Sunday Blog Chatter ~ Vote (Uncensored)
Please Vote
and then fly your peace globe!
Click the button to get yours
A blog of inspiration, humor, and peace Penned by Mimi Lenox, Founder of Blog4Peace
Written by Mimi Lenox at Saturday, October 04, 2008
Peace & Peace Globes,
Mimi, thank you for this video. as I have benn doing absentee ballot.I do not think I missed voting ever sice I was first able to in the 70's. and Yes my peace globe is don and I emailed it to you.
Mimi .. that video is wonderful .. I sent the link out to all my non blogger friends and I am glad you've posted it here!
Thanks again for visiting me!
Hi Mimi! I came running over here to grab a Peace Globe badge to display in my sidebar, and thought I'd leave a note on the castle's dining room table to let you know I was here, and I think of you often. Since you are a queen, could you create a few extra hours in the day for me? No? OK, how about a couple extra days in the weekend? *sigh*
Where did you fnd that? Raelly, great job. We cannot put out this message enough...
I wonder if anyone will really regester will in the bathroom??
(with a laptop)
Misty - I could use all of those things as well.
Daryl - I love it too!
Mike - I did receive it and will send your peace globe # in the next few days. It's beautiful.
Bud - You are correct. My apologies. See correction to my faux pas. You found it at Starr's and put it on your blog which is where I saw it first, the video wouldn't play so I went to hers and took it from there. I thank you both.. !
Eric - I sincerely hope not.
I could only handle a minute and a half of it. I get it. Reverse psychology. I used to use it on my kids when they were like one year old. They were too smart for it by two. This kind of shit bores and offends me.
Great post Mimi! We must spread the word.
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