**Update! The next BlogBlast For Peace is Nov 4**
Peace blogging 2011 was inspiring in so many ways.
November 4, 2011
Bloggers from all across the globe
will blog for peace.
We will speak with one voice.
One subject.
One day.
Welcome to the 8th launch of
BlogBlast For Peace aka
Dona Nobis Pacem in the blogosphere.

What is it? A small group of bloggers answered a challenge I tossed one angst-filled October
day in 2006.
I wanted to know what would happen if all bloggers everywhere signed their name across a globe and all posted the SAME POST on the SAME DAY. I created a graphic and made the first one. I asked them to write "Dona nobis pacem" which is Latin for "grant us peace" across the globe image and post it on their blogs in November. Fifty-two people responded enthusiastically and soon it began to spread like a beautiful lyric across the internet.
It was the Internet's first ever online movement of its kind to invite bloggers to post the same message on the same day. From blog to blog it has moved and continues to grow. It is a virtual
inscription of hope. We have been amazed to see the power and passion shown each year displayed on pages across the world. We visit each other with our prayers and scribbles, prose and poetry, art and angst, heart and hilarity - and are moved by it every single time. There is something magical about the peace globes. Something I can't explain. But everyone who participates will tell you that very thing.

What we have built since 2006 is a core of distinct and remarkable individuals called "peace bloggers." They write. They draw. They paint beautiful words and images. They help and encourage each other. They may differ in philosophy and politic, but they find a way to peaceably debate. And then they sign their names to a promise. To a hope. To a dream we all have. To one day live in a world of peace.
Not all of them blog. Many blog peace on
Facebook and Twitter. All have earned a special place in my heart.
They continue to amaze me with their inspiration and dedication to the peace globes, which now fly in 60+ countries and countless provinces and cities across the world. They are housed in an online gallery
here and shown daily throughout the year on thousands of blogs. Every November 4th - which is my grandfather's birthday - we fly them in unity. We launch a new BlogBlast For Peace. We hear new stories. We welcome newbie peace bloggers. We learn about the world around us, how alike we all are, how human. It is a beautiful thing to behold.
This man, my Papa, is the reason I hold tight to the peace globes. Read his story below. I wonder if he knows what an inspiration he's become to so many... long after he left this world. I wonder if he knew that earth wrapped marble would become a symbol of peace and hope. He was that to me. And now he is that to you.
Papa's Marbles ~ How It All Began
The Silence Of Peace
BlogBlast For Peace #1
I used to say we were an invisible online world. I no longer believe that. I've watched how the peace movement has deepened in meaning. I've encountered tangible proof that the best things in life are
intangible. Your words. On thousands of pages you've written your dreams and hopes. Each time someone blogs for peace, they send out a ripple of hope, of truth, of tolerance, that attaches itself to the next ripple and the next. Our pond is a little bigger now. But the premise remains simple. We simply blog peace. The world has to hear. Dona nobis pacem...grant us peace. If enough of us say it, if enough of us believe it, if enough of us live it.....that has to be a positive force in the world. I believe in its power. Why?
Because I believe in the inherent goodness of people, deep down, to do the right thing. If I didn't, there would be no reason to hope for change. In our individual trials and collectively as humankind, there has to be a spark of goodness in every soul. We were made for greatness.
We won't get there without the goodness.
Peace bloggers are good folk.
This year we decided to nail our purpose to the page. I challenged them (and now you) to come up with one reason each day for the next 100 days leading up to November 4, 2011. It's called "100 Days 100 Reasons To Blog4Peace".
The posts have already inspired me and so many others. Many people are posting their reasons in their FB status. Please jump right in and join us.
I don't know what force led me to find a blue globe graphic and throw out a peace challenge. I don't know what manner of spirit or luck or destiny led me to my grandfather's marbles that night.
But there's a certain inexplicable electricity that accompanies faith fueled with the audacity to believe in something bigger than yourself. This movement has a power all its own.
I respect that.
If words are powerful....then this matters.
1. Choose one of the Peace Globe designs shown on this page or
click HERE for MANY more choices. Right CLICK and SAVE in JPG format.
2. Sign and design your peace globe anyway you wish. You can even include the name of your blog or business. Click here for thousands of inspiring examples from previous BlogBlasts. Be creative! Your peace globe is one-of-a-kind.
3. Send your peace globe to me via email ~ blogblastforpeace at yahoo.com or simply post it on your Facebook wall and tag me. All peace posts are collected and housed together in a
gallery of peace. Your submission will be numbered and dated in the
official gallery with a link back to your original peace post, earning a permanent spot on the Official BlogBlast For Peace
Your contribution can now be viewed in collaboration with peace bloggers from 53 countries+ and thousands of locations across the globe - all in one place.
