Send your peace globes to
blog4peace @

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dona Nobis Pacem ~ BlogBlast For Peace November 2008

Update! NEXT BLOGBLAST For Peace is November 4
Click the badge below to get your peace globe. Don't miss it!

The Peace Globe Gallery

And now on with November 2008's launch memories....
'The morning after in a word: A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. The biggest BlogBlast For Peace ever! You spoke. We heard. I will have a globe count for you soon. I'm enjoying reading all your posts and trying to get to the bottom of the list. Please continue to send in your globes and sign below. Brava to the blogosphere. Love and peace to all of you - Mimi
Welcome to the 2nd anniversary of BlogBlast For Peace! This post will stay up through Sunday so that bloggers may have time to visit, as many are still contributing globes and posts. Thank you for blogging for peace today and sharing your stories. Please sign the Mr. Linky so that I can keep up with your peace posts and document the day. One hundred and ninety bloggers have already signed at this link. Feel free to do so again here. I hope you will take time to read and visit everyone. The globes are beautiful and the posts inspiring. Wherever you find your peace today, may this be a day of hope and goodwill.
Brava to the blogosphere! Our voices matter.

Shadows On A Stone: Voices Of Our Time

The year was 1968. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy had been slain. Our country was in turmoil. The controversial war in Vietnam polarized our politics and our hearts. Richard Milhous Nixon was about to become the 37th President of The United States.
I was about to begin my education. It started at the backdoor.
A knock.

Come on in, Joe!” Papa exclaimed with a laugh. "And Joe, come around to the front door. I'll let you in." In some areas of the south in the sixties, visiting black men in small town USA still did not approach the front door of a white man's residence. Forty years later, we are quite possibly about to elect the first African American President of the United States. What astounding progress. I do not know the direction my grandfather's politics might have taken had he lived to see this election - which fell on his 94th birthday - nor do I know for sure how he might have cast his vote but I can promise you one thing: the candidate's social status, the color of his skin, his religious affiliation, political slant, or the cost of his shoes would not have mattered. Papa's welcomes were equally sincere and easily given, just as surely as his profoundly obvious walk with his everyday conscience.

He followed its voice.
I followed his.

What did he want, I I sat in the tiny kitchen with my grandmother....and why did he come to the back door? Nobody ever came to the back door. The man needed a job, she said. He couldn't feed his family. I heard low whispers from the living room and then the front door shut. Lesson one duly noted.
One sunny day not long ago I went to visit his double-hearted spirit in the cemetery. I stood there listening, wondering, wishing he would speak to me. When I developed the pictures later, my shadow had fallen across the stone. It looked as though we were perfectly in sync – still. It started me thinking how my time has eerily overlapped his time; a slice of American history that was shameful in so many respects - the abundance of ignorance, the quest for power,

were just background noise to voices of his time that mattered – those who championed and upheld the most basic of human needs - the right of all persons to be treated with dignity and respect as the crucial core issue which lay at the heart of his generation's unrest and violence.
In the middle of all that ruckus, he showed me the content of his character.

As a teenager, I waitressed in my grandparents' restaurant. I was, admittedly, the worst waitress on the planet. One of our regular lunch customers was a Democrat running for Governor. He went on to serve our state in the U.S. House of Representatives. I distinctly remember the day I took his order as he sat with a group of political groupies in a corner booth. With my usual I-hate-waitressing-scowl accentuated by the hippie-like pigtails and bell-bottom jeans, he decided to play twenty questions over iced tea refills. “Who would I vote for and why? What was my opinion on the Vietnam conflict? What was my party affiliation? Civil Rights? What are your feelings on this issue, young lady?” Caught off-guard and woefully unprepared to answer, I stammered something unintelligible I'm sure and returned with his ticket, making a hasty retreat back into the kitchen with my grandmother. I still, to this day, remember how embarrassed I was when I couldn't answer him.
Ignorance, especially mine, was intolerable. I expected more of myself and set out to learn what I could, just in case my pigtails ever held court with a pre-polling candidate again.

Perhaps that's why my grandfather started saving the newspaper clippings. About the war. The peace process. The presidency. The assassinations. Current events. Senate races. I still have the yellowed marks of that time in my closet where I keep his things.

And even after all this time you see, the ghost walks around in my pencil head at night - causing me to remember the Joes and the governors and the furniture plant needy and that laugh of his that welcomed even the most down trodden of souls. What made him tick? My grandfather was so religious that he wouldn't even buy gas on Sundays. He gave more than 10% of his wages to his small church all his life and was the Superintendent of Sunday Schools for seventeen years.
And yet it wasn't about religion. It wasn't religion.

