Send your peace globes to
blog4peace @

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Dona Nobis Pacem In The Blogosphere

Inspiration struck today in the form of memories; stirred by the sight of a single engine plane accidentally crashing into a New York building and further cemented by yet another news story on North Korea's testing of nuclear weapons.
Reality has been harsh today, to say the least.

What can we do?
It started me thinking.

Imagine a day like this.......

You turn on your computer, crank up Blogger or Typepad or Wordpress and you realize that something is very strange.
Someone or something is playing a huge cosmic joke.

Wouldn't it be AWESOME if on one particular day......

All bloggers everywhere signed their blog name across a globe and all posted the SAME POST on the SAME DAY......

What IF.......
every person who clicked through the blogosphere
saw hundreds -even thousands- of posts that said the SAME THING?

What IF.......

every post on November 7, 2006 was simply titled "Dona Nobis Pacem" with a picture of our big beautiful world in the body of the post with each blogger's name screaming a great big GRANT US PEACE?

The Peace Globe

What if......

 we added the power of the written word - and our blog names - to the face of our world?

A world that Rhys from A World of Bloggers has already envisioned as intertwined
  A world that Lizza and Irene take the time to share with us through pictures and beautiful sentiments
A world that Frank saw as having grand artistic potential and merit by inviting people to swipe their blog souls in crayon on a wall
A world, much of which I've never seen, that many of you create for me with words

A world that so many of us have already begun to realize is smaller than we ever imagined

When something catastrophic happens in your neighborhood, I, as your blogger friend and colleague, can draw your hurt a little closer to my own understanding.

Politics, religion, rhetoric and rant make no difference to me in the
cyber cul-de-sac.
We are comrades in community.

A mouse click away from visiting a friend, sharing a cup of coffee over a good read, debating, learning, growing.
Can we affect change by sending a silly graphic around the globe with childlike scribblings and paint-by-number glee?
Will it really matter?
I can only answer for myself.
And if I believe that words are powerful -
then this matters.

If you'd like to help me get the word out, please email. Or simply link this post on your site, in your emails, mention it in your comments. Tell people to save the blank picture above (right-click, save, open in a photo editing program to write or draw on) and simply post it as their daily post on November 7, 2006.
POST IT (with "Dona Nobis Pacem" as the TITLE of your post that day)
SEND your signed globe back to me so that I can be placed in a grand
Don't feel obligated to participate but it would be AWESOME if you did. You don't have to write about world peace that day but it would be INCREDIBLE if you did. Did I mention AWESOME before?
(I'm more than a little excited about this. Can you tell?)

The literal translation of Dona Nobis Pacem from Latin to English is
Grant Us Peace

NOTE: BlogBlast For Peace is always held on NOV 4. Join us! Here's how


HUMINT said...

I agree that there should be peace in the world. I wish more people would go to war for it.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm kind of liking this idea...bloggers unite! Visualize whirled peas!

Reeholio said...

Hi Mimi, what a great idea! I'm keen. Ive got a couple of questions though:

What does 'Dona nobis pacem' translate to? My guess is something like 'World Peace Day' Also why November 7th?

Reeholio said...

...Or maybe Peace on Earth? ;-)

Lizza said...

Fantastic idea, Mimi. Spreading the peace!

Anonymous said...

You are so inventive, Mimi! You always find a novel way of making blogging more fun and meaningful. I'm on this! c",)

Prometheus said...

Yo Mims. This is a bit like digging a tunnel to China armed with a plastic spoon. So much like the life and problems of Prometheus. Ergo, he signs up.

Anonymous said...

I'm in - I love things like this. How do I get the picture? YOu didn't leave your email in the post.

utenzi said...

Interesting idea, Mimi.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I'm definitely going to do this. :-)

Anonymous said...

wonderful idea. I'm marking my calendar!

Mimi Lenox said...

Prometheus...Look at the responses. I think I just got a bigger spoon.

Mimi Lenox said...

Thanks to all you wonderful bloggers who are spreading the word. Keep it up! With a little help from our friends we can make a dent in the universe.

Giggles said...

