BlogBlast For Peace: A Revolution of Words ~ June 4, 2008
And now on with June 2008's Peace launch and the theme is A Revolution of Words....
Welcome to BlogBlast For Peace - The Fourth Launch! Dona Nobis Pacem is Latin for "Grant Us Peace." The Peace Globe project began in the fall of 2006 with a simple post from this blog. The post ignited a flame in the blogosphere. The flame became a passion. The passion became a movement. It amazingly traveled from blog to blog across the globe until it reached 35 countries and 46 states. BlogBlast for Peace is a semi-annual blog event. It happened on my blog. It happened on your blog. It happened all over the world. It is positively inspiring to watch. The simplicity of three Latin words on a globe and bloggers writing amazing articles on what peace means to them.
Simple. And powerful.
On June 4, 2008 bloggers from all across the globe will blog for peace. We will speak with one voice. One subject. One day.
Won't you join us?
- Choose one of the four Peace Globe designs shown below. Right CLICK and SAVE in JPG format.
- Sign the globe using Paint, Photoshop or a similar graphics tool. Decorate the globe anyway you wish. You can even include the name of your blog. Click here for hundreds of inspiring examples from previous BlogBlasts.
- Return the peace globe to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at and sign the Mr. Linky below. Let me know your blog's name and url by leaving a comment here. Your submission will be numbered and dated in the official gallery . Your globe and post will be listed on the Official BlogBlast For Peace website and The Peace Globe Posts page.
- On June 4, 2008 DISPLAY YOUR GLOBE IN A POST. Title your post "Dona Nobis Pacem". This is important. The goal is for all blog post titles to say the same thing on the same day. Write about peace that day or simply fly your globe. Click here for examples of peace globe posts from previous BlogBlasts.
If you already have a globe from a previous BlogBlast you may use that one or make a new one. Send in as many as you wish. Be creative!
then this matters.
FOUR ways to help spread the word:
Meme it (said the Queen of Memes) from your own blog. Copy this post and throw out a challenge to those on your blogroll. The last time I did that, amazing things happened. There's something about this project that has a life of its own. -
Fly a banner of a countdown clock on your site. Grab the codes or write me for them. -
Take this button to your site to help promote the next BlogBlast For Peace.
June 4, 2008
"My Papa's prayers became my vision. My vision became your vision. Our vision will see change. How do I know this?
Because up until the eve of this wonderful day my words were only half alive. Unknowingly, I spun them from an incomplete dream and hung them on a half circle of peace. It was not until my dreams were visited by a long-ago prayer.....that the dream became a promise.This is Frank Sirianni's first grandchild
Present and accounted for on the day her Papa spoke for peace.He sent me this photograph from Canada at almost the exact moment I discovered a little blue marble in the bottom of a wooden bowl - delivered by my own Papa many years ago
A prayer full of peace
and promise."
Note: Frank's little Lily was born in the early spring of 2007 (the globe should say 07, not 06). I like to think she is the youngest peace blogger ever.What will this year bring?
Update! The next BlogBlast4Peace is Nov 4, 2014. Join us.
I missed the first Blog Blast for Peace as I wasn't much of a blogger back then but this will be my 3rd and there's no way I'm going to miss it.
This is a wonderful labor of love for you and a message that should and needs to be spread across the globe.
Just don't forget to come up for air once in awhile!
I'm not sure my Mister Linky's comment took. I'll be back, though. First, I'm working on the countdown. Then, Mimi, the meme. And I love making Peace Globes.
Of course I'll be joining in Mimi. x
Hi Mimi, I will be participating. I went ahead and clicked on linky and then wondered if I should have waited until I sent you my 2008 peace globe. I'll do it before too long and email it to you and will post on the peace globe day. This is such a great thing that you started and continue to do.
You know I'm in!
Okay Mimi, I'm ready to join. As a matter of fact I put the Blog Blast Icon up on my sidebar...
Mimi, I sent along my Peace globe...
I'll get busy on my PEACE globe. Have a great day sweetie. Big hug. :)
I'm working on my peace globe. I did want to comment here that in instruction item 4, the date June 6 is listed...but on the globe images, the date indicates June 4. I'm assuming that the date is in fact June 4, but just wanted to verify.