It was about respect.
For himself and for others. Everyday. Not just on Sundays. He stood up when a woman entered the room long after it was fashionably safe not to do so. He dressed extremely well and took care of himself. He listened. He laughed. He loved immensely and huge. Where did it come from? That answer is easy. It's explained in a memory I have of him standing time and time again with his gentleman's hat in his hand as he prayed aloud in some small sanctuary or at home, oftentimes dropping to one knee and never failing to bring the presence of peace to those present.

I have a confession to make.
I was not praying. I was watching....because I was so proud of him and I wanted to see how he managed to get God's attention. I thought, in my little girl mind, that it was the hat. A sign of respect. That must be it. So I watched....his respect for his God and his unapologetic awareness of what quietly burned within him. There was no one in the room but the two of them when they spoke. I was quite sure of that. Not only that, but I felt it too. I still feel it when I think of that hat.. It was a place of reverence inside his head and his whole being. A reverence that he carried for his Maker. A reverence that carried over into the limited world in which he walked. A reverence that I sense now as his small town steps walk with us around the world. What made his peaceful presence so extraordinary was that it was just as evident outside the walls of the church as on the inside. In fact, he brought it in with him.
It is not what I heard him say – but what I watched him do.

And that is why, when I look at a man's worth, a woman's worth, and try to seek out the tenor of their character by the words and deeds they offer up in public in a year such as this that markedly shadows the very essence of the year 1968, when we must make the right decision and do the right thing.....I want to hear a voice of compassion.

I am looking for the man who will not only leap boundlessly to his feet at the knock of a voice crying for help and comfort but who will also shamelessly and with conscientious joy usher that visitor to a new place of dignity, through innovative doors of ideas and hope, never to fall back again to a place of backdoor visitations and shame. For minorities, for women, for teenage black children in my faraway small town memory still seated emotionally in the roped off balcony section of theatres, for those oppressed by all type of stereotypical prejudices and discrimination, for families with nothing to eat and no place to sleep in this community I call my country - for children dying in politically fueled wars on the other side of my world. There are those who cannot enter one way and exit another without our help.
And we cannot hope to facilitate their peace and their rightful place in this world without an intrinsic reverence and respect for life and human dignity . We have to be willing to offer a new direction and cast them gently toward a threshold of pride.
We need a leader who will open the door.
And take off his hat.
At my grandfather's wake literally half the town showed up. There was – and still is – a colored funeral home and a white funeral home. It was out of the ordinary for blacks to visit the dead on the other side of the tracks. But visit they did. His friends became our friends because we loved him.. He was the thread. And the door opener. And the bridge builder. And the example of moral courage in my life. We all need one. There were many in his generation. We are still looking for those voices in our own.
This election is not solely about race and yet it has become the issue that stares me in the face; because it tears at the vilest of human prejudices and by necessity, as one holding a mirror, demands our attention, once again, to disgraceful acts in our nation's history. And do we really not understand that halfway around the world in dark places such as Darfur and Ethiopia people still are stripped of all things human simply because of the color of their skin?
Until we stare back it will not be healed.
Not since the 1968 presidential election has there been greater unrest and volatility in our nation's voting conscience. As I write this, I do not yet know the outcome of the 2008 election. That, at this moment, does not matter nor will it change the tone of this post. It will be what it will be and we as a nation will come together and heal. Because we must to survive. Not because it is politically correct but because it is morally right.

What matters are the voices of hope that I will read on this day and the grace that comes with tolerance and respect for one another's diversity and culture, baggage and blessings - because I have faith that you are the most kind of human beings. Because I know that collectively we are more than a stump speech and a soundbite. Because I know our hearts yearn for peace; in our homes, in our communities, in our world, with each other.

The voices of our time matter too.
If we can do it this day - we can do it everyday.

And although he never formally discussed politics with me, he left large hints and gave large hugs, conveying by a massively quiet power - that love is really all that truly matters.

Perhaps my shadow has fallen at just the right moment - excavating memories and voices of a flame that was not buried underneath granite and dirt and stone after all - but lives to speak as the voices of his time still do from heart-shaped resting places of peace. And hope. And even mystery. I'll be the first to admit that his method of getting my attention lies closely akin to the audacious. But if I choose to let my shadow fall upon his and allow his to align with mine... as Dr. King's fell across the front door of my grandparent's home...then the two can meet and be whole; not one fine day – but now.

If my grandfather were alive today he would be the first to say,
"Barack and John, come on in the front door. Sit down and let's have a talk. Take off your hats.

There's peace to be done."

Please leave a comment and sign here. Over 200 bloggers have already signed in HERE but I hope they remember to sign this too! Please pay them a visit. I am seeing and reading amazing things today....Peace! You may also grab this Mr. Linky by "subscribing" for your own site today and it will update automatically.


