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Thursday, January 2, 2025

Happy New Year! Twenty -Five Years of Blogging and Friendship

 I am thankful to be alive and relatively healthy, still here, wanting to do many many more things in my life! Being single at this stage of life is the best! And the worst.....Sometimes I think I'd enjoy the company of a man on a regular basis, then I remember cooking obligatory dinners (when I'd much rather cook together), checking with someone else before I make a decision (like I would), coordinating family plans and events with extended families...nd a million other small add-on stressors that you gloss over when you  live with someone else.

 But if I fall in love
I shall reconsider

After being happily alone for more than twenty years, I've realized how blessed I am in the Late Fall of my life. I retired from teaching six years ago. I love a life without alarm clocks, bells and cafeteria food.
I enjoy my own company, but I do get lonely from time to time. 

I love spending time with my kids and grandchildren, ages 20, 13 and 5 - college, middle school and kindergarten. Never a dull moment at the dinner table. 

Baby Boy is majoring in Computer Science, Beans is majoring in girls and BabyBree is majoring in Barbie. Perfect! They teach me about video games and I sneak in a peace globe conversation from time to time. I want them on that rain ya see......

Which season are you in?
Which season have you enjoyed the most?

I've noticed, also, that people from my past keeping showing up.  I'm stumbling over them in the grocery store and thrift store. Long lost relatives with news to tell, high school friends, friends of friends and acquaintances that should have been more than that; maybe we'll get a do-over. Who knows?  Is it truly a coincidence? Or does the Universe have a rhyme and reason?
That's to be determined. I'll keep you posted.
Has this phenomenon ever happened to you?
                                                         Out on the river in 2018 with my Beans

As for you and I....
I'm glad you're still here in Blogworld.
I'm happy we met in the BlogoVerse in 2005
when learning to decorate a blog with colored fonts and photos from PhotoBucket and ImageChef was as high-tech as we could go. But we helped each other through it and some of us even learned to code from scratch. Technorati was everything and memes rocked our world. ReMEMEber?

I wish you the best of health and true happiness in our twentieth year of friendship. I think I know most of you well. I've met several of you in the real world. A pleasure! 
Let's keep in touch. 

Tell me about your season.
How's your life going?

2006 Blogging Meltdown at the computer


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Ned Hamson said...

hugs and best wishes

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Thanks for hanging in, Mimi. I am trying, too, though disheartened. Still we must keep on trying to be Good Creatures for Mother Earth as best we can. I am in the final years of my journey and my once obnoxious belief that the transformation of consciousness was bound to occur has been dampened by the direction that change took - unexpected, as I thought we all loved democracy and believed in the goodness of the human heart and in human rights. Sigh. It will be interesting to see what your theme is for next year's blogblast and what will have occurred by then. Shine on. (If you don't have a dog, I must tell you they are the very best source of unconditional love on the planet and are wonderful company. I think I need a dog companion this year.

Mimi Lenox said...

Thanks and the same to you!

Mimi Lenox said...

My son just told me to get a dog. Your suggestion is confirmation! I think you do need one. You seem happier with a dog close by. Happy New Year, Sherry.

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