Sunday Stealing ~ The Christmas Meme
The Christmas MemeYou know you wanna play!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
I am the world's worst wrapper. And the world's worst rapper.
I stuff myself in a stocking and call it a day.
2. Real tree or Artificial?
Artificial sprayed with artificial "real" pine scent. It works sort of like that "new car smell" product. 'Cept it's a fake tree instead of fake leather. Baby Boy insisted on a "green" tree this year of his very own. No. I don't mean environmentally safe and nauseatingly correct. I mean his favorite color is green. "I want a green tree!"

"But Baby Boy, all trees are green." We have a green tree trimmed with green balls, green lights, green ornaments (including a green car), green tree skirt, green everything. Including Baby Boy.
3. When do you put up the tree?
After Christmas is over.....
4. When do you take the tree down?
I don't have to take it down. It falls down 3x a day on its own.
5. Do you like eggnog?
Until I find out what the nog is......not.
6. Favorite gift received as a child?
A doll with a pink dress in a little plastic pink crib that rocked
7. Hardest person to buy for?
My dad. He always tells me he needs "nothing". That's hard to buy.
8. Easiest person to buy for?
Baby Boy. He wants "everything." And me. You buy gifts for yourself....don't you?
Don't tell anybody, k?
My dad. He always tells me he needs "nothing". That's hard to buy.
8. Easiest person to buy for?
Baby Boy. He wants "everything." And me. You buy gifts for yourself....don't you?
Don't tell anybody, k?
9. Do you have a nativity scene?
Of course. Don't you? It is CHRISTmas.
Anything else just makes no sense to me.
This year Baby Jesus was in a flood in my basement. If I hadn't rescued him, the manger would be empty and there would be no C.H.R.I.S.T.mas in Bloggingham.Of course. Don't you? It is CHRISTmas.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Neither. I'm Scrooge
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
A vacuum cleaner. Seriously. Pre-divorce.
Neither. I'm Scrooge
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
A vacuum cleaner. Seriously. Pre-divorce.
Need I say more?
12. Favorite for Christmas dinner?
A long tall glass of Godiva mixed with something "hot" distracted a moment..... or the boring alternative: Cranberry sauce and dressing sans Godiva

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Good question
A long tall glass of Godiva mixed with something "hot" distracted a moment..... or the boring alternative: Cranberry sauce and dressing sans Godiva

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Good question
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?

Yes. When I threw away the vacuum cleaner.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
my mother's Hummingbird Cake with pecans
16. Lights on the tree?
No. Lights on me. See?
17. Favorite Christmas song?
"Santa Baby" sung by yours truly scantily clad on Christmas Eve
Attire: use your vivid imagination
Attire: use your vivid imagination
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Depends. Sometimes I'm so busy it's just a blur. Can my life get anymore exciting?