Sandee said...

Beautiful Mimi, just beautiful. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)

Mimi Lenox said...

Sandee - Welcome as my first visitor for this BlogBlast. Hugs and love back to you.

Bud Fisher said...

Wow. Awesome. Outstanding. Bravo...

RW said...

Very awesome Mimi! I had to come out of hibernation to post for Blogblast!

Julie said...

Wow! I am so glad to call you my friend. I would have loved to meet your grandpa. He sounds like he was a GRAND man!

I still need to do my post. I can't wait for tomorrow! It's going to be so exciting!

Brownie said...

Happy Blogblast for peace everyone!, my brother would be proud :')

Mimi Lenox said...

Bud - Thank you. Can you see me bowing in my pencil skirt? Ha!
I'm getting silly ...need more coffee and some cheetos.

Your new globe looks awesome!

Mimi Lenox said...

Roger - Awww....I was worried when you left on your hiatus that you wouldn't be here. I'm so glad to see you! I'll be right over.
Peace to you.

Mimi Lenox said...

Julie - We're going to have a lot of fun tomorrow, maybe shed a few tears reading these posts, meet some new peace bloggers, do a radio show, talk in the chat room (YIKES! I forgot about the chat'll still be there, right?)

Your globe is inspiring....

Mimi Lenox said...

Brownie - Happy BlogBlast For Peace to you too! He would be proud....

Anonymous said...

I hope it's ok with you that I use my own globe for my post.

Anonymous said...

beautiful story, Mimi.

I hope that all of us will be binded by real peace today and the days to come.

Am glad to be part of this blogblast for peace. :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Well, I just hit publish, but the post will not show up until midnight central time. Just wanted to come by and thank you again...

Your wonderful words inspire us all once again.

Brownie said...

I'm ready, I'm my sidebar, there's a translator, feel free to use it, but in the images won't be nessesary :)

Jeni said...

Peace blog post done, linked to your blog and Mr. Linky.
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

Finding Pam said...

Peace to one and all...
I can not wait till tomorrow.
Beautiful sentiments about your Papa. Thanks again, Mimi.

~*~Patty S said...

*Peace*Love*Light* to all
Thank you for all of your energy and spirit Mimi oxoo

Dr. A said...

Peace on Earth -

Raven said...

Beautiful and moving post. I love the picture with your shadow. Clearly your grandfather's goodness lives on in you. I bet he's just beaming down from the world of spirit.... "that's my grand daughter... awesome, isn't she?" Thanks for Dona Nobis Pacem Day.

Carver said...

Excellent, beautiful and heartfelt Mimi. Well done!

Anonymous said...

wonderful post.

Unknown said...

Magnificent, Mimi!

Shalom, my friend!

Travis Cody said...

This is the kind of idealism that I want to practice. I want to take my hat off and sit at that table.

You inspire me again.


Immi said...

Go Mimi :) You're always an inspiration!

Mimi Lenox said...

Fickle - Your post is just fine and I think it's very unique! Peace to you!

Mimi Lenox said...

Arlene -Welcome to the movement. Peace to you and yours.

Mimi Lenox said...

Bond - It wouldn't be Dona nobis pacem in the blogsophere without you. I will read soon!

Mimi Lenox said...

Brownie the Hamster - I did go to your site and I did need a translator. I tried to leave a comment but never found the right pathway. I'll try again later!

Peace to you and yours,

Mimi Lenox said...

Jeni - I will be humming that song all night!

Mimi Lenox said...

Pam - It is tomorrow!! It's like Christmas in Bloggingham.

Carletta said...

This is truly almost overwhelming! I have had goosebumps because it draws such emotion.
I'm glad I found you.
Your post was very touching and brought back some of my own memories of another time when I sat on a city street and listened to the radio with a worried mother and father.
Thanks for all you have done in this, for this, for peace.

Mimi Lenox said...

Patty - Thank you for being here! Peace love and light to you as well.

Ferd said...

Happy BB4P Day, Mimi!

A warm, peaceful feeling has replaced the great excitement I felt leading up to today. I am now very much looking forward to reading peace posts.

Thank you very, very much!

Mimi Lenox said...

Doctor Anonymous - Looking forward to being a guest on your show tonight. See you later!

Peace to you and thank you for always supporting this movement.

Mimi Lenox said...

Raven - That comment made me cry (but in a good way). Peace to you and yours, my friend. I will be there soon to read what I already know is an awesome post.

Mimi Lenox said...

Carver my Tarheel friend - Thank you and peace to you and yours!

Mimi Lenox said...

