Ruby Tuesday and Baby Boy Lost
Thanks to The Teach for providing this meme. See more Ruby Red Tuesday participants here!

Copyright © 2008 Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved.
A blog of inspiration, humor, and peace Penned by Mimi Lenox, Founder of Blog4Peace
Written by Mimi Lenox at Monday, August 25, 2008
Baby Boy and Me,
Life in Bloggingham Palace,
What a sweet boy! And he doesn't know that he's part of a Ruby Tuesday post, either.
Yup...he's adorable.
Kids in red look so prim, proper and ready for play! You capture your grandson perfectly...
hehe cute :)
That is such a cute picture and caption!
Very cute picture - nice to see Daddy and his boy playing. Wonderful!
Ever notice how no matter how big we get, guys still love the box the toy came in almost as much as the toy itself?
Cute shot! And thanks for stopping by,
Cute kid! And a happy Ruby Tuesday to you Mimmi. Also thank you for hosting my Entrecard! :D
Leora - He IS sweet. That was 2 years ago and he is STILL sweet.
Thanks for stopping by.
Travis - I have to agree....I can't get enough of him.
Ralph - He is a little joy and I noticed that you highlighted your own kids for Ruby Tuesday this week. It was great!
Ciara - I've always gotten a kick out of this pic.
Dot - Thanks. He kept looking left and right and up and down while his dad called his name. It was so cute. And then...the camera came out...
mojo - The box is ALWAYS the most fun.
Roger - Thank YOU for advertising here. Have a great Tuesday.
Awww, that's so cute :)
Ah, the red football jersey looks swell on the little guy. Great photo!
Now, that's something different!! :P
Hey kid! I'm sure dad will re-appear when it's dinner time.. hahahha :)
Drowsey - He is a cutie pie...yes, he is. And so is my son, the one in the box.
Lynette - Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
napaboaniya - You could be right....
I put my daughter in a tie dyed red shirt last week. oh the way we use our children. lol
so cute and handsome little angel. Thanks for the visit..
That is too funny! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope to see you again soon!
What a classic photo. He'll love to see this when he's in his 20s. Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Awwww, how cute!!
Happy Ruby Tuesday!!
Cute little boy. cute little boy! :D
Mine's up if you got a chance, HERE!
Those were the days when cardboard boxes were the greatest toys! This photo provokes great memories. Lovely.
awwww! I remember those days. Such fun hanging and playing with little ones.
AH! I love photos of dads playing with their kids. This is GREAT!
nice capture!;-)
Hmmm. Now where did I put my Daddy? I had him a moment ago...
Beautiful and happy child, his great Ruby, congratulations.
hugs, Denise
That is the cutest. Kids and ahhh men with boxes. Cute.
That is so cute!!! Happy Ruby Tuesday.
awwww ... as I've said before, your little guy is absolutely adorable!
It's such a cute photo of Daddy and son, and just right for Ruby Tuesday, Your Highness.
So sweet Mimi! have I said before that I really like your header...
Ha ha! Very cute :O)
He's adorable and can't they have so much fun with a cardboard box!
I'll be doing the purse meme next week for definite Mimi. :)
A kid's two favorite playthings - a dad and a box. Thanks for the smile. :D
*If this shows up multiple times, I'm very sorry. I keep getting error messages.
What a precious little boy and isn't it amazing that some of the non toys are the most fun for children?
Does everyone in your family only show half of their face? Just asking. What a little cutie patootie your grand baby is. You aren't biased about him are you? I didn't think so. Bwahahahahahaha! Have a great day sweetie. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
I bet this will be a favorite photo for years to come!
so sweet :)
Awww, how fun! Soon Daddy will ge to big to crawl under the table... Or is that the babe that is supose to grow.. I get so confused. :)
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
:) Such a sweet picture!!
Those are the best times, ever!!
GREAT shot Mimi... Love it
Aaaawww, Mimi, how cute! Love his RED shirt! Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Queen-sized - You can say that again.
sweetnorms - Thank you. I'm a little biased.
momwmy9 - Appreciate the visit. I enjoyed yours RB as well.
Bobbie - I hope you're right.
Mar - Happy Ruby Tuesday to you!
ilanadavita - Thank you!
Yen - I will be by to see!
my camera - They still make great toys. I think his dad had more fun than he did.
minkydo - He is always fun.
eg - Appreciate that!
Catia - Thank you.
WillThink - Very funny!
Denise - He is happy child.
onangelwings - I think he has a lot of his daddy's silliness already.
Linda - Thank you!
Princess Patti- I humbly bow to your royal assessment.
Ellen- Thanks for the header mention. I am still working on it with the help of a friend.
Babs - Thanks!
Akelamalu - I can't wait to see what you come up with. This meme has been an acquired taste thus far...
Askew - I only got your comment once and I appreciate your visit.
Rambling - Yes, the non-toys are the best!
Sandee - No, I'm not biased at all! And yes, only the half face...
Dianne - I do love this photo!
Judi - Something like that!
Junie - Every moment is precious.
Bond - I was lucky with the shot.
Mary - I'm so glad you started this meme. I really enjoy it. Thank you.
He is a charmer...
All I can say here is aaawwwww ....
What a cutie pie! My photo for Ruby Tuesday was taken when my now sometimes surly 12yo daughter was a sweet 8yo. Cutie. Sigh.
Heh heh heh...this is too cute!
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