Hi Mimi, I have emailed my peace globe to you. Thanks again for coming up with this and continuing to do it, Carver
I just posted mine Mimi. I am going to email it to you but I don't know if it will work because it is animated, I hope it dose. :D
I have mine Mimi. Silly me...moved to tears. Thank you so much for all of your hard work.
I will be working on mine today.
Big,Big, Hugs!!
Hi Mimi,
I like this one. I already sent you mine.
This is the 1st time I'm actually coming on before the bandwagon has pulled out. I humbly submit my little globe.
CableGirl sent me - and I'm so glad she did! I'm looking forward to participating in this great event.
I have four blogs and will do a globe for each. This is a wonderful idea.
My "Globe" is done and posted on my site and emailed to you.
I love this and am honored to participate this year.
Now that I know how to do the graphic thing, I'll be joining everyone on June 4th.
Looks like a great gesture you're doing here Mimi. I'm in!
Thanks for the opportunity to do something meaningful.
Hi Mimi,
Just mailed you my peace globe.
I'm in this time too.
Hi Mimi,
I'll be sending you my globe presently.
Hi MiMi,
MoMo helped us make a really nice globe this year. We have emailed it to you.
We blog at Alasandra & The Cats
We are the cat half of the blogger team ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
I've just sent you my globe.
Thank you so much for sharing peace every time.
Big hugs to you,
&hearts Sonny
Just me...
Let's be doin' this then, Me Lass!
It's flying your way on happy, hopeful wings, Mimi!
Peace be with us all.
I'm in. Here is my link:
You still owe me some "Gratitude"
I have emailed my globe for this year. I will be promoting Blog Blast for Peace on my blogs. The day of the event, my post will be on Endangered Spaces.
God love you for doing this. Bloggers can change the world.
I have finally finished mine. :)
I am so proud to be a part of this movement.
Here's a link to my globe. :)
Yay, we finished our globe! We're so proud, happy and excited to be a part of this again this year!
We'll be there June 4. Wouldn't miss it...
Just got your email Mimi... I finally figured out how to do this. Have a good day
I am really happy that you organize this again ! It proves that we all are for peace whatever nationality we have or on whatever continent we live !
I emailed you my globe !
Hi Mimi,
My prayer for peace has been posted here!
This is mt first. I'm looking forward to it!
Linda - I am enjoying the process and brewing lots of coffee. I appreciate your friendship EVERYday, not just BlogBlast Day.
Kathleen - That goes for you too, Missy. You are getting good at the peace globe making.
Thanks for all your support and friendship.
Akelamalu - I know....little Hawaiian girl. You are so awesome.
Carver - I can't wait to see your globe.
Travis - Of course I know that!
Mary - Your peace globe is very inspiring.
Dottie - I sooo appreciate you pointing this out to me. I changed it. I can't believe I did that!
Sandee - Bloggers like you make BlogBlast the success it is.
Roger - Oh it works alright! We all love it!
Shinade - Your globe for your son-in-law was very special.
Thank you.
Piebuko - Thank you!
Autumn - I love your globe!
April - Glad to have a new peace blogger. Welcome.
Beetle and Jane - YAY for peace globes. Thank you.
Julia and Rolando - Welcome. Can't wait to see you here.
Jack - I do feel that it's meaningful. Welcome to the lovely land of the peace globes.
Julia - I consider you a true blue peace blogger from the beginning. Malaysia!
MoMo and Alasandra - The kitties rock the peace every year.
Sonny - I remember your lovely globes from round one. Glad to see you again.
Cap'n - We be doing the peace.
Margo - Waiting anxiously to see my friend.
Zoolatry - So good to see you here.
Mel and Cybercelt - You are both power bloggers. Thank you.
Tish - I'm proud of you and your little munchkins too.
Zippie, Sadie & Speedy - I've said it before and I'll say it again - the cats rock the peace.
Gattina - The continents are uniting for peace. Thank you.
CallieAnn - I love the flag icon.
Debbie - I'm on my way!
shrijnana - I will see you here. Thanks for participating.
I will do it for sure....
thanks for including me.
I couldn't get the little image to work though...
I will be flying high this year, it is happening on my 4th blogiversary! I've made my globe and put it up on Flickr here:
The Feline Rescue cats will be blogging for peace!