Copyright © 2008 Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved.
mini-me loved the color green back when she was around baby boy's age. she's starting to like it again (she's almost 12 now). i think she'll like the cozy green jammie pants i got her for xmas.
i, too, got a doll in a pink dress (or some type of pink outfit) in a pink cradle that rocked. it had this thing in it's back that was supposed to make it sound like it was crying.
our christmas will be on the 20th, since girls and i will be gone xmas week to vegas. after new year's we'll deal w steve's parents & their significant others lol
btw maybe you could help me win a zune by voting for my christmas tree using the link on my page? :) i've decided that i would be giving it away. not sure how/to whom, but i'm working out details if i miraculous win hehehe :)
A vacuum cleaner? Tee hee. Say it ain't so!
Happy Godiva holidays to you, Mims!
egg nog? yes
wrapping paper? yes
travel? no
stressed out beyond belief? YES!!!!
I must be weird, I love egg nog (hold the alcohol in it) and adore fruitcake. In fact, I trekked over to Costco for some...
"when I threw away the vacuum cleaner" hahahahahahah!
It is CHRISTmas!
Ever watch Jeff Dunham (the ventriloquist)? He has a puppet named favorite quote from Walter is "Screw You! It's Merry Christmas."
I'm the easiest person I know to buy for. Something...bookish.
Have fun with baby boy. Sounds like you both are having a great time. I laughed out loud at #3. You can take that two ways. I decided to take it the first way...set up and decorate the tree after Christmas is over. Bwahahahahahahaha.
Have a great Sunday. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
The nativity scene pictured looks just like ours. And I haven't had hummingbird cake in sooo long. That sounds so good.
The whole green thing is a riot! And so was the picture of your son rewrapping his presents...
Oh My god...all these answers are very funny to me. My favorite was:
"4. When do you take the tree down?
I don't have to take it down. It falls down 3x a day on its own."
ha ha ha
This was a terrific post. The love you have for both your boys is very touching. Happy Sunday!
LOL I have just scheduled this meme to post tomorrow morning!
My mom could never keep a secret when it came to parents. Which is why I always got 2 rounds of presents =)
Ciara - Everything is green! He loves to wear green clothes too. I hope he grows out of this....
Lizza - Oh yes....a vacuum cleaner. Here's to Godiva!
Vodka - It's hard sometimes to find a peaceful moment in the middle of all this chaos.
Lois - Fruitcake. BLECH! Eggnog. DOUBLE BLECH! But hey, someone has to eat it. Good for you...,
Nurse - Oh yeah.
Shannon - That's spelled CHRIST. Yep. CHRISTmas...
Charles - What would you like? I'll tell Santa...I mean Lana....
Sandee - When trying to decipher my nonsense, always think backwards first. Works every time....
Judd - Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to drop by.
Deana - It takes forever to make but it just melts in your mouth. It's awesome. I'll save you a piece.
Meleah - And it is sooooo true.
Bud - As you know, they are special guys.
Akelamalu - Good! It's a classic meme.
Starr - Very smart thinking!
Christmas is always fun when there are children. Otherwise, I miss them so much, it's difficult to distract me with trees and lights and presents.
Baby Jesus? That should be enough but my faith is always racing back and forth and up and down, way too fast to help me out.
What wrong with me? I know it's early and I intended to wish you this closer to the event, but with everything being so unpredictable, I'm seizing the moment:
Merry Christmas, Mimi to you and everyone you love.
Chance are I'll be back to say it again, but I will be away for Christmas itself. Anyway, 'tis the season. You can let me know if I start wishing you Merry Christmas too often.
I can't rap either -
Kathleen - "Faith racing back and forth and up and down"...well put. As always. I have to look beyond the manger to what the message of his entire life meant.....then it's not so hard to envision peace and love and the unconditional grace He preached on earth.
You can't wish me Merry Christmas too often! never tire of hearing from you. And to you as well....
Susan - And who wants to?
I have an award for you. It's the Blog L♥ve award. Participation is not mandatory however. :)
Sandee - Any award from you is always appreciate, my friend. Love to you too....
Love your answers. Godiva is great with anything!
Great blog! Godiva can cure everything. Thanks for visiting my blog. Adding you to my daily reads.
Someone emailed me this same meme a few days ago, and I just finished answering it before work. Eerie...
I guess I should just go ahead and post my answers now, hunh?
BTW: you can 12) invite me over for Christmas dinner anytime, especially if you're 17) singing "Santa Baby"!
Someone emailed me this same meme a few days ago, and I just finished answering it before work. Eerie...
I guess I should just go ahead and post my answers now, hunh?
BTW: you can 12) invite me over for Christmas dinner anytime, especially if you're 17) singing "Santa Baby"!
Thanks for my lol of the day
And green rocks
~So does "Rockin' Around the XMas Tree", sans whoever Brenda Lee is *razz*
I have a green loving girl here. She wears something green every freaking day. :)
The kids are by far the easiest to buy for me too. They make lists so what isn't easy about that? And heck yeah, I've already bought myself a few 'presents'. I'm very easy to buy for. ;)
Kwiz - I was introduced to it by a former boyfriend and fell in love with it. He drank Smirnoff (too strong for me) and I drank coffee laced with Godiva. Perfect!
Scriber - Definitely could become a habit.....not likely with me but it IS yummy. Thanks for adding me. I'll do the same.
Don - It's a great meme. I will swing by and read your Christmasy answers.
About Christmas dinner....I can't, shouldn't, musn't in you wouldn't like my cooking...but I can sing. Takeout would be extremely helpful. And necessary to digestive health.
Liana - "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" is a very old tune sung by the American singer, Brenda Lee....I can't remember anything else she sang though.
Poptart - What is it with the green thing and kids, huh? His little Christmas tree is adorable though - in a messy kinda way.
But I love it 'cause it's his.
I am all "festive" now, and Hollidialish. I am going to plug in the tree!
Seems you are very agile and quick, because the picture of Mimi lights is hard to see. Maybe I need bifoculs?
What is the NOG anyway? The eggs??
Eric - Glad to put you in the "Hollidialish" mood. Maybe you do need bifocals..(that sounds so old and you are NOT old)..I'm blurry on purpose. Silly Speedcat.
I don't want to know what nog is....maybe it's the liquor??
Wait a minute ... so I am drunk on egg nog???
Santa will be upset!
Yes, I only feel old after work. On the weekend I am 25, and actually comb my hairs. (5 of them)
and slick it back with brill creame .... Ha haaaaaaaaa !!!!
Eric - Please don't take a picture of that. I'm begging you.
Oh YUM! No, seriously YUM on the Hummingbird cake.
Y'know, I could cook. I'm not gourmet, but I can actually whip a few things together when I take the time to do it. I even like to experiment now and then.
So, Christmas dinner, then? ;-) I'll put you on salad detail!
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