Sunday Stealing ~ The State of My Pencil Skirt
Judd Corizan is very inquisitive today. He wants to know all sorts of personal things. So I came out of hiding from behind this tree to answer him. Why? I'm feeling mischievous. What else is new?
This is Sunday Stealing's The Layer Meme. It's like a 7-Layer Salad without the dressing. 'Cept I decided to dress for this occasion. Mmmmaybe.
Read on. If you dare.
This is Sunday Stealing's The Layer Meme. It's like a 7-Layer Salad without the dressing. 'Cept I decided to dress for this occasion. Mmmmaybe.
Read on. If you dare.

LAYER 1: Tell us your...
* Name: Mimi Pencil Skirt Queen of The Memes and Curator of The Peace Globes yada yada yada
* Birthday (month, day): Didn't you read my blog yesterday? It was NOT my birthday. My friend Lizza from the Philippines just sent this card. It is hysterical. Thanks, sweetie!
Birthplace: Bloggingham Palace USA
* Current location: In front of my laptop. Oh you mean....Bloggingham Palace USA
* Name: Mimi Pencil Skirt Queen of The Memes and Curator of The Peace Globes yada yada yada
* Birthday (month, day): Didn't you read my blog yesterday? It was NOT my birthday. My friend Lizza from the Philippines just sent this card. It is hysterical. Thanks, sweetie!

* Current location: In front of my laptop. Oh you mean....Bloggingham Palace USA
* Eye color: Very Brown
* Height: Tall enough to reach the peanut butter on the top shelf of the bottom shelf. I am 5' 2" without the ever present heels. Then it depends on my mood..
* Righty or lefty: Right-handed. Left politics
* Height: Tall enough to reach the peanut butter on the top shelf of the bottom shelf. I am 5' 2" without the ever present heels. Then it depends on my mood..
* Righty or lefty: Right-handed. Left politics

* Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.
LAYER 2: What's...
* Your heritage: Half pencil skirt. Half Cherokee. Blog Royalty ( great-grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee)
* The shoes you wore today: Moccasins
* Your weakness: Procrastination and kind men with confidence (who don't wear flannel on a first date. Don't ask.)* Your fears: That I won't finish this meme before Sunday is over. * Your perfect pizza: Thin crust pepperoni, onions, black olives, extra cheese
* Goals you’d like to achieve: I'm working on a theory to stop time. Jim Croce put it in a bottle. It's been stuck there since 1972.....
* Your first waking thoughts: I want to go back to sleep. I love my bed.
* Your best phy

* Your most missed memory: If it's missing how am I supposed to remember what it is? I'd have to find it first.
LAYER 3: Do you...
* Smoke: Only when I set the kitchen on fire
* Cuss: Not usually. Lately yes. Sometimes. Then I repent. And live to cuss another day. But no one knows. And no one hears me. It's a secret you see.....
Sing: I'd say yes. I have a classical voice degree. I literally sing for my supper.
* Take a shower everyday: More than once. I like that bubbly bath feeling too...
* Do you think you’ve been in love: Know I have. Look forward to that feeling again....and again...and again....(with one man. Not know what I mean...)
* Did you go to college: Yes, ad nausea
* Liked high school: Not so much
* Want to get/stay married: Newsflash! My latest epiphany! Drum roll please....I never want to get married again. I'm researching the legalities of living together in chateau castles in the town of Bloggingham. I think there's a law against it somewhere. I hope my mother isn't reading this meme.
* Believe in yourself: Yes
* Think you’re attractive: Based on the shape of my gorgeous liver, I'd say yes. Bwaahhhahhha
* Think you’re a health freak: Health and freak do not belong in the same sentence. Guilty of both on so many levels. Ahem.... I walk an hour a day. I do TaeBo. I try to
* Get along with your parent(s): Of course. I'm too old to be grounded. It works out well...
* Like thunderstorms: Adore them
* Play an instrument: Piano (a lot) violin (a little) Percussion (meno mosso)
* Drank alcohol: A sip of wine
* Smoked: No.
* Done a drug: Does Tylenol count?
* Made out: Only with my pillow
* Gone on a date: If I answer that I'll start having the Flannel Shirt Nightmare again. So I won't answer it. Did I mention I hate flannel?
* Gone to the mall: The mall is my second home
* Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Never
* Eaten sushi: Yes
* Been on stage: Many times
* Been dumped: Seriously. Who, in their right mind, would dump a Queen?
* Gone skating: I fell down a lot. I don't like falling down.
* Gone skinny dipping: That would be a yes. It was cold. But lots of fun.....
* Stolen Anything: OK OK! I confess! An apple when I was 7 from my Aunt's porch. And a few hearts. But I gave 'em back so it doesn't count. The apple I ate.
* Played a game that required removal of clothing: A modified version of Spin The Bottle in the closet with Robert and Scott. I was 12. With quite an imagination.
* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Never. And really, what IS the point?
* Been caught “doing something”: Pencil Skirt does not understand this question, Judd. Doing what?
* Been called a tease: On occasion.....I prefer to think of it as "mysteriously imaginative"....How's that working for me? Not so hot.
* Gotten beaten up: Yes. A story for another post. It was sad. And no, it was not a husband or boyfriend or parent. But it was sad. She was jealous of my boyfriend. It was sad. I said that didn't I? It's all coming back to me now. NOW I understand why someone would want to get trashed or intoxicated. I hate that memory! Thanks a LOT, Judd!!
* Shoplifted: Um...that would be a no. But I went shopping once in my teens with a girl who decided to sneak a belt into her purse. I said "Put that Baaaccckk!" (visions of jail in my head). She didn't. I left. I never went shopping with her again.
* Age you did get/hope to be married: I was too young. It was too long. It was all wrong. I'm beginning to sound like a Bonnie Raitt song.
* Numbers and names of children: That is none of your business, Mr. Corizan. But if you must know...Uno.
No, that is not his name.
* Describe your dream mate: The mate in my dreams is unbloggable. But a LOT of fun.
* How do you want to die: I just had a non-birthday yesterday. I highly resent this question. Plotting my mortality is not what I want to do today. I do not WANT to die. I hate this question. Jim Croce does too.
* What do you want to be when you grow up: I have to grow up?
* What country would you most like to visit: The Kingdom of Morocco. Click here for one of the most beautiful blogs about it in the world. Maryam, my friend, I am so ready for that vacation.

