The Z-List
I've often said "I'm living my life backwards." And so it is with the Z-list.
I'm not on the A-list, the B-list or even a C-list (!) Strike that! I just found out I'm a B-List Blogger aka Bloglebrity..and I can sing the alphabet song. Does that count?
I didn't think so.
I learned of Mack Collier and his Z-List idea after I won the The Thinking Bloggers Award .
(which is actually a meme with a cerebral twist) and found his name embedded in an article by Ilker Yoldas, who started the Thinking Blog. Mack simply thought of a way to promote blogs that might not otherwise be noticed in a purely tag-me-tag-you-tag-everybody in a quick cut-n-paste post. I've decided to do it today and offer this opportunity to anyone who'd like to try this link-love experiment.
You simply copy the list of blogs from this post, paste them in a new post on your blog and add any others you'd like to the list. Consequently, the list gets longer and the law of dominoes takes place. Simple and hopefully effective.
According to Collier, "Then after you leave your post, the next blogger will do the same thing, cut and paste YOUR list and add THEIR blogs to the list and then re-post it. Add the same instructions in your post then the next blogger should cut and post YOUR list and add any blogs they feel should be on THEIR list. The list will get increasingly long and all the blogs will get a sort of reverse 'pyramid -affect' of link-love."
Mack's initial idea stated an "honor rule" that you not include your own blog in the list. I have mixed feelings about that but since he started the meme, I will honor his request and not place myself on my own list. I would ask -and you should too!! - that the next blogger place me on their list if they so desire. So....... feel free to join me and swipe this list. Then add your own favorites. Let's see if we can spread some blog love. Happy linking.
I took this list from the blog Being Peter Kim who took some of it from Mack Collier's The Viral Garden "Revenge of The Z-List." The list should not be altered in any way in order to maintain the integrity of the meme.
Note: I have checked the links to make sure they work but have not extensively read each of these blogs. Those from The Viral Garden have techno/marketing/blogging sites mixed in. Some of the promotional tips for blogging I've found helpful.
Shotgun Marketing Blog
Customers Rock!
Decker Marketing
Big Picture AdvertisingCreative Think
Get Shouty!
One Reader at a Time
The New PR
Own Your Brand!
The Marketing Minute
Word Sell
Note to CMO
That's Great Marketing!
Pow! Right Between The Eyes!
The Emerging Brand
Flooring the Consumer
Hee-Haw Marketing
Multi-Cult Classics
Logic + Emotion
Branding & Marketing
Nick Rice
Design Sojourn
Bob Sutton
¡Hola! Oi! Hi!
Jeremy Latham’s Blog
The Viral Garden
Pardon My French
Write now is good
I added:
Foxxfyrre's Honk 'n Hollr
Lyn's Last Minute Life
A World of Bloggers
Are We There Yet?
Crazy Working Mom
Doctor Anonymous
Dr. J On Life
I Am Woman, See Me Blog!
The Moving Middle Finger Writes
My Pregnant Pauses
Normal Life
One More Raindrop in a Bloggy Ocean
Meowers from Missouri
Missy, KC & Bear
Dona Nobis Pacem: The Peace Globe Posts
Sadie, Sadie Married Lady
Studio Galeria
Sunflower Optimism
Wonderful World of Nothing
Words That Flow
World of Yaxlich
A Window Within Myself
Happy Tiler
Code Pink For Women
Anyhow Blogs
Blog That Mommy
Bonnie Underfoot and Victor Tabbycat
Creating Peace
Cat Banter with Kimo and Sabi
(I will periodically add more. Come back and check to update your list)
I'm not on the A-list, the B-list or even a C-list (!) Strike that! I just found out I'm a B-List Blogger aka Bloglebrity..and I can sing the alphabet song. Does that count?
I didn't think so.
I learned of Mack Collier and his Z-List idea after I won the The Thinking Bloggers Award .

You simply copy the list of blogs from this post, paste them in a new post on your blog and add any others you'd like to the list. Consequently, the list gets longer and the law of dominoes takes place. Simple and hopefully effective.
