Sunday Stealing ~ The Meme About Blogging
Judd Corizan brings us another interesting meme from a syndicated feature this week called "The Meme About Blogging." Don't we all have something to say about that? play this straight or silly....let's see what spills out of the pen. Thanks Judd!
1. How long have you been blogging?
Ohh....about four hours now. I think it's time for a snack. I feel the sillies. Nope. Let's answer this straight up. I actually posted 2 blog posts in August 2005 and took a break. Mimi Writes was blog born May 26, 2006. My first blog was actually called Mimi On Mars (with a whopping 2 posts) and then I started Dating Profiles of The Day on June 20, 2006 with this post called "Bachelor #1: Body Parts Still Work" (yes, it's true. It was a real dating profile on a real dating site. Whatever happened to that site anyway?) Sad. I know. Then I told Mr. Body Parts...... 
and that was the end of our cyber romance.
My first real post on Mimi Writes was dated June 26, 2006 titled Dating: Not For The Fainthearted.
You can say that again.
My first real post on Mimi Writes was dated June 26, 2006 titled Dating: Not For The Fainthearted.
You can say that again.
2. Any advice to beginners?
A. Never EVER EVER EVER give out your real name or location.'
B. Never EVER EVER EVER tell your family you have a blog if you pretend to be a Queen.
C. Never EVER EVER EVER blog about your work place.

D. Take your camera EVERYWHERE.
E. Use your common sense and blog smarts. Remember that whatever you post here is FOREVER here. Think ahead. (and no, deleting doesn't clear the cache in the blogsophere)
3. What are the good things blogging has brought to your life?
A. A sense of direction and continuity for my writing
B. Friendships from all over the world. I've met several of my blogging friends in person. I am thankful for each.
C. One special romance full of New England snow and the George Washington Bridge fiasco that morphed into an incredible friendship for awhile.
D. Peace Globes - I am thankful for all.
4. What would you consider the pitfalls?
It can definitely be addictive. I put off things that I should be doing in order to blog. I'll admit it. Working on that....
5. Tell us about your blog name. Ever think of changing it? If so, to what? Why?
Which one? I have so many.
There's Mimi Pencil Skirt (for Lois Lane-like reporting you see) There's Mimi Queen of Memes.....Mimi Lenox..... Click here to hear an interview I did on that very subject for the Mo Show on BlogTalk Radio last summer. Mo was a great host and it was so much fun!
My friend Duchess Linda of Norwich Upon the Thames called in during one the interviews on his show and asked if I had a dungeon in the castle for meme dodgers? I didn't at the time but it was a funny question and a great idea. Hence, the dungeon was born. (All you poor souls in the dungeon can thank Linda!) Have a listen.
6. Knowing what you know now, was starting a blog a good thing for you? Why or why not?
I can't imagine my life without it now. Blogging has helped me express who I am and opened up a world of people and friendships. Instant critique and validation for your writing and your place in the world is a gift. That's what blogging brings to my life. I love comments and interacting with others on their blogs. Discovering new blogs is a real joy. I learn so much about the world. Global thinking has multiplied for me 1,000 times.7. How do you think blogging, bloggers, or the blogosphere has changed since you started?
The blogosphere has become it's own universe since I started blog

The technology of blogging has grown by leaps and bounds. I barely knew how to link people 2 years ago. It is growing exponentially.
And the "anonymous" aspect has changed. NO ONE is invisible. If you think people can't find you, just ask Google. They'll gladly help you out with that - a consideration I never thought of when I first started blogging.
Sad. But true.
8. Ultimately, what would you like your blog to accomplish for you or others?
I hope people find a laugh, a smile, the occasional inspiration.. Sometimes I write very seriously and other times silly. If I'm to be honest, I would also like to find a publisher for my writing, my stories, and the amazing journey of the peace globes. The blog itself has begun to dictate the direction of my writing. What is happening with BlogBlast For Peace is so much bigger than me or my blog. Last year there was a NY Times reporter interested in the story, we currently battle a Wikipedia entry discussion (The movement was accepted into the Dona nobis pacem section and then deemed spam. Spam?? Oh please. We wage on with this, right Vinny? Perhaps a different category.....?) Mostly, having a voice in the world is important to us all. I like making new connections with people, forming relationships,
Have some cake. Here's to blogging!

