Send your peace globes to
blog4peace @

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Dona Nobis Pacem ~ BlogBlast For Peace June 6, 2007

 One day
One subject
One voice

The Peace Globe Gallery
June 2007 : I've visited over 150 blogs tonight with many more to go. Awesome! I want to comment on everyone's before I move on to the next post. Still collecting globes and adding them to the gallery. It is past midnight and there are 300 linkies here. Amazing...!! Right now, I need to get some rest. See you tomorrow. Keep sending them in. It will still be Dona Nobis Pacem day tomorrow....won't it? Of course! Thank you for such an incredible day in the blogosphere. Really inspiring. Stay tuned. I just found a peace globe from a mmmm..mmm...mouse. (I smell a story.)

Pre-script: Please remember to leave a comment at the end of this post along with your url in the box provided so that I may continue to document this event.If you'd like to have the linky code for this event, just email and I will send it to you.
This is Mimi Pencil Skirt reporting live from the lovely land of the Peace Globes. This post was written just before midnight on the eve of the first Dona Nobis Pacem in the Blogosphere - quite unexpectedly inspired by a bowl of marbles - and a loving, gentle tap on the shoulder by someone I loved and lost. I am still amazed at how the story of the Peace Globes really began. Many of you are posting a globe for the first time today and do not know this story. For you, I shall tell it again. And for those who began this journey with me last year, thank you from the bottom of my pencil-skirted heart for allowing me to introduce you, once again, to this honorable man. I am proud to know you.
So is he.

The Silence of Peace
Papa's Marbles

They've been sitting on my piano for more years than I care to count - on the corner of the Kohler and Campbell my grandfather gave me when I was fourteen years old. After he died, I found them in a tattered and dirty bag at the bottom of a box full of his personal things. He wanted me to have them. His marbles.

Handmade roughhewn marbles crafted from rock by my grandfather and his brothers. The year was 1920 and there was no money for toys.
I often wondered why he didn't leave them for a male member of the family. Honestly, folks. It wasn't until just tonight - the eve of
Dona Nobis Pacem in the Blogosphere - that I discovered the answer.

I know stranger things have happened.

I just can't recall when.

I knew this post would not be written until the last moment. I made lots of notes but I just couldn't quite make it happen. It is still a little while before midnight in my part of the United States and I'm supposed to be spinning out a masterpiece of goodwill and peace prose - maybe a stunning poem like those we've already seen. A song, a lyric, a new tune.

Instead, Mimi Pencil Skirt wants to talk about rocks.

So I went into my study and began to polish them. One by one. The bowl, the piano, the granite. How many times have I sat at that very bench and casually glanced into that bowl? Thousands. Song after song.
Tune after tune. Lesson after lesson. Tear after tear.

He didn't have a lot of money it seems to me now, my grandfather. At the time though, he was the richest man I knew. And he has been on my mind this week more often than not. Well over six-feet tall and always impeccably dressed, my Papa was the most humble man I've ever met.
When he passed away I met scores of people who told me what he'd meant to them. "He helped me when I needed money....." "He gave me his shoes...." and on and on.

His kindness was not news to me. The fact that a large portion of the town showed up at his wake was, however, a stunning surprise. I didn't know I'd been sharing him all those years.

He made me feel as if I were the only one in the world.

Strange, those marbles. All different shapes and sizes. Colors, too. Yet they've co-existed for years right there atop the long- lovingly- played strings inside my piano - the one Papa used his savings account to buy for me - while he worked two jobs at the factory and made time up on Saturdays when he missed work hours to drive me to my lessons.

I was a bit different. Artistic. Content with solitude. Always writing in endless journals and playing broody piano music. Papa didn't pamper me - even though that's a disputed fact to this day in my family.

What he did was more earth-shattering.

The one on top. That one.
Different... that one. I know that's the very one he made.
I'm sure of it.

When I think about peace and what it means to me, I always wander back to a time when I first felt it. Because I know on an unconscious level that world peace cannot - will not - be achieved without inner peace. Adversaries on both sides of the conflict have to have it. You can't weave magical tranquility out of thin air and conferences. Peace is a state of being.

It has a life of its own.

Real lasting peace is born of creative jumble and hard work. Victories are never won by the one who has the most power - wars are won; but not a state of peace. Nothing good can ever come of power at play for the sake of power.

It never lasts and there's always a price.

Papa's Marbles. Not a pretty one in the bunch.
Every one brown or taupe. Almost every one.