4. Post!
On November 4 DISPLAY YOUR GLOBE on your
BLOG, FACEBOOK WALL, Twitter page and any other social networking sites. If you are posting on Facebook only, don't forget to TAG ME.
Title your post "Dona Nobis Pacem" - Latin for Grant Us Peace. This is important. The goal is for all blogs to say the same thing on the same day. Write about what peace means to you in your part of the world. Express yourself anyway you choose - with music, prose, poetry, artwork, articles, acrostics, quotes, videos, digital graphics or personal stories.
Facebook will turn blue and peace should be buzzing on Google. Tweet it. Share it. Google Buzz it. Digg it. Viral it!
Tips for tweeters: USE HASHTAGS #blogpeace #peace #blogblastforpeace #blog4peace at the end of your tweets to keep us organized and viral
Facebook users: Post your peace globe and submission to your Facebook wall and tag me.
Make your status "Dona nobis pacem". Some people even make their peace globe their profile pic for the day. Visit the groups and pages already set up on Facebook. They are for the express purpose of connecting and networking with other peace bloggers. Fan Page HERE
DoPeace Group
1. Post any badge you see on this page to your blogs and Facebook pages to promote. Click the 2 graphics below to magically take you to a page with many more to choose from!
Or feel free to use it them as your globe on November 4th.
If words are powerful...then this matters.
Sign the Mr. Linky below to register to participate which will stay up throughout November. We want to visit each other.
Graphics on this page may be used for peace globe promotion or posting.
Thank you Travis and Michelle for making such awesome logos.
BlogBlast For Peace Participants
1. Mimi Lenox
2. luma rosa
3. CyberCelt
4. Michelle CrowsFeet
5. Judy Croome
6. Adelle Laudan
7. Anndi
8. Gemel
9. On a Limb with Claudia
10. Goodness Gracie
11. Opus & Olive
12. Ruis
13. nonamedufus
14. Ivanhoe in Ohio
15. DrillerAA
16. Gallery of the Mountains
17. Carolina Mountains
18. Sherry Blue Sky
19. Jamie
20. Cats of Wildcat Woods
21. Shannon W
22. Shannon
23. Digital Catharsis
24. Sanni Jansen
25. Frankie Muehlenhaupt
26. Lily Muehlenhaupt
27. Luis Muehlenhaupt
28. Carver
29. Jersey Furry-Diva
30. Rhonda Powell
31. The Gal Herself
32. cooper
33. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
34. Billie Greenwood, Border Explorer
35. lime
36. Laurie Hunter Blackhall
37. Louie's Chaos
38. Purrchance To Dream
39. Cheysuli
40. Ken Smith
41. kazoku neko
42. Crazed Nitwit
43. Thomma Lyn
44. Barbara Mack-Bodfield
45. Julie's Jewels and Junque
46. Sarge Charlie
47. Samantha, Clementine & Maverick
48. Julie
49. Amber McInnis
50. Brain Foggles w Linky
51. Faith Gilbert Suley
52. Julia Philips Smith
53. Friends Furever
54. Carver's Sight or Is That Site?
55. The CooknTcher Blog
56. CatSynth
57. Clooney's Num-Num Fund
58. Cats of Wildcat Woods
59. Sans
60. The Cat Post Intelligencer
61. dust bunny hostage
62. Life In The Carolina Mountains
63. Kitty Limericks
64. Herman's Hideaway
65. Noll's Nip
66. Cat Wisdom 101
67. Laya Morgan Wilde
68. Kirstin Jewell and Miranda Jewell
69. Robin from Israel
70. Travis
71. Zoolatry
72. CherryPie
73. Daisy the Curly Cat
74. cheryl
75. Sumo
76. Sweepy
77. Lui
78. HoundsInHeaven
80. Tink
81. TechnoBabe
82. Kathy Duffy Thomas
83. the cookntchrmom
84. Jade, Myst, Blackie & Cocoa - Dona Nobis Pacem
85. Long Hollow
86. Sue St Clair
87. Rosidah Abidin, Indonesia
88. The Rocky Mount Meezers
89. Catonsville Cats | 90. Audrey
91. Beach Bum
92. Vinny Bond Marini
93. Daryl
94. finding pam
95. KC & The Sherwood Cats
96. The Cat Blogosphere
97. Dawn
98. The World's Most Stunning Cat
99. The Cat From Hell
100. Starrlight
101. Marilyn
102. Goodnightgram
103. Jessica
104. Akelamalu
105. Lele Batita
106. The Island Cats
107. The Island Cats
108. Max the Psychokitty
109. Chloe and Cecil
110. Buddah Pest
111. Winston
112. Thumper
113. jansfunnyfarm - Dona Nobis Pacem
