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Monday, September 29, 2008

Ruby Tuesday ~ Dropping You A Line

Before email, text messaging and iphones, one had to go to an awful lot of trouble to be read.

Much more romantic....don't you think?

See more Ruby Tuesday entries here.

Images: Public domain (1) Vintage romantic oil painting/artist unknown
(2) "The Love Letter" 19th century probably Karl Spitz Germany

Last 5 posts: Counting Flip Flops On The Wall, Sunday Stealing with Judd Corizan ~ Me Me and Me?, Best Friends With Barbie, John Lennon and Beetles On Beatles, Carl Jung, Butterflies and A Canadian Peace Globe AND One Year Ago Today on Mimi Writes "I Wanna Be A Jezebel"



Anonymous said...

Romantic aside, excitement and thrills are also factors here.
Happy Ruby Tuesday Mimi! :)

Ralph said...

Mimi, I may have doubted, but after viewing these pictures...Blogginghan Really does exist!!

Crushed said...

They used to smuggle love letters in all sorts of strange places in those days...

I wonder if those days really were more romantic?

Pam said...

i prefer a handwritten note or letter to email, texts, etc., any day! it means more..someone thought enough of you to actually sit down and write it w love.

Barbara said...

Hiya Mimi,

I'm just been very very quiet because we were away in the Ststes these past weeks ( no,not in your area or I would have hollered !!)I will be catching up with your last weeks posts.
Pls,Pls; count me in for November's blog blast.

Big hugs to you xxxx

Barbara said...

Sorry Mim; must be the jet lag; I can't type this morn...

We were in the States and also in Canada.

Bud Fisher said...

Happy Tuesday.

Ingrid said...

I also would like to sit there !

Kimmie said...

Hi Mimi!
Oh, you hit a spot with me here. I am such an old fashioned romantic. Thank You for such a wonderful Ruby Tuesday Post. You made my day! :-)

P.S. I love the new look of your blog. Very mystical.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...


Well we tried my Queen but the idjits at wiki won again....

mark's tails said...

Very nice and very Ruby, well done my Queen.

Mojo said...

Clearly you've never seen my handwriting. If "romantic" = "illegible" then yes, I suppose it was.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Great pictures. Mine's to do with mail too ;O)

Grandma Faith said...

I am impressed with the way you worked these works of art into your Ruby Tuesday post. Very clever! Take Care.

Mimi Lenox said...

Napaboaniya - Hmmm....excitement....

Mimi Lenox said...

Ralph - Of course Bloggingham exists. How could you doubt me?

Mimi Lenox said...

Crushed - Probably not. Just a lot more trouble...

Mimi Lenox said...

Ciara - A handwritten love letter from a guy is something I would cherish matter the outcome of the relationship. I have some from my once-upon-a-husband that he wrote when we were teenagers. Even after a divorce, I still smile when I read them.

Mimi Lenox said...

Barbara - I've missed you! I can't wait to hear about your travels stateside. Anywhere near Bloggingham?

Mimi Lenox said...

Bud- And to you.

Mimi Lenox said...

Gattina - Thanks for visiting, my friend!

Mimi Lenox said...

Kimmie - I love the look of yours as well. These old paintings really move me. Aren't they special?

Mimi Lenox said...

Vinny - Yes, we tried. And we will try again. And they will see that BlogBlast has enough "meaningful content" to be included in Wikipedia. Is that really the best they can do? Don't get me started....

And a big big hug to you for all you did and are doing to make it happen for the movement.

Mimi Lenox said...

Piebuko - Welcome back. You can steal one of my memes anytime!

Mimi Lenox said...

Mojo - A handwritten note from, anyday, illegible or not, is better than an email. Thanks for visiting.

Mimi Lenox said...

Babs - I shall be over soon.

Mimi Lenox said...

Grandma Faith - Thank you. I enjoy doing this meme!There are a trillion possibilities.

storyteller said...

Ah … lovely take of this week’s Ruby Tuesday with just a hint of red. Definitely romantic ;--)
Mine’s at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Felisol said...

Dear Mimi,
I like the romantic but also naughty behind the painter's back flirtation.
Things are never as easy and innocent as they seem to be, not even in Bloggingham?
I like your site of many facets and many faces.
Like life itself.
From Felisol

Jim said...

I wasn't very romantic. The only people I wrote were my parents once a month and my sister on her birthday and in her Christmas card.

Now my sis and I exchange e-mail a couple of times a week and she checks my blog every day.
Mom and Dad are both gone, been dead for a few years now.

Did I ever write Mrs. Jim a letter? Don't think so as we have never been apart. :-)

Jim said...

Forgot, I like your pictures. They appear to be romantic to me as well as the characters in them corresponding with each other. I'm sure there are love letters and flirting notes.

Happy Ruby Red! Thank you for checking in on my red desk. It is a keeper, seemingly much in demand.

Dar's Foto Faze said...

I truly enjoy your photos, your writting. Yes, I perfer a written letter and I love in person conservations.

Travis Cody said...

I confess I have relied on Yahoo online greeting cards of late. But I do still sometimes send hand written notes.

MyMaracas said...

I agree, there's nothing more romantic than a hand-written note, especially a secret one.

Thanks for stopping by!

Mimi Lenox said...

Storyteller - Romance seems to be on my brains these days....Fall does that to me.

Mimi Lenox said...

Felisol - Finally! Somebody who "gets me"! I do feel at times that people must wonder how many personalities I have here....honestly, they fell in my lap.

But oh the journey they take me on here. I am totally me (well, I don't really wear a crown to the grocery store)


Mimi Lenox said...

Jim - It is so sweet that the two of you have never been apart...but it's never too late to take up letter writing you know...just sayin.

Mimi Lenox said...

Dar - Thank you. I enjoyed your site as well!

Mimi Lenox said...

Positive - Yes. I wait.

Mimi Lenox said...

mymaracas - A secret one is even long as it comes with a wink.

Columbo said...

A great romantic Ruby Tuesday posting. I loved it. Have a great RT.

Karin said...

Yes, definitely much more romantic! What could be better than receiving a handwritten letter from your love, with the scent of him still lingering on the paper?

me ann my camera said...

A wonderful relaxing scene within the palace! Thank you for leaving a comment on mine.

maryt/theteach said...

Love the Victorian paintings, Mimi! Yes very romantic indeed! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)

Pia K said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Being a castle buff I of course adore your pretty header:)

I used to be a very keen (handwritten) letter writer for many years, alas nowadays I'm just to busy/lazy for that. A pity since nothing beats a well-written, hand-written letter on a pretty piece of stationary...

Mom Knows Everything said...

I've been telling all my blogging friends about BlogBlast for Peace and I think I recruited a few.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

A handwritten note is so romantic..

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