I started thinking this week about those times in my life
when I first felt real peace.
For me, it came in the presence of God at an early age. Not because I am privileged or special. But simply because I was loved. Unconditionally.

Sometimes it takes just one person
to unlock magic in someone else.

I watched that kind of magic flow through my grandfather's life.
He was in tune with who he was. He knew the simple meaning of love.
He knew how to pray.
I often wondered how other people sensed that about him - without the benefit of those life-giving hugs he saved just for me.

He chose the color himself. Papa.....he must have spent hours honing that rock.

I often went with him to backwoods church services. Informal revivals, formal services, anywhere there was special music and a spirit of God - he was there. I can't explain it really. We would visit churches and the minister would ask him to lead the invocation or say the benediction - even though they'd never met. How did they know he could pray? I knew he could pray......but how did they know?

Taking his hat off and bowing his head, he would very quietly hold audience with his Maker. It didn't matter how many people were listening. His prayers always began the same way......"Dear Gracious Heavenly Father......"
No matter where. Or with whom. Or in front of whom.

Hat in hand. Head bowed. He knew how to reach God.
And people sensed that when they met him.
If peace can be worn like a garment then he was always finely clothed, my Papa.

One night he took me by the hand and led me to the altar with him. He knelt down on one knee, elbow resting on the other and silently voiced his heart. I was right there! I heard the whole thing and he never said a word.

He made them with his own hands. He molded them into shape.
Created them and lovingly took care of them. He chose the color.
Not a sonata or a novel. Certainly nothing brilliant or fancy.
Just ordinary marbles.

Tonight I'm sitting at my table writing stories on an electronic device that sends messages to a guy in Canada about globe graphics and insomnia, making pots of endless coffee to stay awake, answering emails from Germany, London, China, New York , Oman and beyond.

Could Papa have ever imagined such a thing?

Did he?

What was he praying about all that time anyway?
Papa's marbles.....There's something odd about them.

Oh forget about it. They're just a bunch of rocks. You've got a story to write. Can't you think of something brilliant? It's past midnight and everyone has their peace globe up but you.

I struggled. There's something missing here, I thought.
It's about Papa. I can't stop thinking about him.
What would he say to me tonight? How would
he pray?

The marbles.
Look closer.

When it hit me, I was way past the point of arguing with myself about miracles and such. I've seen too many come through my mailbox today to argue with God about that.

Do you see it?
The blue one on top.

It looks like a globe.

Dona Nobis Pacem did not start with Mimi. It started in 1920 when a little boy in the rural southeastern United States decided to shape a small blue marble - for his granddaughter.

Click to see the gallery of globes

List of locations participating. Hong Kong and Poland just checked in Bloggingham Palace for Peace.

This is why we want peace. Click here.


CS said...

The earth-like nature of the marble struck me immediately, reminding me of the show Big Blue Marble. Beautiful post about your grandfather - you might well really like the children's book by Doug Wood, Grandad's Prayers of the Earth. My globe is up now - thanks for organizing this!

Liz Hill said...

Mine's up sugar at this ungodly hour-will tweak as needed--how do I do the tag?
Smooch--you are wonderful

Mimi Lenox said...

cs - Sounds like a great book and one I definitely want to read. Thanks for recommending. I hope you are enjoying BlogBlast. I can't wait to get to your site and read what you've written.

Peace and welcome to the lovely land of the peace globes.

Mimi Lenox said...

Turnbaby -I'm so excited I can't sleep. It's like Christmas at Bloggingham Palace tonight. All these beautiful posts and globes floating around.

I will email the code for the tag and linky asap.

Getting coffee (and chocolate)

Hugs to you,

Samantha & Mom said...

Ours is up. We just need to email it to you.
Samantha & Tigger

Mimi Lenox said...

jfcloresinc - Welcome to the peace globes! Can't wait to see it.

Julie said...

I'm working and learning tons of new blog stuff now at 143am! Sheesh..I'm a maniac!

Thank you for your efforts here Mimi!


Travis Cody said...

Mine is up. And my friend Julie at has a globe up. I told her to email it to you for the gallery.

I couldn't get the linky box, but I put a link back to here on my post.

Peace Mimi!!

Mimi Lenox said...

Julie - I can't sleep either. Wonder why??

Mimi Lenox said...

Thanks for the post, Travis,and the participation AND your honest posts. I'm sending you the linky code. I figured it out.
You were right. It was no time to be bummed.

This is peace day!

Mr. Lance said...