See you tomorrow for Monday Mimisms.
I think this says it all...
"Global thinking has multiplied for me 1,000 times."
Great job Mimi :)
You done good...
awesome answers!
You just about said it all there :O)
Mimi - EXCELLENT answers!!
Mimi, just keep writing your terrific prose on this most excellent blog.
Blogging is the most addicting place (a good drug, you might say). I kinda like Homer, also!
Dawn - It's so true.
Bud - Thanks sweetie.
Coffee Slut - Glad you enjoyed. Have some cake with your coffee.
Beetles - I tend to get carried away with memes. Can ya tell?
Jodi - So were yours! Thanks.
Ralph - You are too kind my friend. That Homer is a mess.
Very nice read Mimi.And I'm totally with you on keeping personal details totally hushy,too many crazies out there googling!
That cake just reminded me I am hungry,and for cake,which there is none here lol.
Just the right mix of silly and serious. My responses would be similar I think.
The blogosphere is a much better place with you in it, my Queen!
Blogging is a great way to express ourselves and you do it well! I also think the blogosphere is a much better place with you in it.
Nicely put. I think you covered it all quite well.
Ladywolf - Welcome to my world. Do have some cake. Coffee with that?
Island - You are so right about the companionship. It's great! Welcome to my blog.
Travis - Great minds.
Ferd - And the same to you, my friend.
Shannon - So do you. I have always enjoyed your blog.
Jeff - The questions were actually difficult to answer I thought. There is always so much to say about blogging. Have a great week!
Wonderful. Your advice to new bloggers was spot on. I am wondering what I have posted that I will come to regret because nothing seems off limits for me.
And please, never say the phrase "pretend to be a queen" again. Your majesty. The blogging world tilts on it's axis at such words. MUST be able to keep you on your pedestal!!
Jennifer - I stand corrected. Climbing back onto pedestal....
I hope I don't fall off and break my crown.
I loved your answers, they were great. I wish I had asked you some of these questions when I started blogging, I think I would have saved myself some embarrassing moments!
I have tagged you so come by and see.
Love and Blessings,
Terrific Meme Mimi! Very enjoyable plethora of information!! I may do it myself! Thanks for sharing!
Hugs Giggles
Mimi, I really enjoyed reading this. I think the blogosphere is one of the most amazing things that has happened to me in my life.
Here's to wishing you a publisher! (I will cake to that:))
Thank you for adding my badges, that was very sweet of you. I added yours to mine. Have a great day my friend! :o)
Loved your answers. And I really agree with you on the blogging is addicting part. I have 4 blogs now and working on my 5th. Sheesh! LOL
Thanks for stopping by!
Big Eyed Gal AKA Wapsicle :)
Wait? I am not supposed to give my real name and location???
And you called me by my real name...
I have to build a bunker now...Not a dungeon...nope...
And I am going to work on a new entry for wikipedia and couch it differently...just tell many countries? how many posts last time?
I will get this listed if it kills me (well, not if it kills me...I sorta like my life now...come by today and see why!)
I started blogging in May 2006, too. Do you suppose there was something in the air or water encouraging us? I love your illustration of how "muscular" Google is! It's no doubt as accurate as it is funny, and you bring up a point that we should all remember.
What Ferd said honey. You are wonderful to say the least. Thanks for the mention too. Being first with my Peace Globe is a great honor. Have a great day. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
I loved your answers Mimi, you summed everything up so well. :)
Very interesting read, thoughts and analyses - thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience.
Great advices for beginners as well for us who have been in blogsphere for a while.
First class answers here, Mimi...definately for my Quality Post list.
Ah, blogging...
Angelbaby - I've had a few of those embarrassing moments myself..
Gigges - Please do grab it and run with it!
Maryam - Let's all pray to the publishing gods, shall we? You, young lady, got a book deal from your blog - did you all know that?!
She's amazing I tell ya....
Tammy - No problem. I appreciate your peace globe promotion on your blog. Both your blogs are great!
Big Eyed Ga - It is totally addicting. No question. But there could be worse things ya know.
Bond - Your real name is Vinny?! OH MY LORD. What a lucky guess on my part....
Seriously, I know you will find a way with Wikipedia. If anybody can do it, you can! We all thank you in advance. I'll email the current stats to you.
The Gal - There MUST have been something in the water for sure.
Sandee - You are special.. ya know that?
Akelamalu - I realized this morning as I headed out the door that I forgot one of the most important things! I'll post about it later...
rennyb - Thank you. We all learn as we go with this.
Jean-luc - That is an honor!
Autumn - I'll bet you're pondering a post right now, right?
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