w'ere blessing or curse
come boldly entangled
in layers
of red
the night shall bear witness
to said and unsaid
oh never grow weary of brilliance and fire
in the thinly veiled strength of a woman's desire
what passion plays opposite long to a fool?
none I, said the girl in a puddle of moon
lit sun and nights of fragile bliss
when puddles play opposite long to a kiss...
awakening Jupiter, Neptune and Mars
unfolding and tumbling her own to possess
I think the most lovely of words must be

*Photography credit Mimi Lenox*
I'll just be here under my Easter bonnet, embarking on another adventure during Easter vacation.
I will be back Monday May 2, 2011. In the meantime, enjoy Poetry Week on Mimi Writes.
Excellent pairing of words and images. I particularly like the phrase "pruning of heat". Very evocative.
She cast forth her petalsin pools of blue stars
awakening Jupiter, Neptune and Mars
Lovely! Poetry Week? I look forward to it :)
Great poetical language here. Wow. Loved this.
Beautiful pictures, Mimi...just gorgeous! Happy Easter!
good words
ya talk real purty
I’m happy to hear that it’s poetry week
I will look in here to seek
The pleasure that I hope to find
From all of your words and rhyme!
(PS: Those lovely photo's remind me of the paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe on whom I am preparing a future blog.)
Click here for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’
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