Found you through the feature on Madds blog, I think this is an incredible idea. All this energy in one place at one time has to make a difference!! Phenomenal plan!

Peace and giggles

Anonymous said...

Nice idea!

Anonymous said...

That is truly a great idea. I can't wait to participate and see the results!!

Elspeth said...

Great idea. I like doing these kinds of mass interactive things via my blog as well. Would be great if lots of people did and a culture was created of inner peace = world peace ... fun ... creative interaction ... positive vibes. Will spread the word. (Found your blog through Reeholio's blog via Topics from 192 countries)

SQT said...

I'm in.

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

Hello Mimi (Anyone!?)

I am "still" looking for help ...
anyone? Pretty, p l e a s a

I got an IBM Microsoft Office 98 with the basic programs...

Can't manage, no mater what I try to upload image back onto my site.

Downloaded it - went automatically to Windows Documents - did manage to work on it and export it to Microsoft Photo Editor and can't get out of there.

I can view it as a perfectly good image, but does not show for upload.

Anonymous said...

I'm in at

Old-faithful Wolf

Anonymous said...

Great you can see by my logo~~~~

Nessa said...

I joined over at my place. Great idea.

Nessa said...

Feel free to add me to the gallery. I'd be honored.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimi

I've got my globe up on my blog. I've also emailed you a copy so you can display it

What a wonderful idea, I hope millions participate.

Dr.John said...

Okay I'm in or on or whatever. I will e-mail you a copy.

B.R.L said...

Hi I am on. Have the picture on my site. Dr John will send it back.

Anonymous said...

I'm in, Mimi!! Bear with me while I navigate my personal blogger HELL to try and upload to my blog...and 11/7/06, you can count on my post (I'll need a reminder...I'm so scattered these days, LOL, So I'll have to create something to remind me!)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this song....we sing it in chapel every now and then, and it brings tears to my eyes....Such a beautiful song...such a wonderful idea..count me in!

Gregg said...

Gonna do it!

Mother of Invention said...

Okay..I'm not tech savvy...I've saved it and now how do I sign it?

Sunflower Optimism said...

OK, Mimi, Kat told me you could walk my internet inept body through the process here. How do I get this on my blog - and send to you? I can copy it - but no idea how to sign it, or post it to my blog. I have a Mac. Thanks!

Did I mention this is a wonderful thing?

iamnasra said...

Would love to join in from Oman if that is okay and yes I will mark the day

Skeezix the Cat said...

I'm doin' it, and will be trying to recroot more Cats for Peace!

It's on Skeezix the Cat's Blog.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea and i will defiently do it...but i need a little help..i havent quite figured out how to post a pic yet....will you help me mimi??

Anonymous said...

I will post this picture on my blog at 00:00 GMT+7 :)

Anonymous said...

I created a glbe thing! go to my blog to see it!

tell me if i did it right!

Anonymous said...

I've spread the word to all my blogger friends. :-)

Anonymous said...

Mine's up here, as I promised :)

Happy Peace Day!

Bonnie said...

Okay, a day early, but who's counting? It's been months since I've updated Creating Peace--and this seemed the perfect time.

Ruth said...

I found your site from Twyla's - what a great idea. I can't wait to post my globe tomorrow!

Emma's Kat said...

You can count Emma, Benji, Marley, Dante and Sammie (the woofie) in on posting the Peace globe on Emma's blog and I'll also post it on my site, Kat's Cat! I'll be emailing you soon! This is great! Wow!

Victor Tabbycat said...

We did it! Skeezix and The Cat Blogsphere sent us. Purrs for Peace!

Gemini said...

Mine is up at my blog--a little early but Tuesdays are busy days.

Anonymous said...

Deer Mimi,
I put one on my blog heer:

Rocky the Gutter Cat

Morticia said...

Peace, Mimi :-)

Sparky Duck said...

Philly Transplant: Dona Nobis Pacem...

Cynthia said...

I'm in. I love this.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I did it! You can see it at:

Bethany said...

Here is my globe! Wonderful idea!

Anonymous said...

Maybe someday the world will live as one.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Beautiful beginnings :-)

Mimi Lenox said...

Yes, Speedcat, it was.

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