Picturing - I hope you enjoy your BlogBlast For Peace day!

Mimi Lenox said...

Nick - Shalom!

Mimi Lenox said...

Travis - I wish I could sit at the table with him just five more minutes....we wouldn't have to say a word.

Mimi Lenox said...

Immi - I'm so happy you joined us. Peace to you and yours.

catsynth said...

What a great moment to be wishing everyone peace!

Mimi Lenox said...

Carletta - I'm glad you are moved by this day. Please relish it and visit as many bloggers as you can. It is inspiring and humbling.

Mimi Lenox said...

Ferd - You are very very welcome. I am glad you are my new pal and I wish you lots of peace and joy on this day.

Mimi Lenox said...

Catsynth - Isn't the timing puuuuuurfect?

SjP said...

Mimi! Much obliged for visiting me for my blogblast. This is such a wonderful day and I am so happy to participate - especially after this past Tuesday!

Mimi Lenox said...

SJP - It's been an incredible week, hasn't it? Peace to you and yours.

Barbara said...

Hi Mimi,
I'm just totally speechless.
What an incredible Grandfather you had, Mimi.
Bless him. I'm more than sure that he is smiling down on you and the whole blog bast !!
Wishing you and everyone in the Universe A GREAT blog blast !!

Let's make it even bigger than last June !!!

Barb said...

And so we're off in search of Peace Globes!

Big Peace hugs, MiMi! ♥

Anonymous said...

We are Purring and Purring for Peace, MiMi!

MaR said...

Thanks for hosting this awesome movement in the blogosphere!
Can't believe it is already the 5th time...!

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Incredible post.....My Globes are up! :)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wonderful post!

We are purring for peace!

Bobby Revell said...

Hi Mimi! I really enjoyed reading your post. I've been fighting against racism my entire life. I must confess that politically, I am a staunch libertarian, but I will support Barack Obama. He's an incredibly inspiring leader. To me, it's his ability to inspire people from all races that will be his greatest strength - perhaps that's all the world needs right now.

Anyway, I have my post up! I am happy to participate:)

Kanani said...

Hello. I've just gotten though putting it all together. This was perfect. Just what I needed.

Michelle said...

Beautiful post, Mimi. A perfect start to a very special day. :-)

Lizza said...

Lovely post, Mimi. Your Papa would've been proud of you.

Shadows can be scary sometimes, but if we look a little further, a little deeper, we'll see the light and the picture it's concealing.

Hootin Anni said...


Come on over and read my thoughts on how you can have peace.

Daisy said...

Peace and hugs to all!

Dawn Drover said...

"There's peace to be done"
Outstanding post Mimi...
Peace :)

Robin said...

And with each word another light was lit against the darkness.

Here is to a bright tomorrow, a dazzlingly bright new day.

Peace be unto all.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! No one makes peace speeches like you - so rich and human :-)

I wish I had your eloquence... It's a wonderful subject, so I really don't know why I have to struggle so hard to come out with something.

My peace post are built up around a photo with an ultimate peace symbol!


Dona Nobis Pacem Nov 2008: Non-Violence

CS said...

Mine went up at midnight. I also had Obama on my mind and the joy of a new president pledging peace.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant to leave with my new blog (and see no way to delete the previous comment!):

Mine went up at midnight. I also had Obama on my mind and the joy of a new president pledging peace.

Patti said...

Beautiful, Mimi. You are an inspiration to so many.

Congratulations and have a wonderful day today ~

~ej said...

mine is up soon....

great post mimi, fantastic idea :)

Ralph said...

Most excellent, Mimi! If we want something bad enough, it can be attained. Peace is the ideal and it is possible...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mimi. Wonderful story. There is "peace to be done."

Gattina said...

Your story reminded me of my first stay in the US in 1971 ! Although the law had been abolished, there were still Toilets for blacks and for whites and the same for banks in the parcs. I remember I was scandalized, I just couldn't believe it.
My story is about my childhood in Germany just after WW II

Sarge Charlie said...

very nice, have a peaceful day

Lisa said...

I thought I didn't have much to say this morning but once I started, I couldn't see to stop. Thank you for this beautiful opportunity and a beautiful way to start the day.

Tink said...

What an amazing post, Mimi!
I'm joining in for the first time.

Anonymous said...

Once again, I am in awe of your ability to weave your memories into such a beautiful post. My time is limited this morning, but I will be back to read this more carefully later. It demands such treatment. Thank you for inspiring all of us with Dona Nobis Pacem. It is an honor to participate.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Happy Blogblast For Peace Day, Mimi! ((hug))

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

it's finally here mimi! peace honey!

smiles, bee

Lisa said...

