Monday Mimisms ~ If You Are A Guy, Do NOT Read This Post. No Boys Allowed!
If I'm wearing black heels, I have to have a black purse. If I'm wearing red heels, I have to have a red purse (unbeaded). If I'm wearing a little black dress then I must have a beaded cocktail purse. If I'm wearing a pencil skirt, I must match the color and the fabric. Period. It's a curse.
I can't tell you how many boyfriends I lost simply because they could not put up with my purse swapping. Ready for dinner, dear? Yes, handsome. Oh wait! I have to switch my purse.
So what's in a Queen's purse anyway? What's in yours? Isn't it snoopy of me to ask? I'll bet none of you carry an extra crown in your purse, do ya? They don't make collapsible crowns like they used to. I have to be careful with the sequins. Sometimes they get stuck down in the mechanisms of my cellphone and cause a commotion. Occasionally it causes an automatic speed dial to Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth is not amused. Static you say? No....just the beads rattling around. My prissy life gets complicated sometimes and has gotten worse since I became a vixen. There was only one thing to do.
I created a meme.
The Purse Meme (The Wallet Meme for Males)
Here are the rules. Find a safe quiet place free of significant others, nosey meme makers, priests, nuns, all things religious and men in general. (If you're a guy just reverse this process to female and tell us about your wallet, tool box, briefcase or metro sexual accessory.)

Here are the rules. Find a safe quiet place free of significant others, nosey meme makers, priests, nuns, all things religious and men in general. (If you're a guy just reverse this process to female and tell us about your wallet, tool box, briefcase or metro sexual accessory.)
1.. Dump the contents of your purse in a pile
2. Take a photo of your purse and the contents
3. Be brave and 'splain to your fellow bloggers what lurks inside the purse.
There is a method to my madness.
I dare you to find a story in the pile. 4. Tag others who might want to embarrass themselves
(end of rules)
Here's mine. I had to use a red purse for the occasion because I'm blogging au natural with a blush on my cheeks today and needed a matching color. Oh the pressure. And the Internet scandal. Let's see if I can find a story in my everyday-ness.

I shall meme myself now.
1. Describe the contents of your purse.
$10.00, $5.00 and 89 cents in change, Signature A Lip Plumping Pen, strawberry red lip gloss, lipstick, driver's license, checkbook from The Royal Bank of Internet Queens, 1 black sharpie, 1 green sharpie, 2 ballpoint black pens, a little pad for note-taking (I'm a pencil skirt reporter. Duh!), my camera (obviously in my hand and not in the picture), one Crest Whitestrip, cellphone, receipt from the antique store, Clinique moisturizer, one mini Hershey's Special Dark chocolate bar for emergency tantrums, a spare key to the castle car, Clinique Lucky Penny Shimmer Eyeshadow with no applicator (sigh), one Wash 'n Dry Moist Disposable Towelette, a Blue Cross insurance card , my debit card from the Royal Bank of Internet International ATM Machines and a spare white-sequined crown - just in case.
2. What's the most important thing in your purse?
Definitely the Lip Plumper. You just never know when you might need to pout.
True story. During my last visit with my mother she took me back into her boudoir where all the prissy makeup stuff is spread all over the dresser and handed me the lip plumper. (I know what you're thinking. The Queen does not fall far from the tree. Right? ) She said, "Here. I bought this for you. You need lips! What happened to your lips since the last time I saw you??! Wear this. You need lips." Thanks Mom.

3. What's the most embarrassing thing in your purse?
Notes for this meme and the story I just told in question #2. I knew this meme would bringeth forth a story....
4. What's the smallest thing in your purse? Evidently my need for privacy. And my area code.
5. Is there anything illegal in your purse? Just the crown. Everybody know Internet Queens don't really have crowns. And the pouting begins...... (she DID know I needed bigger lips! How does she do that?)

My mother evidently knew I needed this "Made In Italy" concoction to improve my femme fatale. I'm beginning to feel a little funny every time I apply the lip plumper. Do you suppose....??