You can find us at
Ciao MImi!
I'm working on...
Cheers from Italy!
Pace, amore :)
Of course I'm with - like last year - great initiative - looking forward to the 4th of June!
Join Blogblast for Peace!
I'd love to join this wonderful campaign. See you all on June 4th and Peace!
ok, I'm in!
Created my globe this morning. See y'all June 4!
I'm in. :)
I LOVE this idea and am proud to join forces with other bloggers in this important project. Am currently working on my globe.
FYI: I've both Stumbled this post and added it to and I'm sure I can find other places to mention it too...
See, working on it :-)
Oh, and mentioned in both Twitter and Jaiku :-)
I'm in and ready to join!
hi mimi! count me in, i just sent you my globe ;)
sending my humble globe in now....
Ciao MiMI!
I'm in:
pace,amore, cheers
Hi Mimi!
Have sent you my peace globe contribution.
My blog name is Life Quest
from the Philippines.
Have a Great Day!!!
Hi mimi - this is a wonderful idea. I've emailed my globe to you and wrote a post today with a link to this page.
Hi Mimi,
What a wonderful and glorious idea, I love it! I have made my globe and am emailing it today. I have posted about it on
Mimi I just posted the Blog Blast for Peace meme, sorry I am so late. I have been accosted and kidnapped by "FAMILY" of all things. Hope all is
well with you!! :D
I read about your movement through Bond at The Big Leather Couch, and he has inspired me to participate.
I look forward to seeing everyone else's posts and banners.
More power to Blogblast and to all who will participate. Truly an inspiring movement.
My third Peace Globe is flying in my sidebar. I'm going to try to do a week of Peace Posts again like in November :D
Peace Out,
I'll be joining.
My blog's name is Lilac Colored Glasses at
I'll be joining in again!, but I will fly it on all my blogs.
Let's make it happen, peace, I mean.. wouldn't that be awesome.
I'll be there on the 4th (my third time!). So glad you are doing this!
I emailed you my globe for the gallery on 5/17. I just checked and it has not been placed in the gallery. Leave me a message if you need me to email it again. Otherwise, I will just post it on the 4th.
This is my another link:
Hi Mimi! Yes, I will certainly be taking part this year, in poetry I think.
I was part of the original BBFP but missed the ones in the middle, I'm looking forward to participating once again.
Ready to post. Purrs.
Mini, I've posted this on my blog and will post again on the 4th of June with the peace globe I've created. I hope I'm doing it right :P
Have emailed you the details :)
Crunchy - I will try to help you. Let me know if you are still having trouble.
Angela - Happy Blogiversay. How special that will be.
Katie - Feline Rescue Cats are welcome here!
Hanna - You are my only representative from Italy. Thank you for participatiung from your part of the world. I love it!
RennyBa - I can't wait to read your post, Renny. So glad you are participating and blogging the peace.
Strider - The Philippines are one of the most peace globe represented places on the planet. You are in dear company.
Shearyadi - Your globe is truly spectacular. I just love it.
Odat - Go on with your dancing peace lovin' self....
Charlotte - It will be a great party! Welcome.
Rodney and Ann - Welcome to the lovely land of the peace globes.
Captain LifeCruiser - You have been an enormous help to me. Thank you!
John, Liza, Andrena - I really enjoy your enthusiasm for the project. have been here from the very first BlogBlast with your preaching self from Philadelphia. are so cool.
Raven - I will be over to check it out! Thank you.
Kim - What an interesting site you have. I'll be by in a bit. Welcome.
Colin - I did receive your globe but am having trouble getting on your site. I will see you on the 4th!
Roger - You were kidnapped by your family? Yikes! All is well with me. Thanks for asking.
rwa - Will you be playing a song on your guitar for BlogBlast day?
Ice - Welcome. I know you are going to enjoy this movement. I love the template on your blog!
NolaDawn - I hope you do your weekly thing. Last time it was really really inspiring.
Lilac - I saw your blog today and your beautiful globe. Gorgeous!
Marcia - It would indeed be awesome. The blogosphere is full of peace on that day. Let's hope it spills out into the real world. Oh. I forgot. This IS the real world.
Mom - Once I started (as you know) I couldn't stop! It's too important. And I get so inspired by the globes and the words I read.