LAYER 7: Now tell...
* Name a drug you’ve taken illegally: I get it. You are really the Internet NARC Society in disguise, aren't you Judd...... I don't care how many light bulbs you shine in my face I have never taken an illegal drug. Enough!
* Name a person you could trust with my life: My best friend, Barbara.
* Name a favorite CD that you own: I have two. (1)Sarah McLachlan's "Mirrorball".....It is one of my "relationship CDs" Do you all have one of those? and
(2) A special Valentine's set and gift made by an ex-boyfriend just for us. Priceless memories of the Lenny Kravitz kind.
* Number of piercings: Each ear. Once. But man it hurt.
* Number of tattoos: That's a joke, right? I am a tattoo-less woman and plan to stay that way.
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Many times. I've written for newspapers and then there's the performing.
* Name a past experience that you regret: Truth. I no longer believe in "no regrets". I have some. (Yet another recent epiphany) I believe in honoring the truth of what is and what was - the good and the bad - otherwise, you can't hope to grow as a human being or learn anything. People who say they don't regret anything I worry about. I believe in building bridges, not burning them. Then you have to decide how you are going to walk across. Sometimes that is a very hard thing to do, but it is a brave thing where relationships are concerned and part of the work that goes along with figuring out who you are and what you want. Sometimes you set boundaries until you're ready to look back with no pain. Sometimes you plow through and look at the pain too. I never regret the experience of loving someone. That is the fire and joy of life.
Matters of The Heart - Jane Seymour and Jim Croce's Time In a Bottle
Click here to play this meme. If you dare.
Love Lizza's card. You do smoke a lot. Many kitchen fires. My doctor said my liver wouldn't allow a picture. Shy, I think. Enjoy your Sunday...
I truly enjoyed reading the Royal Responses to this meme...right up to the point where I read My Queen went skinny dipping...couldn't get past that mental picture. Can I take Homer to the dungeon with me to keep warm?
Bud - We did share some awesome kitchen fires...ahem.
Lee - A Queen's gotta do what a Queen's gotta do. Homer is already in the dungeon. I had to lock him up down there before I answered these questions. That dog is always outing me...
Mimi, what interesting answers to some strange questions. Excuted as only a Queen could do. I loved Jim Croce...
I'd love to go to Morocco too!
Hey Mimi, my great-grandma was full Cherokee too. We could be related, you think? hehehe
Yeah, and I question the 'no regrets' thing too. I mean...really?
I named one of my 'relationship CDs' too. Good grief, I hadn't thought about him in so long. Ahhhhh...
Loved reading your answers.
Jim Croce. Oh, man . . . I have ALL of his albums. Vinyl. Original issues. I will never part with them, even though I also have all of the CD's. That song totally took me back to 1972. I have performed a number of his songs over the years, including that one, accompanying myself on guitar. I sang "Lover's Cross" in the Junior Variety Show in the fall of '72. Time really is in the bottle and has been there since then.
Maybe we should put together a band . . . we could get grand pianos and push them together a la The Fabulous Baker Boys. We could sing, too. I could pick up my flute for certain songs . . . a great act it would be.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Pam - The meme question made me immediately think of him. What a timeless (no pun intended) piece of music.
Nurse - You must check out her blog. It is truly awesome.
Freaky - We might be related, yes. Stranger things have happened.
Relationship CDs are only to be pulled out and listened to when one's constitution is strong and you've had just a weee bit of wine to knock off the sting...but at times it is lovely to remember as well.
We totally should have a cyber piano duet!!
So, what's your pillows name?
JHS - 1972 was a great year. Where did the time go? I'd love to hear your musical versions. This meme taught me which bloggers were musically inclined. We should start a cyber-band. Yes!
Happy Sunday!
