Monday Mimisms ~ Whatever You Do, Don't Panic
We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you a public service announcement from Bloggingham Palace. Based on today's stock plummeting fiasco and the two financial superpowers, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers going belly-up, I've decided to take a few hours this afternoon and do what my dear grandfather used to do with his money.
He was born in 1914. It only took him fifteen years from the day he was born to see the big picture. During his lifetime he witnessed the 1929 crash at the New York Stock Exchange, lived through the Great Depression, and somehow managed to have money in his pocket at all times. He worked in a furniture plant for over 30 years - not exactly what most people could afford when they couldn't feed their children. I'm about to tell you a secret.

Because all his life he kept his "real money" buried in the backyard in a huge glass peanut butter jar. I saw it. I touched it. I smelled it.
And I never thought it odd.
He knew what he was doing.

I suggest you invest in a shovel.
I think that's my grandfather right next to him. Yes, I'm sure of it. They just didn't trust financial institutions and with good reason. Loved this made me think fondly of my grandparents. Big hug and lotsa lovies honey. :)
We live in some crazy times.
A shovel would be good for a lot of things in these times.
I think he had the right Idea....
anything I have invested for my future is looking pretty bleak right now.....
....going to get my shovel
i want so much to not need banks. don't have any dirt or backyard. do you think installing a special designed hiding spot in the mattress would work? of course to stash money one has to have some. :-/
Finance world is very crazy... i can't believe a big company as Lehman is dead !... poor capitalism...
Stocks and bonds are safe... they are in your names. You own them....The banks/brokerage houses only act as an agent and hold them for you... YOU are the owner of the stocks and bonds.
Just an FYI...Hope this makes you feel a little bit better.
Stocks and bonds are safe... they are in your names. You own them....The banks/brokerage houses only act as an agent and hold them for you... YOU are the owner of the stocks and bonds.
Just an FYI...Hope this makes you feel a little bit better.
I told my hubby I would consider burying our cash in the backyard if I thought the American dollar would hold any value whatsoever. And of course I realize that pulling your investments out throws us into a serious depression.
I know a few people that bury their cash. Best way to keep it safe in my opinion.
That's a good idea Mimi!
HA! They laughed at me when I mentioned my plan to bury my wealth (such as it is) in the backyard. Who knew I was following in the footsteps of great and wise men world over?
Lovely blog, Mimi. I'm adding you to favorites!
I like your idea about the bottle and shovel! That's funny! :o)
Can we use the shovel to hit some of the idjits who caused this mess?
Line up to the RIGHT!
Very wise.
Sandee - They were wise men for sure.
Travis - You can say that again
Charles- Ha! That so true.
Laura - Good idea!
Ciara - Yes, Ciara, the mattress. Hey! Now we know where your stash is....
Saint Germain - It was a shocker.
Lois - Thanks for the tip!
Deana - Sounds like a plan to me.
Shannon - Seems we are going backwards in time...
Aklemalu - And the interest isn't much better than a bank's. Just dirtier money.
Pearl - Thank you so much for adding me to your favorites. I will come visit you - you ARE a wise were surely ahead of your time.
Tammy - Funny in a weird way though...
Bond - That's a whole different story.
Autumn - Try not to let the worms and grubs get to your cash though.
A wise and true belief. Thanks for sharing it!
I could never do what your grandfather did, because I'm allergic to peanuts! It sucks to be me!
A lot of people who lived through the Great Depression would forever after distrust banks. They buried their money, hid it in mattresses, and managed to do without compounded interest. I don't see it quite the same way. I see this as a buying opportunity.
Bud - As you know, he was a wise man.
Ferd - You are allergic to peanuts? That's awful. I love peanut butter. Yum yum.
You're probably right about the buying opportunity.
Meanwhile, I'll dig a hole with my prissy little shovel (and matching gardening gloves)
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