According to Collier, "Then after you leave your post, the next blogger will do the same thing, cut and paste YOUR list and add THEIR blogs to the list and then re-post it. Add the same instructions in your post then the next blogger should cut and post YOUR list and add any blogs they feel should be on THEIR list. The list will get increasingly long and all the blogs will get a sort of reverse 'pyramid -affect' of link-love."
Mack's initial idea stated an "honor rule" that you not include your own blog in the list. I have mixed feelings about that but since he started the meme, I will honor his request and not place myself on my own list. I would ask -and you should too!! - that the next blogger place me on their list if they so desire. So....... feel free to join me and swipe this list. Then add your own favorites. Let's see if we can spread some blog love. Happy linking.
I took this list from the blog Being Peter Kim who took some of it from Mack Collier's The Viral Garden "Revenge of The Z-List." The list should not be altered in any way in order to maintain the integrity of the meme.
Note: I have checked the links to make sure they work but have not extensively read each of these blogs. Those from The Viral Garden have techno/marketing/blogging sites mixed in. Some of the promotional tips for blogging I've found helpful.
Shotgun Marketing Blog
Customers Rock!
Decker Marketing
Big Picture AdvertisingCreative Think
Get Shouty!
One Reader at a Time
The New PR
Own Your Brand!
The Marketing Minute
Word Sell
Note to CMO
That's Great Marketing!
Pow! Right Between The Eyes!
The Emerging Brand
Flooring the Consumer
Hee-Haw Marketing
Multi-Cult Classics
Logic + Emotion
Branding & Marketing
Nick Rice
Design Sojourn
Bob Sutton
¡Hola! Oi! Hi!
Jeremy Latham’s Blog
The Viral Garden
Pardon My French
Write now is good
I added:
Foxxfyrre's Honk 'n Hollr
Lyn's Last Minute Life
A World of Bloggers
Are We There Yet?
Crazy Working Mom
Doctor Anonymous
Dr. J On Life
I Am Woman, See Me Blog!
The Moving Middle Finger Writes
My Pregnant Pauses
Normal Life
One More Raindrop in a Bloggy Ocean
Meowers from Missouri
Missy, KC & Bear
Dona Nobis Pacem: The Peace Globe Posts
Sadie, Sadie Married Lady
Studio Galeria
Sunflower Optimism
Wonderful World of Nothing
Words That Flow
World of Yaxlich
A Window Within Myself
Happy Tiler
Code Pink For Women
Anyhow Blogs
Blog That Mommy
Bonnie Underfoot and Victor Tabbycat
Creating Peace
Cat Banter with Kimo and Sabi
(I will periodically add more. Come back and check to update your list)
Mimi...just wanted to tell you (again) how much I enjoy reading your blog. nice job!!!
Mimi thanks so much for spreading the Z-List! Just one correction, my name's actually MaCk, not Mark. Don't worry, everyone does it ;) Thanks!
It's great to see the Z-list continuing to grow. You are right, Mimi, there are plenty of interesting blogs on the list. Great to see more added in.
I can't wait to explore the Z-list! Great concept and I am glad to have found your BLOG. I will be a regular reader!
Ripple On!!!
Steve Harper
Mimi, hi there! I hope you have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend, thank you so much for the Award, I'll be doing this Z-list post this weekend.
Palm Springs Savant - Thanks! You are welcome here anytime.
Mack! Great idea. Thanks for visiting the Mimi Z-List. It will continue to spread.
Gavin & Steve - I love finding new and interesting blogs. Thanks for visiting and linking. I will do the same.
Mimi Lenox
SGT DUB - Can't wait to read your award nominations. Have a wonderful weekend as well and thanks for spreading the Z-list!
Thank you for including me! :)
I'm grateful.
You're welcome, Janna. Have a great weekend.
Way to go Mimi! the z-list is a true way to spread the blog love - astounding in the places it has traveled - thanks for joining my community at mybloglog and know you'll find a worthy item or 2 - Mack and Gavin continue their quest to touch every edge of the blogosphere - ripple away!
Peace to you -
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