All around the world, I see lots of peace. Very moving

Mimi Lenox said...

Lance - Great! I can't wait to get out and about. Thanks for participating from Canada.

Bob G said...

The Pacific NorthWest checks in Mimi - what a beautiful story. A few more minutes and my globe is up! Peace to you

Mimi Lenox said...

BobG - Welcome, welcome.
Can't wait to see your globe and read the post. I'm so excited to meet new bloggers and hear what they have to say on the subject.

Today we are united.
Isn't that cool?

Lizza said...

Mims, the "bowl" is a lot fuller now than it was last year. I'm so glad.

Lexa Roséan said...

round two of peace globes. may this magic for peace make a difference in our world. right there with you Mimi. Got my globes up.
The Witch Dr is IN
Author!Author! Lexa Rosean's Blog

Mimi Lenox said...

Lizza - You're right! I am overwhelemed and excited.

TopChamp said...

I'm so sorry - blogger has put me on the linky 3 times! But in the spirit of peace day I know you'll not be mad with me... esp as I PROMISE I only hit 'enter' once. Ok so I was impatient and I did hit 'refresh' a couple of times while the computer was chugging slowly along....

Don't know if you can delete them. I can't.

Akelamalu said...

Peace to you MIMI and congratulations on getting so many globes. x

Anonymous said...

Well I am at work and definately not supposed to be posting on my blog, but I just couldn't wait. Mine is up and flying proudly. (Took me awhile though cause our internet link just went down at the office :-( )

I am JMR from

Anonymous said...

Oh, nothing compares to your post, but never the less a humble peace globe post: Lifecruisers Dona Nobis Pacem.

I might practise more on better writing until next time.... *lol*

Now I'm off making Love!


Amazing Gracie said...

This is my first year and I just read your story, or should I say, your papa's story...and how beautiful and moving it is! What a wonderful legacy he has tenderly given you!

Sonny said...

Thid is a wonderful post for peace!
Thank you mimi!

Let's spread peace!

My globe is up too, please stop by if you like to!

Hugs from Germany,

Molly said...

That is a beautiful tribute to your grandfather and a wonderful story about the inspiration for the Peace Globes. I am a late entry, but I did e-mail my globe and it is flying at my blog.


Odat said...

and Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!

Patti said...

This is such a beautiful story. I'm about to put my globe up, I just wanted to visit you first.
I had a feeling you wouldn't be able to get much sleep last night!

Happy Peace Globe Day Mimi!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up. I love this project.

Peace to all.

Later Y'all.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

What a beautiful story, Mimi. :) Thank you for sharing it. :)

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Mimi...
Have a peaceful day!

Lots of Licks, Ruby (and her Mom, Michele)

Kellyology said...

Mine is up...thanks.

Durward Discussion said...

What a beautiful tribute to your father. You have started something wonderful.

Ginafish said...

Thank you for the marble story and the chance to participate. :)

JHS, Esq. said...


Mimi Lenox said...

Judd - Thank you and peace to you as well.

Mimi Lenox said...

GinaFish - You're welcome. Thank YOU for promoting peace today in the blogosphere.

Mimi Lenox said...


Wading through the peace pool and will get to all of your individual posts eventually.
This is awesome.
We should all be so proud.

Mimi Lenox said...

Jamie - My grandfather was a wonderful man. I do feel his presence with us here today.

Mimi Lenox said...

Kelly - Catch your post in a while.
Thank you for participating in peace globes today.

Mimi Lenox said...

Globes are pouring in. I will add them to the gallery as soon as I can. Keep 'em coming.

I've had to bring in more servants to help with this royal task. (grin)

Mimi Lenox said...

Ruby Bleu - And peace to you as well.

Mimi Lenox said...

Gewels - Thank you and peace. This is a bright day in the blogosphere.

Peter Haslam said...

It is good to see the response Mimi to all your hard work. Congrats my globe is up today in support

Mimi Lenox said...

Peter - I am so pleased and excited. We all should be.

Mimi Lenox said...

Dragonheart - Thank you. He was a truly beautiful man.

Mimi Lenox said...


I hope we don't break Mr. Linky.
Maybe somebody should send him a peace globe just in case.

Mimi Lenox said...


Yahoo mail was down for a few minutes.Did somebody have a globe collision in the blogosphere?

Buckle up, people, buckle up.
Make way for the peace globes.....

Mimi Lenox said...

Please pray for the people in OMAN right now. There's at least one peace globe flyer there. Going to check on her now.....

