Wild Peace
After a somewhat discouraging day battling with the folks over at Wikipedia regarding the peace movement article (it was "speedily deleted" for lack of "meaningful content" - see this page - they're kidding, right?) - I awoke to find this in my mailbox today. It was no accident this fell in my lap.
And you know what?
I smiled. I regrouped. I reminded myself to take one step at a time....and was gently encouraged by more than one friend (namely this one and this one and this one ) that Papa's marbles and the doll box and you....say otherwise.

This beautiful globe was submitted by Tricotine for the upcoming BlogBlast For Peace November 6, 2008. To me, it represents the message perfectly.
An advocate for peace and reconciliation, Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) was considered by many to be the greatest modern Israeli poet. He was one of the first to write in colloquial Hebrew and known for his passionate love for the city of Jerusalem.
When I read his poetic words on Tricotine's peace globe, I was inspired all over again.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
what??? wikipedia??? man, they have their heads up their... i mean they aren't very nice, are they?
hugs, bee
Pffft! What does Wikipedia know?
The peace globe is totally inspiring and it's no accident that it showed up in your inbox today!
pay no mind to the wicked-pedia folks...
Sending you a hug...
Who needs 'em? If something is truly good, it will grow anyway!
That's terrible that they did that Mimi! (((hug)))
Speaking of peace globe. Did you get mine? Just wanted to make sure I sent the attachment correctly.
Thanks Mimi!
can we request that they put up a new article about it? if enough people want one, maybe we can get one :)
Keep your chin up...
Wildpeace. I like it. Sorry about the wikipedia hassle.
My humble opinion:
You have a lot going on, Mimi. I'm thinking you should pick your battles, because there is not enough time or energy for every single one. Wikipedia is just not worth it right now. It will come when the time is right. Keep doing the good work you are doing, and it will all work out in the end.
I have an award on my blog for you.
I've got to agree with Ferd, there are a lot more important things than Wikipedia to battle right now. And if you try again too soon, they may just shoot you down again which will then just frustrate you again and Peace Globes are NOT about frustration and battles, are they?
We will get it in...remember the utter nonsense was from last year.
Do as i said in my email and then let us all work it up and I will, once again, jump into the shark infested waters.
Wikopedia? Bah what do they know. Have you considered contacting the Guiness Book Of Records?
Wildpeace - Oh Yeah!!
Wiki is wonki quite often. And apparently the folks who run it are petty tyrants.
Pthphtphth to Wikipedia! You don't need them when we've got what you already started! ...Well, that made sense in my head, anyway. Truly "wildpeace" is just right.
I like the whole "wildpeace" thing. I gave you something funky today...you may already have it but just in case. ...off to watch the debates.
Bee - Tell me what you really think...
Dawn - You're right. It was no accident. I love it when things like that happen.
Lois - Ha! Is that like "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" in the Wiz?
Babs - Thank you.
Jodi - Hugs appreciated. I did receive your peace globe and it is awesome. Thank you! I will email you later in the weekend when I have time to catch up.
Lala you cute little newlywed you - How ARE you? Not sure what's going to work at this point. It will happen when the timing is right...as is true for most things in life.
Bud - Always. Thanks for helping to talk me off the ledge last night.
Charles</b - Wildpeace has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Ferd - Thanks. I'll remember that.
Babs - Thank you and I will be over soon.
Linda - Correct, Your Duchessness, correct.
Bond - I'll watch you swim, my friend....you know how much I appreciate you...I hope you do.
In case you don't know, Everyone, Bond from The Big Leather Couch has headed up a campaign to get the movement into Wikipedai and has been doing so for the past year. We all owe him a lot for taking the initiative on this and representing all of us.
Akelamalu - Wildpeace. Oh yeah. I just love sayin' in...
Starr - They are extremely headstrong and quick to judgment. Peace Globes are not allowed in Wikipedia but Talk Like A Pirate Day does?
Autumn - "You don't need them when we've got what you already started!" The key word is WE.
You are right.
Thank you.
Deana - I thank you in advance, my friend.
Sent you an e-mail. :)
Oh... and I concur with Bee...
Take positive action. I went to Wiki and wrote a request for Blog Blast for peace. See the discussion tab here.
The more requests they get, the more they are likely to publish the page.
Maybe if we all talk like a pirate on Peace Globe day, that will help get their attention.
Harumph to wiki I say!
With every Blog Blast day, we see more bloggers writing more indelible words about peace and their desire for it. It's not supposed to be easy, and we take up the challenge each time with a confidence and a clear goal.
We WILL spread the word of peace. "They" can't stop that.
I would also suggest that each of us take up the challenge to write to our elected representatives on Nov 6, tell them our desires, send them our Peace Globes and the link to the Peace Globe site.
Make a peaceful noise gang!
Dona Nobis Pacem.
Not surprised of what Wikipedia 'knows' but what really was breath taking about this post was the beautiful pictures. A great example of that nature can be a wonderful inspiration to peace.
Wishing you a peaceful weekend :-)
Anndi - Bee has a way with words..doesn't she? And I don't think I got the email. Perhaps resend?
Jamie - You did. I saw it! I like your "take positive action" attitude. All in good time, my friend,.
Trav - Fine ideas! I will send mine to my representative for sure. How many others do you think would join us?
Renny - It is a soothing shot. I have always adored wildflowers.
I agree with the others. Just say pfftt!! to Wiki. Who needs them anyway?!
Wildpeace is a cool term, but it sounds a bit like an oxymoron to me.
I confess. I have yet to create a peace globe.
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