Unless you're a metro-sexual male you probably won't have a purse for this meme and I won't tag men, but I dare you, I DARE YOU bloggy men to attempt to find an interesting tidbit of a story within your wallet, your manly tool boxes, briefcases and even your tackle box.
I hereby royally tag the following bloggers: Patti, Linda, Dawn, Sandee, Ciara, Kathleen, Katherine, Bee, Tish, Jeni, Jane, Angellz, Lyn, Mary, Turnbaby, Anndi, Mauigirl, Maryam, Barbara, Sanni, Margo, Lori, Desert Songbird, Daisy, Akelamalu, Giggles, Julie, Deana, Jamie, Starr, Debbie, Akelamalu, Carver, Barbara Doduk, Shannon, Lois, Mags, Jennifer, Asara, Dixie, Ev, Nola Dawn, Olga, Samantha, Sojourner's Place, WillThink4Wine Annelisa. Catsy Carpe Diem, Catsy Downloads, Out of the Blue, A Day to Savor and Relish A Piece of Idea Write Shy Stupid Wise onlinememorylane See Me For What You Will - Michelle’s Small World .
And practicing my pout.
gosh mimi i did this a long time ago. running low on memes honey? hmmm? ha ha ha, just kidding... i shall get to it, soon. well, pretty soon.
smiles, bee
Ha ha! Well, I didn't see this one and I made up the questions myself but it's ok if you skip, really! Coming by to see those wedding pictures, Bee!
Mimi, I don't know when I'll get to this, seeing that I still haven't gotten around to the needs meme, nor have I posted about all the awards Your Highness doth bestowed upon me.
Take a picture of what's in my purse? Mimi, you are a vixen.
I change purses only when one falls apart. My purse items behave like socks in a drier. In transition, one or two always vanish into some other dimension. And I'm not talking about a lipstick, though those disappear even when I don't change purses. But from one bag to another, my house keys run off. Once, my driver's license escaped from my wallet. Cell phones and iPods really don't like me.
But for you? I'll risk dumping my errant necessities in a heap on the floor. Instead of a photo, maybe I should make a video--catch the keys as they sneak off to the Bermuda Triangle. Except I've already lost that expensive little phone,camera/video thing.
Assuming the baby doesn't come between now and then (then surely I'll get a free pass, right) I'll try to work on this one tomorrow.
Patti - You sound overwhelmed. NO stress. NO worry. Do NOT feel obligated to do every meme I throw out there. Seriously.
Take care and get some rest.
Kathleen - I am laughing. You treat your purses like the missing sock syndrome...ha ha! Very funny.
Tish - You should be resting and putting your feet up, NOT doing memes. What was I thinking??! You have a free pass from now until the baby is at least 6 months old. So there. Do you feel better now?
Ooh, what a day to be trolling on your blog (I hope you don't mind, and don't feel left out everyone else...eventually I'll get to you all!) may find me a bit strange as this female carries NO purse. Chocolate...sitting around in a Hawaii? Tic tacs maybe. Spare change? What IS that? LOL :o
I carry a little coin purse (OK, I admit it's got Doxies on it) and all that's in it is my check card, Kaiser card, and SO not pretty rainbow State of HI driver's license (that match our equally ugly touristy rainbow license plates) and my cel phone. (sorry, no digital camera yet...I'm working on it)
Gee, I'd love to do this meme except for one small problem - I don't carry a purse - at all! I carry a very small ID wallet that I keep my driver's license, work ID, check cashing card, and medical card in and that's it. I find that carrying a purse really throws off my back for some reason so I just avoid the whole thing. Besides, when I'm at work I wear a uniform that has those wicked cool EMT pockets on the side and those can carry more than many a purse!
Oh, and considering I never go on a date ... no problem with a purse there either! Sigh ...
If there's a story in my briefcase, I wish it would crawl out of there and get on the dang page! A briefcase is no place for a story!
You lured me in with your post title!