Mimi Lenox said...

JMR - Isn't it exciting? Power to the peace globes but don't get fired.

Mimi Lenox said...

Bobbarama - Your participation is appreciated. Every word of the story is true. I still get chills.

Mimi Lenox said...


I just got an email from an African spammer. Wrong day to mess with Mims. I know I shouldn't have but I did. His letter began "I know this mail will come to you as a surprise...etc"

I replied, "I know that this reply will come to you as a surprise. Just hush and get a peace globe."

I think I may pay for that one.

Anndi said...

Beautiful story Mimi...

Your Papa gave us all so much.

Globe is up... "It starts with me"

Mimi Lenox said...

Anndi - Thank you. Canada has been abundantly represented.

Marilyn said...

I'm used to being the only Marilyn. I would have added something to my name if I'd read through all the names before I linked... anyway, I'm up. Thank you so much for doing this.

The Rock Chick said...

I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I’d like to hold in in my arms and keep it company
I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
Ah, peace throughout the land.

Thanks so much for doing this!! What a wonderful idea and I'm so proud to participate. Everyone's globes are so unique and beuatiful, too. They really sum everything up.

Peace to you, Mimi!
Jessica The Rock Chick

Mimi Lenox said...

Marilyn - Welcome and I will have a peek at your site in a bit. What an amazing day. Thank you and peace to you and yours.

Mimi Lenox said...

Jessica - We ARE singing in one voice today. I can hear it all over. A beautiful sound.

Thank you for participating and speaking out for peace. Very moving.

Mimi Lenox said...

Jessica - We ARE singing in one voice today. I can hear it all over. A beautiful sound.

Thank you for participating and speaking out for peace. Very moving.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Wishing you a wonderful Day of Peace, I am amazed how this has grown.

A blessed day is wished for you

Mimi Lenox said...

Thank you, William. Wishing you the same.

exskindiver said...

peace is not too much to ask for.

thank you for including me.


Mimi Lenox said...

exskindiver - Thank YOU. Welcome.

Mimi Lenox said...

No, peace is not too much to ask for. It's the least we should ask for.

Nana Sadie said...

Just found you...
Cool! and Yes, we all need peace..

Queenie said...

Thank-you for letting me read this most wonderful tribute and peace post. Thank-you for this chance to be apart of something close to my heart, and giving me the opportunity to learn about your lovely Grandad

Anonymous said...

Thank you for organizing this event.
We are happy to be participating.

Mimi Lenox said...

Amar and Luna! More cats! I think now there's an entire cat universe - not just a blogosphere.

Maybe that's the same thing.

Mimi Lenox said...

Queenie - You are welcome here anytime.

From one royal Queen to another.....say, about that real Queen....

Mimi Lenox said...

knitnana - A universal cry. Heard today in the blogosphere!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Praying for peace, hailing from Vancouver WA.

Thanks Mimi.


Peace Purrs

Mine is up Mimi.

Durward Discussion said...


You are now number six on a google search of dona nobis pacem

Can we get you to number one by the end of the day.

Mimi Lenox said...

Prayers from Washington duly noted and appreciated. Welcome.

Mimi Lenox said...

Debra - Will see you soon. Love this involvement.What a happy day.

L^2 said...

What a beautiful story about your Grandfather! My peace globe is up. Have a wonderful day!

Mimi Lenox said...

L2 - Thank you and peace to you.

Mimi Lenox said...

Jamie - Did you say number SIX? No kidding? But the way this community is responding,nothing would surprise me today.

Thanks for letting me know. That's very exciting.

Scott from Oregon said...

I made mine into my blog banner.


Aloysius said...

thank you for doing this! I'm purring for peace.

Mimi Lenox said...

Scott - Let me see, let me see!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Mimi--I see you are up to over 200 on your Mr. Linky. I am hoping that there are others.

Of course, Gemini and I both participated!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story! This is a wonderful thing you're doing. Purrs & love,
Karen C.
Grr, Midnight & Cocoa

Durward Discussion said...


Your post reminded me of the lovely Eddie Fisher recording of "Oh My Papa". You tube didn't have that one, but this is a nice substitute:

Oh My Papa

Mimi Lenox said...

Aloysius - Thank YOU for participating. This is wonderful.

Durward Discussion said...


Your story reminded me of the great Eddie Fisher song. I couldn't find the original on You Tube, buy here is the song:

Oh My Papa

Mimi Lenox said...