I came back because I have been spending time with your blog. Your memories of your grandfather are so touching and the way you express them beautiful. Your grandfather reminds me of my own. How I miss him.

Mimi Lenox said...

Barbara - When I woke up this morning I actually looked around for him. I know I felt him here.

Thanks for your enthusiasm and for gracing my blog with your heartfelt presence.

Mimi Lenox said...

WillThink and The Kitties - I hope you see many amazing sights. Peace to you.

Mar - How are things in Spain this morning? Thank YOU for always participating and bringing us peace from your part of the world.

Mimi Lenox said...

Olga - Oh good!! I can't wait to see your pocketbooks (grin)

Dragonfly - From Germany you once again fly a globe and we are honored. Peace to you!

Mimi Lenox said...

Bobby - "To me, it's his ability to inspire people from all races that will be his greatest strength - perhaps that's all the world needs right now."

Well said and right on.

Mimi Lenox said...

Kanani - Glad you are inspired. I will be there soon to see your peace!

Michelle - And peace to you!

Mimi Lenox said...

Lizza - When I first saw the pictures of my shadow on his tombstone I was freaked. Seriously..and then something began to churn and it was alright again.

Shadows can be scary sometimes, but if we look a little further, a little deeper, we'll see the light and the picture it's concealing.

Thank you.

Mimi Lenox said...

Hootin' Anni - I will be there my friend. How is Texas this morning?

Daisy - What a peaceful kitten you are and always make me laugh. Peaceful purrs to you....

Mimi Lenox said...

Dawn my Newfoundland friend - How are things in the Atlantic today? Bloggingham is peaceful as can be. Happy BlogBlast For Peace to you!

Mimi Lenox said...

Robin- All our words together count and do make a dent in the universe. Peace!

Billie Greenwood said...

It is a real gift to come from a family with values like yours. Thank you for a beautiful sharing. Love the shadow on the stone! Your Peace Globe initiative is an act of respect to our world, in the tradition of your ancestors.

Mimi Lenox said...

Lifecruiser - Thank you and I do so love the beautiful graphics on your globe. Your "make love not war" is perfect! I remember some stellar peace posts from you as well.

Enjoy the day!

storyteller said...

Thank you for sharing your story in this manner and for organizing yet another opportunity to focus our attention on peace ;--)

Thich Nhat Hanh teaches that ‘Peace is in every step’ … a choice in every instant no matter what’s happening around or within us. As each of us blogs for peace today, we join our minds and hearts together to create this reality in our world.
Hugs and blessings,

Mimi Lenox said...

Citizen - I think we all have the election on our brains and one new word H.O.P.E.

Thanks for participating in this peaceful day from your part of the world.

Mimi Lenox said...

Princess Patti - Peace globes would not be the same without my CT friends. Peace to you and Ralph.

Mimi Lenox said...

Elena - So glad you are here with us!

Ralph - "If we want something bad enough, it can be attained."
Peace to you.

Mimi Lenox said...

Eclectic - There IS and we ARE.

Mimi Lenox said...

Gattina - Exactly. And I grew up in the south which was notoriously that way. It would be particularly shocking for someone from another country I would imagine. Thanks for sharing.

How are things in Belgium today?

Mimi Lenox said...

Sarge - Peace to you and yours.

Lisa - I love it when that happens! Write write write...I will be there to read!

Mimi Lenox said...

Tink - We love first time peace bloggers. Enjoy and absorb.

Mimi Lenox said...

Lee my Tarheel friend - You are an inspiration to us. I can't wait to read your peace post.
Have a beautiful day.


Mimi Lenox said...

Julia - Peace to you. Can't wait to read what you have written!

Mimi Lenox said...

Bee - Have a peaceful and wonderful day. Hugs to you.

Mimi Lenox said...

Lisa - As I told someone else, I actually looked around for him this morning. The feeling was so real. Hugs.

Mimi Lenox said...

Border - The shadow pics freaked me out at first and was OK...because he is here. That's all. I sense him today.

Mimi Lenox said...

Storyteller - Love this so I'm pasting it again here. You said, "‘Peace is in every step’ … a choice in every instant no matter what’s happening around or within us. As each of us blogs for peace today, we join our minds and hearts together to create this reality in our world.


Anonymous said...

This is my first time participating. I'm inspired by your words and thoughts on peace. Thank you for organizing this day for all of us who sometimes feel helpless in the face of world turmoil.

Anonymous said...

Much peace to you. May you receive 10 fold what you have given. My Queen, I am honored to be among your loyal and faithful followers. LONG LIVE QUEEN MIMI!

Anonymous said...

This was such an inspiring wonderfully written and quite powerful post.

You are awesome!

