Sunday Blog Chatter ~ Let's All Go To The Beach
They keep washing up on my blog beach. I toss them back into the vast bloggy ocean. They wash ashore on the other side of the blogosphere. I toss them back.
I love their wisdom. The latest one, from South Moravia, Czech Republic and Message Bottle #271 reads like this: It is from Namnet's Philosophizing Playground using the first lines of a poem by Elisabeth Barrett Browning.
Do you want to toss a bottle into the blog ocean today? You can even send anonymous messages. My site is called Message In A Bottle and 271 bloggers have done just that. Go HERE for details and to read the other messages.
In a nutshell, here's how to do it:
- Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle
- Right click and Save the graphic above
- Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
- Return your anonymous "Message In a Bottle" to me via email ~ sendmessageinabottle at
- Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the Blogosphere Ocean for all blogernity.
You may post the virtual bottle on your own website as long as a direct link is placed back to this blog. The graphic may not be altered. Your submission will be numbered and dated. Send in as many as you'd like. If you choose to remain anonymous, no identifying information will EVER be disclosed to anyone.
You can also choose NOT to be anonymous in which case I will post the name and url of your website.
Violent, profane, hate-filled, sexually explicit message bottles or otherwise inappropriate submissions, as deemed by the blog owner, will not be posted.
I need to feel the sand between my toes. Wanna come?
Here's another one to inspire you. It was sent by Tangled Up In Twyla in Nova Scotia. I love it.
Here's another one to inspire you. It was sent by Tangled Up In Twyla in Nova Scotia. I love it.

Have a wonderful Sunday!
I'll see you tomorrow for Monday Mimisms.
Copyright © 2008 Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved.
I just love 'Tangled up in Twyla's' message!
Some bloggers are so creative!
Have a nice Sunday ~
Hello !
Pretty text !
mimi you have a lovely day too honey!
smiles, bee
I'm looking a little longingly at this, wanting to be creative. But then I look at the pile of student transcript evaluations I have to do and I sigh and turn away. Another day for the message.
Akelamalu - Isn't it wonderful?
Patti And so are you!
Bee - Coming over to hear and see the wedding...
Charles - Trust me, I feel your pain.
Wavy is Mimi....sigh...forgot to change my identity. I'll just float around awhile if you don't mind in my pencil suit...
These are always a great read!
Man......I don't know how you possibly do all the things you do, Mimi. ( can tell me...are you secretly bionic?)
Maryam - Oh, I think you know something about being secretly bionic. Aren't you building a posh resort in Marrakesh, finishing a book deal, mothering children, holding down a job, traveling all over the world, writing an award-winning blog...and the list goes on and on.
YOU are amazing.
Simply beautiful... I love it.
Hi Mimi, thank you for posting my humble message in your lovely blog. I know I am the last one, but still...:-) It is so nice of you and again: I love the whole message in a bottle idea. I think everybody needs sometimes to shout out something important for them. And you give the chance.
Dawn - Thank you. I love to read the messages too.
Namnet - You are so welcome! It is an awesome contribution to the bloggy ocean. Feel free anytime.
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