Cheysuli - I'm sure there are others. If I were you, I'd write a campaign speech and place it in this comment box! I'll even let you have Persian Patti Cakes for a press secretary.

Chey for Pres 2008.

Charlie said...

Great post!

Mimi Lenox said...

Grr, Midnight & Cocoa -
Glad you like the peace globe story. It came as quite a surprise to me last November! Now that's my kind of story. Thanks for participating.

Mimi Lenox said...

Thank you, Charlie. Nice to see you here.

The Meezers or Billy said...

peace to you our furriend! This is so wonderful Miss Mimi! - Sammy and Miles Meezer

Mimi Lenox said...

Jamie - Yes, I love that song too. Very touching. I will listen again.

Mimi Lenox said...

My friends the Meezers - It IS wonderful. I'm amazed. Thanks for participating.

Mimi Lenox said...

My friends the Meezers - It IS wonderful. I'm amazed. Thanks for participating.

Danielle said...

Thank you for letting a newbie like me in on the origin of the peace globe movement. You were and are very lucky to have had such a warm soul as a grandfather. I am sure he is looking down upon you with a big proud smile on his face.

Peace here
Peace on Earth

Linda said...

I am so thrilled and happy to see so many Peace Globes around the Blogosphere today. If nothing else is accomplished by this then at least we know that hundreds, if not more, were thinking of the same thing today and sending those good thoughts and vibrations out into the Universe.

And I fully believe that what you put out there is what you get back.

Thank you again for all that you do and for the inspiration that you have given to all of us!

God bless you and grant you peace!


Anonymous said...

I am really happy to have been a part of this movement. I loved your story about your grandfather's marbles, it was perfect. Thank you for this great idea!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Mimi, look at the response from the blogosphere!! I am so excited. I just got my post up. And I am #234 on Mister Linky here. WOW!

Anonymous said...

"There are people who do not love their fellow man, and I *hate* people like that!" -- Tom Lehrer

Good Cats for Peace - Dona Nobis Pacem

Victor Tabbycat said...

Purrs for Peace, Mimi! Hey, if you still need a globe in Idaho, the Piney Woods Girls gotcha covered (in fur). They were the Calico Girls, but then a tabby found them, so... Name Change!
BIG purrs from alla us to alla yous. If Bonnie an I can be peaceful fur a day, anyone can!

Savvyology said...

Just a quick note to let you know I've posted in my blog. A bit tardy but I didn't forget. Thank you for creating such a lovely movement & for inviting the rest of us to participate.

~ Sav

Author said...

Wow, what a great response to your project Mimi! Congratulations for sharing the peace!

Unknown said...

Oh, Mimi - I´m amazed! So many peaceful bloggers out there - so many wonderful Peace Globes flying... What a happy day!

Thank you so much for this 3rd Blogblast For Peace!

Queen Mimi rocks!!!

LOVE & PEACE to you and Bud ♥

the blogger formerly known as yinyang said...

Hey. I learned about this through Doctor Anonymous. Did a little bit about the Peace Corps, too; hope that's okay.

Dona Nobis Pacem

The Evil Blogger Twin said...

Thank you so much for this beautiful posting, all the work you´ve done and time you´ve spend on this peaceful project. You´re inspiring!

Pax vobiscum, Mimi

Mimi Lenox said...

Danielle - I see you've caught peace globe fever. Excellent!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

How could I have gone to all 250 (as of 5:00PM CDT) links here and posted a comment and not commented here????


Wonderful wonderful wonderful Mimi....

All You Need Is Love

Mimi Lenox said...

Evil Twin - Thank YOU, my dear. Trying to get over to everyone's blog now.

RennyBA said...

Thanks for the initiatives!
There might be different reasons, intentions and perspectives in doing this and I respect them all. I do it may way as I believe i sharing culture, traditions and habits is a way to brake down misunderstanding and barriers. So I say: Make Blogs Not Wars!

Mimi Lenox said...

Bond - You were one of the first to fly the Peace Globe banner this year in a big way. It was huge at the top of your blog! Meant a lot to me and I thank you now for all your encouragement and friendship.

It is an amazing day. Yes, I am full of joy and smiles.


Mimi Lenox said...

MIMI NEWSFLASH!Queen Caffeine just ran out of coffee.
Oh the humanity.

Mimi Lenox said...

Yinyang - Of course that's OK. Heading over to read you! Thanks for participating.

Mimi Lenox said...

Sanni - You have been with us since the beginning of Dona Nobis Pacem. Bud and I enjoy your light spirit and warm kindness in the blogosphere.