Cybercelt - I've got it and it is ready to roll. Can't wait!
Hanna - What a peace blogger you are!
Tom - I'm glad I caught up with you again. Your poetry is always stunning.
she - I remember you and your Screaming Pages. Welcome back.
Derby - Purrs back! Good to see you here.
Napaboaniya - You did it exactly right and it's lovely. Thank you. See you on the 4th!
Hi Mimi,
Missy & KC have their latest Peace Globe ready to display on June 4th. Actually, it is already on our sidebar.
We signed the Mr. Linky and here is our blog:
Hope that's everything.
If you need anything, just let me know.
And KC made the post on the Cat Blogosphere, it's up and so is the sidebar reminder.
ML (Mary Lynn)
emailed you my globe (tho from my personal email and not my blog email), signed the linky, and have my post set for auto-publish on the 4th so I don't forget! =)
I'm glad that Nana Sadie reminded me - my globe is ready to go!
We will be posting:
The Cat Realm
Emil and Mrs. OZ
We will be posting too!
Karl and Ruis
Your highness,
I am having lots of trouble. Technology apparently is not my friend. I am about to e-mail you my peace globe. Couldn't get it the way I wanted. But it's the thought that counts...I am getting into the spirit.
Patti (LBB)
Got our post and meme up and started at
Billy Spinners World
I will be posting:
Heaven's Garden
Just sent in a Peace Globe for The Pet Purrs & Purrayers blog, a place for those in need to leave requests for "purrs and purrayers" and also a place to leave a memorial to a pet who has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.
ML (Mary Lynn)
Pet Purrs & Purrayers
I'm flying a peace globe! Love and peace to you, and thank you for this wonderful event. It's always such an inspiration!
My blog is called Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and it's at:
Love and purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
We Ballicai are flying a globe, too! We just love Blog Blast for Peace, and Mimi, you ROCK!
Our blog is the Ballicus Blog, and it's at:
Love and kittyhugs and purrs from the Ballicai (MaoMao, Dorydoo, and Brainball)
I'm in, with brand new globes for me and my kitties (the Ballicai and Marilyn above *smile*).
My blog is Tennessee Text Wrestling, and it's at:
Thank you so much for doing this! You are a gem. :)
Hi Mimi! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!
:-) Neila at Blog That Mommy!
Hi there Mimi! We just sent you our globe. Our blog is Thanks, Goldie and Shade
Hi there Mimi! We just sent you our globe. Our blog is Thanks, Goldie and Shade
Hello from Kansas! I will be joining you as well. A lovely effort.
Kshippychic at
Hello hello from Alberta CANADA! I just sent you our globes and now off to sign Mr. Linky. Oh the work you must have to do with this!!
My blog is...
A Spot of T
My dog decided he would like to participate as well and his blog is...
Mushu's News
Better late than never. I did it. Hope you're well. (Nice idea, btw. Very impressive, your creative skills they are.) *peacies*
Here I am: Blogblast For Peace Meme~Join the Revolution
Of course we post!!!
Kattenpraat's Catwalk
Superb Idea
My first Peace Globe is posted - and I'm only 6 mo old!
Our Peace Globe is up - and this year our little blurpy sisser posted one on our Mommakitty's bloggie!
Pax Vobiscum
Mine's scheduled for midnight! I'm emailing now!
I will have mine posted in the morning.
I just discovered BlogBlast for Peace today! Just hours before the deadline. I've submitted my Peace Globe.
Thanks for the beautiful project.
Rahma at
Oh, I love this idea. I'm working on my post now. Thanks for such a neat thing.
We're Purring for Peace! Ours will post at Midnight EST.
We're in at Cool Moms Rule! I'll have my blog post up early tomorrow morning.
I'm having trouble viewing your site, but I hope this works. Maybe it means that EVERYONE is trying to view this at the same time! Wouldn't that be cool? I'm in for tomorrow and just e-mailed you my new peace globe. Thanks for all you do!
Fantastic job and good luck tomorrow!
I'm having trouble with your site & even with instructions have no idea how to make a globe but I have posted (in Oz & a day ahead; does that matter?)& have linked you from my site. I love this idea.
I've got ours up a wee bit early :)
Thanks for putting this together :)
I just emailed you mine - I'll post tonight at: and at
Thank you so very much for doing this - I know it must be HUGE work!
