Sunday Blog Chatter: Click Here! Sorry, we're unable to complete your request
The Blogosphere is full of talent and enthusiasm. I am lucky to circle through the sphere on a daily basis and find blogs full of substance in my own neighborhood, so to speak. Two blogs in particular have captured my attention this week. I hope you will give them a nod and a read.
Peace Meme ~ a lovely blog written by an Austin, Texas blogger (I know you've seen shakerjc lurking about your Bloglog) is keeper of this aesthetically pleasing oasis of truth.
If I could have tagged just one more person for the Thinking Bloggers Award it would have been this guy's site. Daily quoting Father Thomas Keating's amazing book "Open Mind, Open Heart"
he "peacefully spreads peace" - encouraging intelligent discussion and
sometimes controversial banter with commenters. My particular favorite this week was US vs. John Lennon as well as exploring the great list of peace related blogs in the sidebar. I always learn something and you will too.

If you're a regular reader of Mimi Writes, you've definitely heard of Canadian blogger Frank Sirianni; a man of many ideas and diverse talents. Frank (aka Foxxfyrre) never ceases to amaze me with his innovative twists on art and writing. See It 'n' Write It is a new feature in which you're given four randomly generated images to create a plot and compose a very short short story.
Peace Meme ~ a lovely blog written by an Austin, Texas blogger (I know you've seen shakerjc lurking about your Bloglog) is keeper of this aesthetically pleasing oasis of truth.

he "peacefully spreads peace" - encouraging intelligent discussion and

If you're a regular reader of Mimi Writes, you've definitely heard of Canadian blogger Frank Sirianni; a man of many ideas and diverse talents. Frank (aka Foxxfyrre) never ceases to amaze me with his innovative twists on art and writing. See It 'n' Write It is a new feature in which you're given four randomly generated images to create a plot and compose a very short short story.
You'll have to 'see it and read it' to believe it. Give Frank a holler and tell him his pal Mimi sent you.
I decided to get all techno this week and plunged into the PayPerPost craze. It took awhile to figure out the nuts and bolts but after a few false starts I finally posted my first 3 ads yesterday. Blogger would NOT cooperate. "Sorry, we are unable to complete your request" over and over again. So frustrating. For the moment, I'm using Dating Profile to display them, just until one of my other blogs meets the criteria. I don't like how the ads detract aesthetically but do think it's a relatively easy way for bloggers to make extra income. I blog all the time, so why not? I'll let you know how it goes...
On the home front:
BlogBlast For Peace began a new feature today entitled Peace Globe Blogger Of The Day. It's a simple daily recognition displaying a special globe with a few words describing the peace post. 
The first honoree is Zero Impact writer of Impact of A Soul To A Soul From A Soul. Please stop by with your congratulations and a muffin.
The first honoree is Zero Impact writer of Impact of A Soul To A Soul From A Soul. Please stop by with your congratulations and a muffin.

The famed Bloggers2000 now has my half-faced self in the collage. I found some of you there, too!
I started Mack Collier's Z-list from this blog and had phenomenal results.

And please pass the meme along if you so desire more traffic and great links.
On a personal note: Mimi's mouse has finally gone to mouse heaven or hell. Either direction is fine with me.
Thanks Mimi,
And don't forget to thank Bud again for me. I really enjoy reading what his imagination will come up with. It's a hoot, and he's been there from the start of it!
Thank you so lots of much, as they say in Rakistan. I appreciate the plugs. And those "international awards" never get boring...
I, too, would like to express my gratitude, Mimi, for your wonderful presence in the blogosphere and on the planet! I appreciate your support and your pithy comments sprinkled on my site.
I promise to get my Peace Globe all decorated and up on my site this week. Look forward to a more peaceful future with you!
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