Got one small problem though.
I just ran out of coffee.

Gotta cup to spare?

Ralph said...

Thank you for your real tribute to your grandfather. Like you, I have an enormous affection for my grandpa, who passed away in 1981. I was named for him, my given name is Ralph III...this of itself is quite an honor. My grandpa was from West Virginia, with only an 8'th grade education, had as much innate intelligence as anyone I have met in my life (and I'm 52 now), just a sensible, hard working, great man. I wrote on my site earlier about Ralph (I), and he was the man in Steubenville, Ohio. I really enjoyed meeting your Papa, as he sounded very much like mine. Thanks for a wonderful day and your site!

Mimi Lenox said...

Ralph - So we share grandpa stories? Great!~ I'll visit your site and catch up. He was, and still is, an inspiration to me; in all ways that matter.

Welcome to the lovely land of the peace globes.

Mimi Lenox said...

Savvy - I so enjoy your creative site and gentle spirit. Thank you for participating. It is awesome today!

Mimi Lenox said...

Victor Tabbycat - Purrs for peace to you as well.

Idaho?! Great!

Mimi Lenox said...

Kelly Cat - Too funny. Thanks for blogging for peace.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Mimi, I made a comment earlier today but I don't see it so the gremlins that follow me around the blogosphere must have eaten it. (hee hee)

I just wanted to say I am so excioted to be a part of this and you are one special lady.

Lots of love to you my friend.

Mimi Lenox said...

Pjocall - Thank you and I'm so glad to have recently met you.
Congratulations on your first BlogBlast for Peace.

May there be many more! (well....until there's peace)

Peg said...



Mimi Lenox said...

Peg - Earth to Peg - Thanks for stopping in my friend but what did you say?
Are you tired like Mimi?!

I need java.

Travis Cody said...

I'm about half-way through my normal rounds. I'm looking forward to clicking on some links and checking out some Peace Globes.

You're doing a great job Mimi! Thanks!

Mimi Lenox said...

Travis - Good to see you again. I just now started to read posts and really look at globes. I have to tell ya - I'm shedding a few tears here in Banister.

The posts are thoughtful and stunning and so full of promise.
Thanks for the encouragement, my friend.

Lara Croft said...

Thank you to you and your Papa. I'm proud to be a part of this. Sweet Dreams tonight. - LC

The Feline Sextet said...


Mimi Lenox said...

Lara - Thank YOU for participating and I will surely be over to read your post soon. So many great new blogs to read!

Mimi Lenox said...

Felines - Peace to you!

Sandee said...

A most impressive turnout. You have done well Mimi. Peace to you and yours. :)

Anonymous said...

Peace to you, mimi, for the peace you have asked us to expect in our world.

Mimi Lenox said...

Comedy - Thank you. Welcome to the lovely land of the peace globes!

Mimi Lenox said...

GEM, Peace to you as well.

Anonymous said...

Peace to all, light to all, love to all.

Terra Shield said...

Congratulations, Mimi... Great job! :)

TopChamp said...

ha ha - I see several people have now posted their names forty three times in a row... ok that's an exaggeration.

Going well though! Twas a great day - cheers x

Annelisa said...


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Yes, congratulations Mimi, and thanks for everything you've done. It's a beautiful thing. Your grandfather would be immensely proud.

Liz Hinds said...

Sorry!!! I forgot yesterday. My globe is up now.

Angell said...

Mimi - thank you for sharing that wonderful story with us. It had me in tears.

God Bless honey. Papa would be proud.

Mimi Lenox said...

Angell - The story has me in tears at times and I do miss him. Thank you.

SparkyDog said...

A lot of links up there! -Barks-

Crushed said...

Good idea. Keep it up, I support your efforts.

Mimi Lenox said...

Crushed - Thanks for your support and Happy Peace Day!

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Great job! I love you!

Mimi Lenox said...

Bud - I love you, too. Your support means everything.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Anonymous pointed the way...

Beautiful site - beautiful thought for our little blue marble....

Mimi Lenox said...

n=1...Thanks for visiting. I hope you got to participate. I'll check out your blog! Peace, Mimi

that frolicsome kid said...

I remember that story, Mimi! =D And wow, so many peace globes! =)

One Wacky Mom said...

What an incredible story! What's even more amazing is what a great story teller you are my dear! are just awesome...absolutely awesome.

This story has to be told a book Mimi dear! You inspire me!

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

I *finally* find Mr. Linky!

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