Monday Mimisms with Mimi Queen of Memes ~ Why? What Have You Heard?
This has to be one of the most artistic peace globes I've ever seen.
Why? What Have You Heard? is an aesthetic delight blogged by the prolific (and verbose) Mojo from Raleigh, North Carolina. His profile reads "I still have a few years before I attain "charming curmudgeon" status. For now I'm just a churlish disagreeable old man -- don't push it."
I almost did
n't read another word for fear of waking the sleeping curmudge but tossed that idea when I realized that Hey! I'm the one with a dungeon around here and I am long overdue wielding the powers of my pencil I opened his blog with fear and trepidation. Succinctly. In case I needed to make a quick exit. And I find a post on Gandhi and lovely photographs and intelligent writing and half naked candlelit photos at which point succinct just went out the window. Gosh. He doesn't look like a curmudge to me.
I almost did

I'd better stick to the task at hand. This inspirational peace globe was submitted by Mojo yesterday with Gandhi's famous quotation "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" quotation at the top. I love the globes inside the glasses!
We have thirty days til BlogBlast For Peace launch. Exciting things are happening. An individual has volunteered to make a video for YouTube that I know will help move the peace train if not this time, definitely next round (we're collaborating on that
No sense pushing my luck.
Images: Public domain
Aw shucks Mimi... you're gonna make me blush. (Okay, that might be overstating it a little, but seriously, thanks for the props.)
Forty and counting! That's crowding 25% of the world's industrialized nations I think (Right? Somebody check me on that.) All from one blue marble and a woman of vision.
And persistence.
That globe is just fantastic!
Mojo - You deserve the acclaim. It's a multi-layered message within a message. Excellent!
I wish my grandfather could see all these little blue marbles flying about. But something tells me he does.
Akelamalu - I thought so too.
I've encountered a huge snag in my Peace Globe production: I can't find my flash drive! My home 'Puter is too slow to load anything as an attachment & all of my pics (which I need to make my globe unless I borrow other's art again) are on said balky 'Puter. I'm hoping to find the drive under one of the mountains on my desk...wish me luck!
The creativity of peace bloggers never ceases to amaze (and intimidate) me.
That's a wonderful peace globe from Mojo.
I'm glad you opened his blog succinctly. ;-)
That is one righteously wicked awesome globe (that's a good thang!).
Happy Monday!
How wonderful Mimi. Wow, only a month away. I'm so looking forward to being a part of this wonderful experience again. Have a great day. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
Autumn - A woman without a flash drive is not a good thing. Not good at all.
Princess Patti - You are my "succinct" inspiration and you know that.
Lois - "Righteously wicked"...I'm sure he'll like that description!
Sandee - You are always a big part of it and it wouldn't be the same without you.
Just a month? Wow. Peace out. I need new globes...
That is a LOVELY globe! I totally need to have Kidlet whip me up a cool globe. We shall get right on it.
Bud - My how time flies....
Starr - Kidlet always does a great job with her photography. I'm sure it will be wonderful and I love the way you involve her in so many worthy causes.
wow mojo is very creative w his peace globe. he always writes great stories and takes great pics.
Mojo's Globe is fantastic and I also went to see Shambala's animated one. Very cool. I see you have the who cares if you vote video on your side bar. That has got to be one of the best ones I've seen to inspire people to vote. So funny.
Terrific new Peace Globes, Mims!
Now that's an eye catching peace globe. Nicely done Mojo!
Looking at your count down calender, I can see we're inside of the one month mark now. It's gonna be another incredible day my dear.
That is beautiful work! Looks like I'm going to have to get an injection of creative juices before I go to work on my Peace Globe so that it doesn't look like a kindergartner's art project!
Even more exciting is there's another Raleighite (is that right?) in the Kingdom!
I sure I hope I come up with something inspired this time, I'm usually lame but sincere!
Mojo inspired us! Kidlet is finishing our globes and I will be sending it shortly. My banner is up as well!
It's good to see folks coming in early with their Peace Globes. I am still searching for my inspiration, but I have no doubt that something will come to me soon.
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