I'm actually afraid to dump my purse... but for you I humbly accept the challenge :)
I have lip plumper too! Can't live without it. Great meme. Things like this really hold my attention...girlie, prissy, vixeny things that is! I'll put her up this week. I still have to pass on some awards too, I have them up for myself, but I haven't forwarded yet.
I'll do it of course I will but it will probably be next week at the earliest. :)
I must admit, I had to read this...women have so much purse trouble!
Hmmm. Surely you know Lori's preference. So, more'n likely, she's gonna have to empty the contents of a bunch of other women's purses, because that's what we do. We ask other ladies to carry our stuff. And our stuff ends up distributed throughout the purses of our lady friends.
Oh Mimi, you are trully the best queen of memes:-)
I am not a small-purse girl. My purses usually look almost like mailbags:-) My mum makes fun of me saying that if I get stuck anywhere with any of my purse, I will definitely survive just using the things in it. Because in my purse I usually have a teeth brush, new knickers, a book (or two), a small bottle of water (I so appreciate they started to make them smaller than 0,5litre), and
of course make-up:-)
I hope I will join this meme soon, but the time is a boss now..
I'm ashamed to admit this, but I have to idea what lip plumper is and it sounds a bit scary!
It might bore everyone to the point that they WISH they were in the dungeon, but I'll play along!
I've heard it said that a woman's purse is a sacred place that no man should ever dare enter.
Either that or it's because my mom always told my brothers and I if we ever got into her purse, she'd rip our lips off!
I lost my purse. So, I am glad I wasn't tagged. Not that my wallet would be interesting either...
Debi - That's OK. You have already done the meme (sort of) in the comment section! Work on that digital camera. You have to have one for blogging!
Linda - Sigh. I'll write you a note....
Travis - A briefcase is a great place for a story. Back to the dungeon for you!
Dawn - Finally! You know you could have used that Dungeon Amnesty card if you wanted to....but I appreciate it. Can't wait to see what you come up with. You are very creative.
Deana - I'd never used one before but the lip plumper is awesome! Seriously!
Akelamalu - No fret. No pressure. Seriously. Just glad you stopped by to see me today.
Jean-luc - I knew the men would not be able to stay away from this post. Bwaahaaahaaa
Margo - Yes, of course I know Lori's preference but I had no idea about the same gender purse content swapping! This should be interesting!
Namnet - I'm not a big purse kinda girl. I can't stand them nor do I want to hurt my back....but I understand the need to carry EVERYTHING. Thanks for commenting!
WillThink - NO ONE wishes they were in the dungeon. Trust me.
When Mimi ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
Jeff - She'd rip your lips off? You needed some of my plumper. You could have new ones then....
Bud - Sorry to hear about your purse. That would cause me to lose sleep.
Done... hehehehehe :D
Lip Plumper??!!!????!!!! Does that mean Your Highness wears artificial lips????
I'll see what I can do about answering your challenge. If I was working in the office it would be more fun exploring the contents of my desk. But I'm working from home today and on vacation the rest of the week, so the wallet will have to do. I'll get back to you.
*deep window rattling sigh*
Really Queen Mimi? Must I? Oh dear....bring on the humiliation because I would not disappoint the crowned Queen of Blogland. That would be far worse than the humiliation...
I will do it SOON.
The gauntlet has been retrieved, and the challenge answered, My Queen. If you visit my blog you can view my version of The Wallet Meme.
Once again, I escape being banished to the dark, dank, dungeon. In addition, I have defended the honor of all males of the species.
Dawn - And it was hysterical!
Lee - I do not wear artificial lips! Please! (ha ha..)
Jennifer - Deep sigh received. You are so sweet and I look forward to your purseness.
Lee - I can't wait to see it! Oh my! A male has finished the challenge. Queen is going to faint.
Oh sweet Lord in heaven - you want me to do WHAT?!? Empty my purse? Which one?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Hi Mimi
I'm second generation purse dumper:
Ha! Great minds and all that. I did this just the other day, thinking it would make a great meme. Love yours. So if you're vaguely interested, check mine out. Beware, its ugly....
I did your meme. It was fun. Let's see what my friends come back with. :)
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