114. Big Leather Couch ~ Vinny and Nancy Marini
115. Shannon's Moments of Introspection
116. Angle and Kirby
117. A Tonks Tail...err, Tale
118. Junior, Orion, Sammy
119. terica
120. Ramblin with Roger
121. Janice D'Agostino
122. Rio, Rob and Mandy, from Barcelona
123. Janice D'Agostino
124. Milo and Alfie
125. Mike Golch
126. Eddie Griffin
127. Mike Golch
128. Diary From England
129. Kwizgiver
130. Tropical Fruit Bowl
131. Thorne
132. 3 Kats and a Kwilter
133. Kate
134. Rox~ Peaceful Lifestyle
135. Rox~ Non Violence
136. Rox~ Legacy & Example
137. Curlz and Swirlz
138. Nick's Bytes
139. Rox~ Parenting & Education
140. Alexicon
141. Susie Clevenger
142. ManxMNews-Dona Nobis Pacem
143. Forty Paws - Dona Nobis Pacem
144. Random Rotary Thoughts
145. A Piece of My Mind
146. Brad Smith
147. Catonsville Cats
148. Confessions of A Laundry Goddess
149. Peace In Retirement
150. Welshcakes Limoncello
151. susan
152. Kim Marie Esch/Whispering*Prims
153. Bluezy
154. Lynette Killam
155. Judy Croome
156. The Peaceful Palate
157. Richard Ball
158. Things Esoteric
159. Sicily Scene
160. Grace Ann Gonzalez Dean ~ 1st peace blogger from Venezuela
161. Bing (PinkLady)
162. Thoughtful Reflections
163. Through The Eyes of Tweedles
164. The Meezers
165. House of Lime
166. All of Time and Space
167. Question Liberty
168. Camie's Kitties
169. Advertising For Success
170. Endangered Spaces
171. Mama Pajama
172. Laurie Hunter-Blackhall
173. Around The Island
174. The Queen's Meme
175. Daisy
176. The Adventures of Admiral Hestorb
177. Music of My Life
178. Sweet Purrfections | 179. Abin's Literary World
180. Imaginary Garden with Real Toads
181. turtle memoirs
182. Mouse Droppings
183. Ginger,Buddy n Shadow
184. StarrDreaming with Sherry Blue Sky
185. Laurie Kolp
186. A Chat With Jennie Marsland
187. Kevin Walsh
188. okjimm
189. CyberCelt (CoolAdzine)
190. CyberCelt (Advertising-for-Success)
191. Caught In The Stream
192. The Maaaaa of Pricilla
193. More Random Than Average
194. Adelle Laudan
195. Annelisa
196. FoxxyFyrre's Honk n' Hollr
197. Out and About in New York City
198. Debra James Percival
199. Raymond and Busby
200. Inigo Boy
201. Facebook Album of 2011 Peace Globes
202. BlogBlast For Peace ~ The Official Gallery
203. From Bud To Blossom
204. The Boomer Muse
205. Ferd
206. Facebook Album #2 of 2011 Peace Globes
207. News From France
208. Leesa
209. Cat Banter with Kimo and Sabi
210. Pawprintss in the Sands of Time
211. The Poupounette Blog
212. Brian
213. Mark's Mews
214. Sparkle Cat
215. Ginger Jasper
216. Prancer Pie
217. Catster
218. The Barking Oracle
219. Renny Ba's Terella
220. Team Tabby
221. Purposeful Woman
222. BlogHer
223. Bichonpawz
224. Sasa Rocks
225. Silvie
226. Meowings of An Opinionated Pussycat
227. Jasper McKitten-Cat
228. An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
229. Rambling Woods
230. Bloodthirsty Muses
231. Peeballs and Pooplogs
232. Peace Thimbles
233. Black Cat
234. Giant Triplets
235. Direito e Avesso/Right and Reverse
236. Revenge of The Sonith
237. Kitikata-San's Blog
238. Fahredin Shehu
239. Fahredin Shehu ~ 1st peace blogger from Kosovo
240. Clarissa's House of Cats
241. White Dog Diary
242. Nobody Important
243. ron & sophie
244. Karen Kouki ~ 1st peace blogger from Egypt
245. Sarah Skeen Photography
246. Cat's Cats
247. Volunteer Acupuncture in Nepal
248. Bernadette E. Kazmarski
249. The Creative Cat
250. Darling Millie
251. Willow's Cat Blog
252. China Cat's Blog
253. Critters in The Cottage
254. The Beckers (Shawn and Bill)
255. Spitty Speaks
256. Amel's Realm
257. Cat-A-Holic
258. The Misadventures of Me
259. Princesita
260. Bama Cats
261. ByLightOfMoon
262. The Maaaaa of Pricilla
263. CherryPie
264. The World's Most Stunning Cat
265. Thorne's World
266. Luis Diferr |
Hugz + Peace* <3 xoxo <3
Hugz + Peace* <3 xoxo <3
Dungeon?? Not MOI!
I'll find the words again... yup.
Anndi come back to us!!!!! We miss you!
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