Sunday Blog Chatter: The Da Mimi Code ( or OOPS)
I'm renaming this post Do You See What I See?
Can one find the humor in this??
I proclaim a miraculous new site that works all sorts of widgets and bells for your blog..........and they're invisible.
To everyone but her.
I did say it was Da Mimi Code, didn't I? Come on, people! Work with me here.
I refuse to repost this.
At the bottom of this post there's supposed to be a white flower with the words "Imagine" on top. You should take that literally.
REMINDER: There's a hot competition underway over at Dating Profile of the Day. Saturday Comeback Challenge Round 5 welcomes new competitors this week! You have until midnight Monday to submit your answers. Come know you wanna play!
like to share with you a few links I've found lately to enhance blogs and presentations.

I've also decided to return to my blog's old format with a few changes and additions.
brewing a blog explosion!
Behold.Mount St. Helens meets Mims in the blogosphere. This live webcam updates every five minutes; just about as often as I change my blog. She has been in a constant eruptive state since October, 2004. So have I!
So I invited her to rest a spell.
Do you mind if she hangs out here awhile?

Want to add a fancy banner to your site? I did the one at the top of this blog in five minutes.
Ever wondered how to float images? Drop caps at the beginning of paragraphs? Design a magazine-style font? Design your own logo?
It's all here in one place.
And it's not complicated.
While searching for Breast Cancer awareness links last week, I stumbled across a site called Mandarin I added the Breast Cancer stamp to the sidebar of my blog and was able to choose a color that blends in with my color scheme. See? There are so many other tricks and tips at Mandarin that I can't wait to try. They have copy and paste codes for everything and lots of tutorials.
Switching to beta was a little frustrating at first but that issue has been resolved and I LOVE BETA now. It's so much easier to add links and change the look of your blog. While Blogger has some kinks to work out, it's definitely been worth the risk. My (OUR) Peace Globes have now found a permanent home in an X drive in cyberspace. They are happy and warm.
Frank to the rescue.
I added a Flash Banner to the top of my blog to draw attention to the ongoing Peace Globe initiative. It's easy to do! Follow the link underneath my banner or click here. You are welcome to use my own code to advertise peace globes on your own site if you wish.
Saturdays will be dedicated to
also known as Peace Globes. If you're new to this project click here and learn how to participate in our initiative for World Peace.
Want music on your blog?
Go to
This is what Magazine-style drop down lettering looks like......
Mimi Morphs returns Tuesday, December 19, 2006.
...Stepping out of my comfort zone Twice a month I've pledged to do something I've never done before but always secretly wanted to and write a story about my experience....
Magazine style pull-outs look like this.........
Click Here for Mimi Morphs Into Suds
How about a Scrolling Marquee with Opacity??
.....or say it with an Alphabet Block
MIMI On Mars ~ MEN!
Your Wednesdays will never be the same.
Click here for a story on how I fell in love with an office assistant. Don't delay! It could happen to YOU.
This technique is called Sitting Pretty. Click here for the code. Make it your own.
Click here to make a free banner like the one shown at the top.
(Click the word BLOG above for an example. Do you want to be Karaoked???! Write me. )
Mims has missed her mean calling. I went to SCRIBBLER and created a masterpiece with one shake of my mouse, so to speak. I am easily amused. It's a masterpiece! All you do is draw lines in the box, push a button and the computer does the rest. I am calling this.......
Monument to Mims - well.....what ELSE??!! Frank Sirianni, artist-guy-from-Canada-who-scribbles-quite-well-without-a-machine eat your heart out! I can't figure out how to save it and let you see it though. You have to figure out the c-o-d-e first (ha!). I'm sure my drawing holds the mysteries of the universe within. I don't know about that but it did hold my attention for ten minutes.
The globe filmloop at the top was created at I really love this feature and have seen it used effectively on other prominent blogs. Click here for a great example.
I went to and made my very own flower! I named it Mim's Mum located in Mimsville. So childish. So girly. So mind-numbing. WARNING: This is not a testosterone happy site. Guys might want to skip this one.
Free non-profit images like these from the
Learn how to post free squares! Or squares that rotate!

Boxes and bordered boxes with many variations. Here are a few samples. Just copy and paste the code from
This is a centered bordered box. The background color is hexadecimal color C0D4AF. The box has a defined width of 300 pixels. The padding of 5 pixels is added so that the text doesn't flush up to the border. The border color is black.
Center Bordered Box With Bordered Image....

Road Trip from Hell
Traveling alone can be hazardous to your health.If you forget to pack your pajamas you can't borrow someone else's - you might freeze to death, especially in northern temperature changes. Always pack extra flannel for those romantic pajama parties and lots of bubbly conversation and crayons for coloring inside the lines.
Help! I need directions! and a bubble bath......
Guess I'm going to have to check out Mandarin Designs. Looks like a lot of great widgets to use. Also, thanks for the auido link, i've been trying to find one I can figure out. Have a great day.
Wow is all I can say.
READERS: Please let me know if my new bells and whistles are showing up. Thank you.
Some are and some are not. They are worse in firefx then in IE.
Also, it looks like mandarin design did not renew their site.. they are no longer thre.
Mimi, the two banners you have in the side bar cut into the text a bit so it's hard to read your posts.
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