You have sooo many talents: writing, singing, instruments & live in Bloggingham Palace. Love it! Hehehe
Fish - My pillow's name is Fluffy. Is your name really Fish? Because if it is....Fish and Fluffy sound kinda cute together. I could introduce you.
Jodi - I loved your meme answers today! Thank you and thank you for visiting me.
Why yes yes it is.
I TOTALLY loved this. Even if it WAS damn long. (I'm 5'2" and love olives on my pizza.)
Fish - But we can still play a duet. Fluffy is really good on the drums. I could testify to that in court....
VM - It was long but I'm glad you weren't bored. Let's have some pizza! celebration of our 5'2 ishness...
very informative and entertaining. Not bad for a queen.
Queen - Ir's a meme. What can I say....and thanks.
Mimi--great answers as ever!!
Kwiz - Thanks! Yours as well.
I knew this post was going to be fun and interesting.
Well that was fun. You really must be an awful cook if you set fires in the kitchen. Just saying.
Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
This was fun to read, Mimi. You have such wonderfully creative responses.
I also love Jim Croce, and James Taylor, and Harry Chapin, and ...
ah, the '70s.
Shannon - Thank you very much!
Sandee - The worst. No kidding.
P.S. Never ask Bud about the time I made omelettes. It will send him into convulsions....
Patti - The music of the seventies was definitely better than what came in the next decade.
Very interesting tidbits Queen Mimi.
I can't imagine anyone eating an entire package of Oreos! Anyone out there that has done it?
...and lived to tell about it?
Julie - Yes, I believe I read a few memes today that confessed to this feat. Happy Sunday!
A bit freaky because I was making out with my pillow last night. OK .... I made that up, but LOVED that answer!
Flannels? Like "jammeze" ??? I went to get the mail once - thinking I would not see anyone on my way. I was wearing shorts, winter boots, and a flannel top cut down the front (my house coat).
I saw EVERYONE. My neighbors think I am crazy :-)
Have a great week you hot dungeon meme girl you.
hugs :-)
I feel conflicted now. Should a mere mortal know so much about the Queen? Hum, I'll have to think on it.
I don't dare play this meme, Mimi! But what fun I had reading about you! I do think this guy who asked you to do this meme is a narc in disguise, really I do! So many questions, so little time! :)
And I wouldn't be a third as interesting as you are!
'Think you’re attractive: Based on the shape of my gorgeous liver, I'd say yes.' - LOL!!
Great meme, Mimi. I've tagged you for a Bookworm Meme, if you have a hankerin' fer one.
Damn! I forgot to steal yesterday. Though I doubt my answers would be as witty as yours, so I defer to yours. I too have been taking Tylenol and making out with my pillow and do most things exclusively with my right hand to balance my exclusively left wing politics.
Thank you for your admiring comment of yesterday. Since I feel headachey and prone to staring pointlessly off into space, it cheered me up to know someone I respect sees something worth admiring in me.
Eric - I saw you you know....Queen sees everything. I am blog omnipot...nipot..ent? something like that.
Yep. You were wearing flannel. I saw it with my own eyes.
He wore a flannel button down shirt (brown. very dull brown) on our first (and last) date. I was nt amused. Hence, the flannel allergy has begun.
But since you called me a "hot dungeon meme girl" I will not be angry that you wore flannel to the mailbox.
I like your kind of crazy.
Charles - If you are feeling conflicted you came to the right blog today. Bwaahhahhaaa
Oh Mary - I beg to differ. You are very interesting indeed.
Julia - A girl's gotta start somewhere....
Gal - Thank you so much. I have now found 3 other bloggers who make out with their pillows. We should start a club.
*giggle* Truly interesting. I can only aspire to be as fascinating as you. You're my blero. (Darn, it still didn't work out, did it??)
You're welcome!
Love your memes, Mims.
That was funny. If you figure out how to stop time then let me know, I've been working on that one a while myself.
Autumn - Blero...ha!
blogger - I'll let you know.
Lizza - Always a pleasure to see you in the palace.
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