Debbie said...

Peace - Love - Happiness

Babs (Beetle) said...

Oh I remember the 1960's so well, with all the troubles in the US.

I think I would like to have met your grandfather - still, you are an extension of his life :O)

ShannonW said...

What a great post and an awesome day!
I am going to spend my day *at work* visiting blogs :)

Give Peace a Chance!

Mimi Lenox said...

Christina - Ha! Just bow on your way out (Just kidding!!). ...I am drinking French Vanilla coffee in your honor. Peace to you and yours today.

Mimi Lenox said...

Meleah - Thanks for coming by to see me today. How are things in your part of the world today?

Peace, my friend.

Mimi Lenox said...

Debbie - Peace to you as well.

Babs - You and your Lennon peace globe! Rocking for the peace. I love it!

Mimi Lenox said...

Shannon - I promise not to tell your boss. (grin)

Peace to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

This is awesome, I'll definitely be adding a globe:)
VERY inspiring....

Vinny "Bond" Marini said... name never went up on the linky list last night...well it is there now...LOL

earthlingorgeous said...

From the Philippines here! My Peace Globe is up at my Earthly Explorations blog!

Margo Moon said...

Here we go, my friend. Doin' some peace!

NH Yocal said...

Wonderful post and great idea!

j said...

Thank you Mimi. You are a blessing to me!

Akelamalu said...

Mimi this post was totally awesome!
You are awesome and so is your blogblast for peace. x

JoeyJo said...


Your Blog Blast For Peace is, as always, awesome. Thank you for caring and getting others inspired to do so as well!


Crazy Charlene said...


I have been a long time lurker,
today is my first blog for peace

I'm up

Crazy Charlene said...

here is the site

Cinnamon Girl said...

This is hands down one of my most favorite things about blogging. Thank you so much for championing this Mimi!

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Yet another beautiful post, Mimi. Your grandfather sounds like an amazing person. I wish there were more like him. I can only imagine the world would be a better place with such teachers.
On the globe front: I didn't make it. My flashdrive is still MIA. Thanks for using my last one, though. At least I'll be out there.
((hugs)) You rock, BTW.

nonizamboni said...

Thanks so much, Mimi, for this golden, and timely opportunity. I made my own graphic--I hope it can be used as well.
Happy BlogBlast!

Me. Here. Right now. said...

Mimi - My hat is off to you, once again. You are truly the Queen of the Pencil Skirts. Peace, Lori

Finding Pam said...

Mimi, this has been a beautiful day as I read through all the peace globes. Just hope that I can read them all before they are gone. Now I know what all the excitement is all about. Thank you for everthing. Peace and Love.

Mimi Lenox said...

The Paris Salon - Welcome!

Bond - Your post was incredible.

Earthling - So glad to see you here in the peace movement.

Mimi Lenox said...

April - Welcome to the lovely land of the peace globes.

Anonymous said...

My Queen, as I traveled the blogsphere today, outside the warmth and comfort of Bloggingham, I search for Globes, Peace Globes, Yes your Peace Globes. And guess what? I found them everywhere. Here & there. With photos, with drawings... some simple, some not. All beautiful. All sending the message of my Queen, "Dona Nobis Pacem"

islandgirl4ever2 said...

Hi Mimi,

I sooooo ALMOST forgot about BBFP Day until I went to Barbara's blog (Home in France). I got sooo caught up in the Elections, you know... LOVE YOU POST!! You must be the most PEACEFUL person I know! Thanks again for ALL you do to make this world a much more peaceful place to live in. God bless you!!
Namaste, Leesa

Mimi Lenox said...

Margo - I've been doin' some peace all day! It's wonderful.

Mimi Lenox said...

Melinda - Welcome!

Jennifer - I hope your dust bunnies are all peacefully tucked in tonight.

Mimi Lenox said...

JoeyJo - Thank YOU for spreading peace today.

Akelamalu my little Hawaiian skirt girl from across the pond - It wouldn't be BlogBlast without you!

Mimi Lenox said...

Charlene - A lurker revealed! A ha! Welcome into the light....

Mimi Lenox said...

Starr - That means a lot coming from an activists such as yourself. Peace!

Mimi Lenox said...

Shinade - Thank you. I will be over to read soon!

Autumn - I know you're here, my friend. Good luck with your computer issues.

Mimi Lenox said...

noni - It is timely, isn't it? There had to be passionate displays across the blogosphere today one way or another. I'm glad we can all speak the same language for at least one day without disrespecting the other person's opinion. Peace.

Mimi Lenox said...

Lori - I am soon on my way to read your post. I know it's going to be awesome.

Mimi Lenox said...

