BlogBlast For Peace 2010 ~ How To Get Your Peace Globe (Updated for Twitter and Facebook users)
UPDATE! Visit the page links at the top of Mimi Writes for all the information you need to participate.
**Next BlogBlast4Peace NOV 4, 2013.**
Bloggers from all across the globe
will blog for peace.
We will speak with one voice.
One subject
One day
A small group of bloggers answered that challenge and it began to spread across the internet in ways that humble me still. It reaches across political lines and religious creeds, abides in corners of unrest and places of hope, gives voice to individual beliefs and promotes tolerance for diversity. It celebrates the genius in each one of us, found in sparkling conversations of passionate pleas for change in the earth. It is that hope for change that motivates us.
It was the Internet's first ever online movement of its kind to invite bloggers to post the same message on the same day. From blog to blog it has moved and continues to grow. It is a virtual inscription of hope. We have been amazed to see the power and passion shown each year displayed on pages across the world. We visit each other with our prayers and scribbles, prose and poetry, art and angst, heart and hilarity - and we are moved by it. From one post to thousands of others in fifty countries and almost every state in the United States, something rare and wonderful happens on BlogBlast For Peace day.
It's time.
Join us!

1. Choose one of the Peace Globe designs shown on this page. Right CLICK and SAVE in JPG format.
2. Sign the globe using Paint, Photoshop or a similar graphics tool. Decorate the globe anyway you wish. You can even include the name of your blog. Click here for thousands of inspiring examples from previous BlogBlasts.
3. Return the peace globe to me via email ~ blogblastforpeace at and sign the Mr. Linky below on that day. Leave a comment and your blog's name and url in the Mr. Linky so that we can visit each other.
Your submission will be numbered and dated in the official gallery with a link back to your post and a permanent spot on the Official BlogBlast For Peace website as well as in the FACEBOOK albums.
NEW!! 4. On November 4, 2010 DISPLAY YOUR GLOBE IN A POST on your blog, FACEBOOK WALL and TWEET IT! USE THE HASHTAGS #peace and #blogpeace and #donanobispacem or #blogblastforpeace to keep us organized and viral
Title your post "Dona Nobis Pacem" - Latin for Grant Us Peace. This is important. The goal is for all blog post titles to say the same thing on the same day. Write about peace that day or simply fly your globe.
Visit Mimi Writes Nov 4th and sign your name once you've posted your own globe so that others can find you.
Facebook EVENT - Sign up and be counted!
Please promote!
1. Post this badge on your site and Facebook pages to promote.
Or feel free to use it as your globe on November 4th.
Or feel free to use it as your globe on November 4th.

This organization of busy helpers and dedicated peace bloggers began in 2009. The concept was created by this man and taken up by a growing number of bloggers with a passion for peace and this movement. Read "You See There Were These Bees...." to find out how the bzzzzzzz started bzzzzzzzing. Any one of the bloggers mentioned in that post or who commented on that post are ready and willing to assist you.
What does a PGWB do? Many of you already do the following actions that define a Peace Globe Worker Bee: Spreading the word, posting the date, flying the Blog Blast banner, offering assistance to anyone who needs help making a Globe, or directing bloggers to one of the sites where they can find out more about the movement. Please take the bee badge with you too! We want to see the peace bzzzzz everywhere! We appreciate all you are doing already to spread the word.
3. SHARE (see buttons at bottom) and TWEET this post every chance you get until November 4th, 2010 and on that day.
Need ideas and inspiration? Go to BlogBlast For to see the gallery of thousands of peace globes and posts from 50 countries already submitted and numbered.
The peace globes are now housed in albums on my Facebook page. Go here to find yours.
If you'd like to read about the history of this movement, go here.
I can't wait to see what you do with this movement in 2010.
Papa's Marbles ~ How It All Began

If we believe that words are powerful....then this matters.
Join us!
Join us for BlogBlast For Peace Nov 4, 2012
#blog4peace #peace
BlogBlast For Peace logo and concept is the sole property of Mimi Lenox.
2006-2012 copyright
All rights reserved.
1 comment:
Hi Mimi - here's my globe. Lying in wait for the day. :D
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