Me? A Vixen?

Chuck at Foster Me Up aka hilarious blogger friend aka she-who-writes-novels-while-stuck-in-the-computer has passed out a friendship award. Or maybe she just passed out from the head trauma.
In any case, she called me a storytelling vixen. A vixen! I am duly honored.
Thank you.
The shoe fits.
I shall wear it.
(But don't tell my mother.) And now on to award the other mild-mannered and lovely vixens in the blogosphere (and there are many...)
Patti, Linda, Dawn, Sandee, Ciara, Kathleen, Katherine, Bee, Tish, Jeni, Jane, Angellz, Lyn, Mary, Turnbaby, Anndi, Mauigirl, Maryam, Barbara, Sanni, Margo, Lori, Desert Songbird, Daisy, Akelamalu, Giggles, Julie, Deana, Jamie, Starr, Debbie, Akelamalu, Carver, Barbara Doduk, Shannon, Lois, Mags, Jennifer, (post)
Asara, Dixie, Ev, Nola Dawn, Olga, Samantha, Sojourner's Place, WillThink4Wine and Annelisa.
I appreciate YOU so much. Thank you for being in my life.
It's Blog Appreciation Week at Bloggingham Palace.
Other awards this week: May The Circle Be Unbroken? Room In My Heart With Lotsa Lovies and Is Your Friendship Worth a Million Dollars?
Copyright © 2008 Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved.
(But don't tell my mother.) And now on to award the other mild-mannered and lovely vixens in the blogosphere (and there are many...)
Patti, Linda, Dawn, Sandee, Ciara, Kathleen, Katherine, Bee, Tish, Jeni, Jane, Angellz, Lyn, Mary, Turnbaby, Anndi, Mauigirl, Maryam, Barbara, Sanni, Margo, Lori, Desert Songbird, Daisy, Akelamalu, Giggles, Julie, Deana, Jamie, Starr, Debbie, Akelamalu, Carver, Barbara Doduk, Shannon, Lois, Mags, Jennifer, (post)
Asara, Dixie, Ev, Nola Dawn, Olga, Samantha, Sojourner's Place, WillThink4Wine and Annelisa.
It's Blog Appreciation Week at Bloggingham Palace.
Other awards this week: May The Circle Be Unbroken? Room In My Heart With Lotsa Lovies and Is Your Friendship Worth a Million Dollars?
Copyright © 2008 Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved.
Congrats on your award!
Thank you! Wow... two friendship awards in two days... I must be on a roll and so are you. I know Ann included you on her award list but I had to add you to mine too :)
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
Cool. Congrats. I've always liked the word vixen.
A vixen? You think I'm a vixen? Awww ... that's so sweet! Thank you! I am honored!
I always thought I was more like one of the other reindeer ... Blitzen maybe!
congrats on your award and thx for bestowing it upon me! wow, two from your royal highness...i'm truly honoured. *curtsies*
Thank you so much Mimi. More linky love and that's always a great thing. Have a wonderful day. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
oOOOH another award thank you Mimi, especially as you said I'm a vixen!
Congratulations of your award and thank you so much for mentioning me for it. I am so glad to have met you through the blogosphere.
Love all my vixen ladies in the sphere. Don't tell the guys we're vixens,k?
A vixen, eh? I shall wear the title with honor, Your Majesty!
EEEKS Vixen....Mimi have you read the definition....Can I stay a goddess and still keep the award!! Thank you so much for the honor!! I'm with Linda I am more of a Blitzen....but I do however like the name Vixen...I should have named my daughter that...but Pepper will have to do!
Thanks Mimi
Hugs Giggles
Can't wait to check out all your picks!!
awww, thanks mimi. i always knew we were vixens, we just need to let the rest of the world know, right?
smiles, bee
Maybe I should reach for the dictionary.....or we'll just all remain goddesses and call it a day.
Congrats to you on all these wonderful awards..I will treasure mine. You are to kind, a lovely vixen is a term I love! Thank you for your friendship and the award.
Hi Mimi,
First things first; Congratulations to you,Mimi, for your honnors. All of this is very well deserved. I do believe that so many bloggers send back a lot of the love & kindness that you sow.
Thank you so very much Mimi, for passing it on to me.
This is wonderful ! I shall wear it with pride, and pass it on with pride.
Big big hugs and Thank you for your prayers for our desr Rocky.
Mimi you are just too kind!!!! Thank you so very much :)
Thank you so much Mimi for the award. I am delighted. I received this award a while back but I will post yours on my sidebar! Thanks again! :)
Thanks for the Freindship Award Mimi! I always say -
Good friends
are like good bras...
hard to find,
always close
to the heart
Vixens Rule!
Thanks Mimi =)
Mimi, Thanks for your friendship, the award, and as usual, leaving me clues. Where would I be without them? Still blind with migraine, I'll get back to you and everyone else who's showing such generous spirit.
As Starrlight above me says: Vixens rule! Absolutely.
Thank you for the award. I sang you a song.
According to Merriam-Webster:
Vixen is a noun.
Etymology: Middle English (southern dialect) *vixen, alteration of Middle English fixen, from Old English fyxe, feminine of fox
1 : a shrewish ill-tempered woman 2 : a female fox
3 : a sexually attractive woman
***I prefer #2 or #3 :)!***
Congrats! :)
You're too kind.
LADIES - I just love all this vixen power in the blogosphere. But Shannon! Did you have to bring the truth in here? I love #2 and 3 but #1 definition is just wicked. Maybe that's just on a PMS day or something. Nobody here is a s.h.r.e.w.
We're all soft, sexy, wildly, crazy bloggin' vixens. Yes. I like it.
vixen or touches me to be your friend. thank you kindly.
Congrats on the award
Thank you for bestowing it on me..
(((((hugs))))) anad friendship right back at ya ;) :)
Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! I just don't know what to say. Much Obliged! Very Much Obliged!
Wow its my first award other than when I won your contest
Congratulations and thank you for this great honor
You make me giggle. I'm glad I unstuck myself momentarily to wave a hand to you. You're simply groovy and am so glad you're passing around blessings. You're a gem. Or, um, a vixen...or is it storyteller vixen. Whateva girlie girl. Dzn't matta - you da'bomb. Good to see you again, but now I must return - good things are happening over at my place, at my desk, in my house. Fingers are happy, hence, so is mommy. Thx for your patience awaiting my arrival *winky winky* *lovies*
Oh WOW! Thank you! I am flattered.
I like Shannon H.'s comment (love word definitions) and I prefer #2 and #3 also. After a life of trying to be a lady and all round 'stand up gal', I like, no LOVE the idea of being a Blogging Vixen.
I am standing over the fan in my computer in my white pleated halter dress looking oh so Vixen-like!
V-V-V-Vixen??? Moi??
Well, I never. First I was named a Kick A** Blogger this week and now the Queen doth call me a Vixen!
Oh, the shame
*shuffles feet and giggles*
You've been a wonderful friend to me, my Queen. Thank you, for this and everything else you have brought into my life.
Oh my dear, you my day! You really really did! It's not often that I get something soooooo meaningful!
So from you this means the world to me! I adore you my friend.
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