Pam - You are a sweetheart for reading and leaving comment everywhere. I hope others are doing the same. I am going to keep this post up until Sunday so that we can visit each other and keep the peaceful vibes going.

Mimi Lenox said...

Christina - Mission accomplished.

Mimi Lenox said...

Leesa - We all have less than peaceful days, especially me...haven't you been reading my pencil skirt antics lately? Hhmmmmm??

Peace to you and yours!

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Beter late than never ... just posted Mimi.

God bless

Anonymous said...

We is proud to be part of this Dona Nobis Pacem, in honor of TT!

CrystalChick said...

Hello! I'm a new visitor. I copied a peace globe here earlier and added words to it.
It's on my blog.
This is awesome that you are doing all this.
Peace! from Mary Says...

Carol said...

Happy BlogBlast!

Thank you for doing this.

~*~Patty S said...

Mimi ~ my heart is overflowing with the circle of Love you have created ~ it is such a beautiful thing!
I "heart" you! oxoo

Anndi said...

I'm taking a few minutes out of the precious time afforded to me with my Honey and my Chicklet to thank you and tell you again, in case you forget, I love you my friend... and I'm so thankful you're in my life.


Love... Change... much needed to achieve Peace.

Kim said...

a wonderful achievement Mimi...
congratulations and thank you for your vision :)

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Another awesome blog blast, Mimi! We're feelin' furry hopeful that a new era has dawned an' there will be PEACE in our time!
DMM & the FA

Travis Cody said...

Well dear, I made it to over 140 posts. I'll continue to visit as many more as I can over the next few days and the weekend.

What a wonderful day.

Thanks to all who participated today. I've ready many of your wonderful words, and I intend to read as many more as I can.

Eric S. said...

A wonderful mix of memories and meanings. It is so important to remember the past in the proper perspective. We can influence the future by focusing what we have learned from the past. Beautiful post.

Terra Shield said...

This is such a lovely post. Thanks for starting this... :)

Anonymous said...

This has been such an emotional week for me in a good way. I almost forgot to do my post but got it done in the nick of time.

Your post is awe-inspiring. You have a loving heart that shows through your words and deeds. Your grandfather is proud of all you do. Thank you for doing this every year and for your words...

Mimi Lenox said...

Eri - I saw your post and it was awesome. Peace to you!

Mimi Lenox said...

Shadow/Molly - I am proud of all of YOU.

Mimi Lenox said...

CrystalChick - Welcome to the lovely land of the peace globes.

Mimi Lenox said...

Carol - You are such a voice for peace in your corner of the universe. I hope you have enjoyed the day.

Mimi Lenox said...

Patty - My heart overflows every BlogBlast. I love the simple beauty of the connection we feel with other people from all over the world.

Peace to you and yours,

Mimi Lenox said...

Anndi - I am so thankful for you and love you too. Give Chicklet and Honey an extra squeeze for me. Soak in every precious moment.

Mimi Lenox said...

Kim - Thank you for stopping by and leaving this comment. Peace to you and yours,

Mimi Lenox said...

Daisymae - Hope is the word of the hour.

Mimi Lenox said...

Travis - You will never have to go to the dungeon again!! I promise!! (shhh....don't tell the others) I have no doubt you will get to all the peace bloggers yet. What a wonderful example of the spirit of true community you are.
I'd say you're pretty inspiring.

Mimi Lenox said...

Eric - We can influence the future by focusing what we have learned from the past. Truer words were never spoken.

Mimi Lenox said...

Terra - You are one of the original peace bloggers from 2 years ago. Hasn't it been a journey?

Mimi Lenox said...

Connie - I hope you are doing OK and your week gets better. I appreciate your words of encouragement to me.

Barbara said...

I just wanted to add that I was really happy to hear the little voice behind the Blog Blast & Mimi writes !
Because of the time difference between EST & Europe, I can't catch Dr A's show live.

But, I listened to the tape this morning, and was happy to hear you,Mimi.

Hugs xxxx

CyberCelt said...

I cannot believe I missed it. I have been ill, but I love the Peace Globes. I'll put the post up today.

Big Eyed Gal said...

Better late than never... :)

Beautiful post Mimi. And again... Thank you for doing this. This is my first time to join and I am glad to be part of it. I can't wait for the next one! Kudos to you!

Peace to you and your loved ones.

Big Eyed Gal
Wapsicle Popsicle

The Chronic Shopper
Vital Sighs

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Mimi - two new peace globe participants whom I tagged may not have known to sign in to Mr. Linky. They are:

Sans Pantaloons


maryt/theteach said...

I can tell how proud you must be of your grandfather! And yes we all voted for peace this Election Day! I'm so proud of our nation who put Obama in the White House.