Hallar if you need help!
I'm working on it.
all done.
we are in for the first time. We will have our peace globe online in a few minutes and sent it per mail to you as well.
Procrastination almost won out, and I waited until the last minute, Mimi, but I'm participating. I'm working on my post for tomorrow and my Peace Globe is done. I'm sending it to you in a few minutes.
Mine is up too as I take the advantage of living in Norway where we already have started the 4th of June:
I'm a new blogger and new to this Blogblast, but I think it's a great idea and so glad I found out about it. Working on my globe and should have it up soon.
Thanks for organizing this!
Great idea! Here's mine:
I fully support BlogBlast for Peace and just sent you my beautiful globe! :) Thanks Mimi!!!
This is the first time I am participating - sorry for such a crappy job on my globe, but I am hindered by lack of software on this machine AS WELL as lack of talent!!!
Mine is also up and I have linked.
My peace globe is up on my blog. I've also put it on Cre8buzz, and I'll go and insert into my myspace page.
p.s. i couldn't get it to work the way i sent it to you, so i did it up different :)
Ours will post at 12:01 Central. Dis is the firstest wifout my tabby sisfur, Bonnie. ::sigh::
I love this. Thanks for doing it! I've sent you my submission and signed Mr. Linky!
Good Work!
Old Crone
Mine is up.
It's a nice thought... I've posted :-)
My twin sister posted a "Vote for Peace" Globe here!
Mine will be up today as well. My first time, and I'm so glad to find it. Amazing things I've seen thus far. Peace to ya'll!
My post is up and if you click on my name, you will be there.
God bless all who wish, pray and wait for peace.
We are very happy to be participating this Blog Blast for Peace!
-Amar and Luna from
I have my post up :)
Our 1st Blog Blast for Peace.
This is our third Blog Blast for Peace and we nearly missed it. We have just put up our (hurried) post.
MY Blog Blast for Peace is up:
We put ours up!
Jack of all shades and shadows
Jack and Persephone
Me too! Peace, everyone! Thanks again for the awesome initiative, Mimi!
Wow! The response here is phenomenal!
Mine is up, O Queen of The Pencil Skirt!
This is such a wonderful idea. Mine's up on mine bloggie but I'll have to email it to you later (hope I don't forget, lol!) coz I'm in a rush to get to an appointment now:) xxx
Mine is up. The blog world is a wonderful place. Thank you for having a vision. Peace.
Mine's up. Promoting peace - what a concept. Nice work, Mimi. Glad I was able to join in the rev...*big bear huggies*
I'm so happy to join this effort.
Hooray for PEACE!!! ((()))
I've emailed you my globe. :-)
Hi All- Peace to ALL. I e-mailed my globe just now and about to post it on my blog.
makin dis wuzzen't eezee fer me ... after all ... i'm justa cat.
pleez vizit mi blog an see wut i meen.
thank u fer all uv dis.
We is hopin for peace too!!!!
The Kiaton Empire
My first peace globe! :)
I'm always late for everything but I'd never miss this. Thank you for inviting me to take part in my 2nd year of BlogBlast for Peace.
What an awesome and loving thing to do! Thank you Mimi :) Blesings and lots of love to you!
My first globe and glad to be part of the movement!
I cannot believe that I've never heard of this before. But I'm gonna do it anyway, better late than never. It's a wonderful idea.
Claudia Margonper
I just sent you my peace globe. THANK YOU!
To Mimi:
Thank you for doing this project. I am happy to be added to your gallery.
It was an interesting exercise and made me reflect on what makes a great person. I think it is one who can raise us up and remind us that we always have a choice to overcome our baser instincts.
If you haven't seen the movie "Bobby", rent it. I've seen it twice now and could watch it at least once a year. It takes place on the day and night of Robert Kennedy's assassination as seen through the lives of a wide variety of people. It is artfully woven together with the voice and speeches of RFK and there is no actor that portrays him in the movie, but it is much more powerful the way it was done.
For some reason, this movie is very important to me. I was in my late 20's at the time. The movie chronicles that time so well.
Hindsight is so poignant, it is heartbreaking. We went through three assassinations in a short time of the most
idealistic men of our time.
