Mimi's Message In a Bottle Meme: Round TWO
Somewhere in a faraway bloggiverse, on an island with a palm tree swaying in the breeze, a message bottle sits side by side with a Pina Colada and a cute little striped umbrella horizontally tilted in the beachy sand. Did YOUR bottle make it to land? Have you checked lately?
There are now 226 bottles floating in the blog ocean just waiting to be mysteriously delivered to a tropical island near you. Now let's add to the fun with Round Two. If you've already participated in this meme, feel free to toss another bottle in the ocean this time as well. The more the merrier.
Click here to see Round One of this meme and the official Message In a Bottle Site. It's time to tag a host of new bloggers to play Message In a Bottle. As always, participation is optional and you do not have to be tagged to play. Check back often to copy the updated lists below for maximum link love. Just remember: I have a dungeon for meme-dodgers.....Have fun! Tag one, tag all!
**Start Copy Here**
Here are the rules: You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not.
1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle
2. Right click and Save the graphic below
3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Post the meme and these rules on your blog
5. Return your "Message In a Bottle" to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at yahoo.com, sign the Mr. Linky below and leave a comment HERE telling me you've finished. IF YOU WANT YOUR MESSAGE TO BE ANONYMOUS PLEASE SAY SO.
6. Tag a minimum of five people - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.

Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the blogosphere ocean for all blogernity (That's a Mimism for blog + eternity.) I will add it to the master list of message bottles when you let me know you've completed the meme.
NOTE: A very kind lady name Phyl sent this message to me."Mimi...I would like to offer to put messages in bottles for people who cannot do it themselves.If you like, post a link to my MIAB post and tell them to leave a comment with the message they want...and an email that I can send it to.Hugs..."Thanks, Scrappy 'n Happy in Ohio! Contact her HERE.
I, Mimi Queen of Memes, royally tag the following bloggers:
164. Choc Mint Girl 165. Betty 166. Betty's This and That
167. Kellementology 168. Crows & Daisies 169. Slavery Bliss 170. Julie Pippert: Using My Words 171. Rose Of Sharon 172. Minority Kills 173. BlogSkinnu 174. Fil-Am Never Ending Stories 175. valeriejoy 176. Isis 177. Estavasi 178. Space Of Reality 179. WillThink4Wine 180. Capn Dyke 181. Casdok 182. Bogie's Wonderland 183. The Calalilly Space 184. Zaius Nation 185. Bits & Pieces of Jan 186. Precious Moments 187. Tertium Quid 188. Titration 189.Comedy Plus

**End Copy**
Well, I hope I've done it reasonably according to the directions....
Hope you think it's a good one!
I'll have a post up by the end of the day Mimi. I'll do Mr. Linky then. Have a great day sweetie. :)
sarge is making me do his and i am trying to figure out photoshop on doris!!! stay tuned...
smiles, bee
He he, go get'em Mimi. LOL
You wish was my command. I must admit that I have no idea how to do graphics so Miss Bee was very pleased to do it, smile.
I will do another one soon! I love this meme.
I just sent mine to you.
whew! finally!!! sarge's is better than mine though...
smiles, bee
Mine is up Mimi. Here's the link: Mimi's Message In a Bottle - Round Two. Have a great day. Big hug. :)
Round Two is up... I was tagged by Sandee! No dungeon for me :)
I'm in with both blogs I wanted to be sure I didn't end up in the dungeon...:)))
I just got it done Mimi, sending it to you now!! :D
The only message I've ever left in a bottle was for the milkman. Somehow I don't think, "2 pints of silver top & six large eggs" is going to wow the blogging world.
I'll think about it and see if I can come up with something but only because you're the PEACE GLOBE lady:)
I am so honored to be chosen for "Message in a Bottle Meme" and especially by YOU! I am in Texas at the moment for my Niece's wedding and will post the Meme when I return home next Tuesday or Wednesday! Until then...stay Silly and Sane.
Thank you for including me. I think I've done it correctly..Any one got a copy of 'Memes for Dummies?'
Thanks for inviting me too.
Thanks for tagging me. That was fun. :-)
Please don't put me on the rack! Mine is up!
Mine's up, Mimi! Here's the link: Message in a Bottle-Round 2
This is going to have to wait until after we see your accountant on Monday, way too busy to try and figure this thing out now...I'll try not to end up in the dungeon...ciao
I've sent mine along... Ciao!
I'll post mine next Friday - Apr. 18th. Thanks for the tag, Mimi! I think this Message in a Bottle is amazing.
I have mine done, but have not tagged anyone because I just don't like tagging people. However, it was fun and thanks so much for tagging me. Hope you enjoy my message.
thanks for the tag, queen of memes! i'll try to do this and post. will let you know when. thanks! :)
Thank you for including me. I didn't know how do to it, but I think I figured it out. Thanks for thinking of me.
I've played along!
Curmudgeon - It is lovely! Thank you.
Captain -The Starship would be proud.
Sandee - I loved your bottle. What a message!
Empress Bee - You know you would do anything for Sarge. Doris will cooperate. In fact, your bottles are already famous! And so sweet.
Akelamalu - I'm trying!
Girl... - You're welcome. I enjoyed your blog. Please come back to visit anytime.
Sarge - All the ladies swooned over your romantic message to Miss Bee. AWww......
Dawn - No dungeon for you. Nope. Your bottle is REALLY classy and beautiful.
Robert - Yes, it's best you stay out of the dungeon for sure....I enjoyed your bottles!
Roger - Your post was absolutely hysterical. Osama....ha ha ha....
Cathy - The milkman....very funny....but I will look for your message bottle. I remember that you were one of the original peace bloggers. Where has the time gone?
Sueann - I hope the wedding went well.
HealthPsych - You did a GREAT job! Its already in the ocean.
Deb - You are welcome!
Twyla - Your bottle was truly inspiring.
Lois - You are really scared of that rack aren't you....
Mary - Your words of wisdom are always welcome here....bottle or no bottle. They were great!
Rositt - Hope all goes well with the accountant. The dungeon...it's really scary.
James - Received! Loved it!
And I have highlighted your book titles in the post.
Julia - Can't wait to see it! And you're welcome!
Mary - I shall be right there! Don't worry about tagging. It's not for everyone.
Ipanema - I await your wisdom my dear.
Angel - You did an awesome job with your bottle. I'm so glad you participated.
Sue OK!! Will be right along....YaY!
My bottle has been tossed into the sea.
Dear Queen Mimi,
I have completed your task. Have a wonderful day!
Nothing like waiting until the last minute...but it's done :D
finally got mine up...i'm sure i could think of some other things to say, but this one sums it up for now. http://ciarasramblingsandwhatnot.blogspot.com
my message in a bottle is up!!
My message in a bottle will be posted today.
Done and dusted
xox eve xox
I hope I´ve done everything right according to the directions:-) So mine is posted. Cheers:-)
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