Now, we'll all drink from the same water fountain! :)

Unknown said...

Mimi, Best BlogBlast for Peace yet! Beautiful and hopeful stories. One Love has become possible like never before.

Unknown said...

No One Can Stop Us Now, Mimi. What powerful post you've written to match the power of the movement.

Yet again, I've managed to misuse that wily Mr. Linky. My name's up twice but I think it links twice to Diary of a Heretic, while Diary of a Heretic Reviews & Memes gets overlooked:

Didn't want you to think I was gaming the system. PEACE, Kathleen

Copito said...

Paz in the world!!!


Bobby Revell said...

Ok, I finally have time to comment on all these posts! It may take a few days to read them all, but that's my weekend mission!

I hope you read my post too Mimi:)

Thorne said...

I'm late to the party, mimi... and I'll help clean up the dishes, but I had to show up no matter what! Thank you for doing this! I'll be visiting throughout the next week, between furious bouts of writing my NaNoWriMo novel.
Peace, out!!

Anonymous said...

I am technically a day late but I am two days late in reality. The post was in my drafts and I was not able to finish editing so it was not time-stamped to publish on time.

Anyway, thank you for this opportunity to blog about peace again. My entry focused on pursuing peace.

Peace to you and yours :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a wonderful blogging experience. I've yet to visit all of the blogs who participated, but I'm working on it. Peace be with you and everyone.

Mimi Lenox said...

Barbara - Thank you for listening to the show Thursday night. A "little voice" huh? Next time I'll have to speak up!

Hugs to you, my friend from France.

Mimi Lenox said...

Cybercelt - Duly noted and I hope you are feeling better. It is not peace globes without you ya know!!

Mimi Lenox said...

Big-Eyed Gal - So honored to have you join us from the Philippines.

Mimi Lenox said...

Julia - Thank you for looking out for me. I will visit them and add them to the list. Peace my friend!

Mimi Lenox said...

Mary - Now, we'll all drink from the same water fountain!

What a statement. Inspiring.

Mimi Lenox said...

Kathleen - One Love has become possible like never before.
Bob Marley would be proud (I hope!) Anybody know him? He needs to get on the peace train.

And no, my friend, no one can stop us now. We are on the right track and I am so enthralled with this air of hope in the air across the world.

Mimi Lenox said...

Copito - You are (gulp) a cute little thing. You won't get loose on my blog and run around though, will ya?

Just sayin...

Peace and love to you,

Mimi Lenox said...

Bobby - Oh how wonderful that you are going to spend time doing this. Thank you so much. I know folks will appreciate it.

Going there now...

Mimi Lenox said...

and Bobby..I placed your name in the linky list.

Mimi Lenox said...

Thorne - NaNO is a bear. Good luck with it. Maybe next year for me..too busy at the moment. I once tried it in the middle of a peace globe campaign. Never again. Good luck with your novel!

Mimi Lenox said...

Julie - It's never too late. I'm impressed that you started early!
I read it and it's a wonderful post.

Mimi Lenox said...

Beth - You had one of the cutest peace globes ever! Thank you for participating and visiting Bloggingham. Come back often.

Anonymous said...

Great story, Mimi!!
Beautiful last sentence: ... sit down, take off your hats and let's have a talk... Peace is so easy -- talking, listening, respect and understanding.

Peace & Purrs to you and yours!

PS - the peace globe from the two of us in sunglasses( #1268) is from our joint blog. Karl (The Cat Realm) and Ruis (Kattenpraat) are married!

Mimi Lenox said...

Ruis - I fixed the link on #1268. Thanks for letting me know.
Married??!! Gasp!!!
Oh..I remember the wedding now. How could I forget that? It was hysterical..but in a sophisticated kinda cat way.

zuiyanhong said...

You are Great.
Peace forever......

Mojo said...

If I haven't said it before, then let me say it now. If I have said it before, then let me say it again. On my List Of People I Wish I'd Met, your grandfather must be near the top. He's in good company too. But since I never met the man himself, I feel especially privileged to have met the one he helped shape and affected so profoundly.

Thanks for doing what you do Mimi. It may amount to jousting with windmills, but crazier things have worked.

Mimi Lenox said...

Zuiyanhong - Welcome to the castle.

Mojo - Oh but you have met him, a way..through all of these voices. It was a privilege to meet you as well. You do have a way with words, my friend.
Thank you for being such a passionate voice in this movement already.

Teresita said...

They create desolation, and call it peace. - Tacitus

Anonymous said...

Sorry for being late... My Peace Globe was delayed due to my comical coverage of Election Indecision 2008! :~)))

Shanea T. said...

This is wonderful!

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