I often wonder what life in this country would be like if they were alive. I was astounded that nothing was done in the media on this year's 40th anniversary of his death.
Well, I'm late(as usual).
But I'm still in, and I put your badge in my sidebar. I'll be extra early for next year. Maybe It won't be necessary next year, maybe President Obama (O Pleeeeeeeeaaase God, let it be Obama) will be able to get us out of this war(I know, fat chance!) and we can Blogblast to end World hunger or something.
See ya in '09
Not a photo editing wiz but I wanted to participate..
Rambling Woods
I have emailed my peace globe to you!
Mimi, it's people like you motivating people like us that help change the world. I am so happy my friend happytiler told me about your inspiring project! I hope I am commenting in the right place, I would love to be involved in such an important cause. I am emailing you my globe. thanks for doing this!
I would love to join this blast,i think we can really bring peace to the world one blog at a time,i already sent my peace globe back to you.
I'm in and I've sent my globe to you.
I am in and I am going to send you my globe in a second .. over here via Alelamalu's ...
I'm here from some many people - Raven/Bond/Bobbie/Daryl ... to name just a few
I have sent you my globe
Peace and ...
Thank You for Doing This
I have linked my blog and added the globe but don't quite understand how to send a globe back.
Joining hands with everyone.
great effort and i'm joining! i've emailed you earlier on =)
dona nobis pacem
Emailing you!
The Pittsburgh Deli is IN! Email on the way.
Globe done, check; email sent, check; countdown on blog, check; getting giddy about the blogblast for peace, CHECK WE ARE READY!
I emailed my globe to you. Thanks!
i have joined the meme today:
thank you
emila yusof
Hi Mimi, I emailed my globe and I'm ready to go. What a wonderful thing we can all do to show our support for peace.
The Birder's Report
Hi mimi! put-up my globe Shout and email my globe to you! Great Work! Thanks!
Ooophs! forgot to leave my URL! Here it is:-
Thanks again.
Hi Mimi! Sent you an email already for my globe.
Me and Mine-
I meant to join you years ago. I've just e-mailed you my globe.
Adding my fervent wishes for peace to the call -
Robin from Israel
I'm gonna do the November 2008 one!
We scheduled our post, we left our name in the Linky box and we will now email you our globe!
Greetings! I`ve just stumbled at this post, and yes I want to join...
I`ve already sent you my Peace Globe Design, and yes, I`ll surely write a post regarding this on November 6.
Blog Title: atenean101 @ Blogspot
Blog URL:
Gosh, 3 days to go... I almost did not make it! It was my first time to check your site! I am participating... so count me in! my blog's name is nelson's anatomy.
Greetings - and thank you for this wonderful idea. I will be participating - and as I will be posting in Australian time - I might even be early for a change !
The Dove
Just sent you my peace globe.
Can't wait!
Holistic Mama
Looking forward to it. Thank you for this!
Great idea!
Life at the Stone Jug
I'll be writing again this year at
Take care,
Oh boy I'm for peace!! Great work everyone.
We're gonna participate! This is really cool!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
We are excited to be participating....we are all for PEACE!!
Mine's ready to go!
Mine'll be up at:
I just emailed you our globe and the post at our blog is scheduled for tomorrow.
Happy to be here! Victor's 3rd or 4th peace globe, and Nina's 1st!
Finally I'm (late but) in time for the Blogblast For Peace!
This is one of our most favorites reasons we blog!
We just emailed your our globe and have signed the Linky.
Thank you for your efforts.
Carmela and Moe Gritton
Bless the beasts and the children. Thank you - my globe is emailed to you!
We have just posted our globe and are about to email it to you.
Purrs furrom Eric and Flynn
Just getting our last minute peace globe finished. We will post it momentarily at
Emailed mine to you :-)
I hope I did this right!
Hi, I just emailed the globe to you! My blog's URL is:
Keep up the great job!
Hi Mimi, I know I'm a day late, but I wanted to contribute something anyway. Great job!
I am very glad I can across this blog of such great importance. It is through communication that we can help get our message and information through to others. I have a lot of catching up to do reading all these blogs! Call it "Divine Providence" that this blog appeared. Paix
Hi Mimi,.
Just emailed you my globe.
My Blog is with same URL. :)
keep up the Good work!
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