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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Dona Nobis Pacem ~ The Room

Welcome to the 18th annual Blog4Peace aka Dona Nobis Pacem in the Blogosphere. We will post Saturday and Sunday, Nov 4-5th wherever you are online. 
Please leave your blog or post link in the MR. LINKY below or in the comments section or tag me on social media. Your peace globe will be added to the Official Gallery of Peace Globes

Our 2023 theme is Change The Room ~ The Transforming Power of Walking in Peace

Dona Nobis Pacem 2023
The Room

A conversation with Spirit 

"Fill them up," He said.
With what? asked the tired peace blogger on the eve of Dona Nobis Pacem. 
My peace boxes

For weeks I've known that the box marked "Early Writings" in the back of the closet would provide the backbone of my peace post. And is my usual custom, I waited until nigh the hour to investigate.

"Fill up the peace angel boxes with words you will choose from your fairly ancient writings.
 I will show you the pattern..."
Ha Ha, Lord. That's a funny comment you made. Ancient, eh? But You know best. Let's begin.

And just like I've picked up Papa's hammer or his earth marble in years past, I listened. 

I am nothing if not obedient. 
Inside the closet box I found love poems....lots of silly love poems. Anguished teenage diaries, college essays, journals, quotes, love letters written and received, peace signs and flower power patches, concert tickets....all in the box. It was the seventies and I was young and overly sensitive about most things; and yet...when I read my teenage epiphanies today, I realize not much in the way of what I really care about has changed. 
Peace. Relationships. Music. God. Rinse Repeat. 

Life happened. I became a very young bride back in the days before electricity (ahem). We made our first home in a little mobile house in the middle of the woods.

It was clean and efficient, secluded and perfect for two.  And because I grew up with a grandfather whose favorite pastime was folding his hands in prayer, the first thing I did was make a prayer and meditation room. A floor cushion, a cross, a Bible, a picture of Jesus, and a candle traveled with me to our first real house in the suburbs. 
That was denominational "meditation" back in the day. I've learned and adjusted much since, adding A Course in Miracles later; nonetheless, it was a fine foundation when I didn't even realize I was building a spiritual practice.

 Wherever we lived, I needed a room. A place to be quiet. A place to pray. A sanctuary of my own away from noise and life's chaos. That has not changed in my ancient times (thanks Lord) though sometimes the "room" is under the wide canopy of an oak tree in the stillness of woods and rocks on my little mountain.

And that's what I did in that little flat-roof suburban house while I waited for our baby to arrive. 

Every day. Every day. Every day. 
at precisely 4:10 pm
It was my favorite part of the day. I couldn't wait to shut the door, kneel on the floor and spend some time alone with God and my writing journal. Going IN the room was like being siphoned into a vortex.
I was drawn into it.

 I knew the "meeting" had been called to order as soon as I shut the door behind me. Palpable presence and peace. The atmosphere was climate controlled by a Presence I can only describe as perfect peace and joy. He never failed to meet me there. When I gave Him my time and attention, He gave me strong weapons: patience, love, clarity, compassion, a softer heart, inspiration, mindfulness, solace

When I was a little girl, I watched my Papa change atmospheres all the time. It was as effortless as changing his hat. People acted differently when he was around. What he carried was palpable.
But the question is...where did he get it? 
Papa's marbles

That's easy. Listen carefully. I'll tell you a secret.
He' s the one who taught me about the room.

His "room" is scorched in my mind.
His room was the Bible on the nightstand in a cold back bedroom, the first thing he touched in the morning.

  His room meant devotions at dawn and scribbled scripture notes in the margins of books you weren't supposed to write in
His room gave thanks at mealtime. 

His room was a recliner that welcomed silent sunrise prayers..
a place none of us disturbed (except the occasional kiss I planted on his forehead as I passed by on the way to breakfast, quietly, quietly you see....) 
 His room meant gentle hands on my shoulder and a tug on my sleeve

There was a Lamp in his room
It showed us who he was, no need for preachy words.
It was fueled by The Book sprawled open on his lap - The Book from which he gathered his strength.  

Copyright 1941 The Upper Room
His room was a well-worn pocket prayer book that he carried with him. Buried under a lifetime of rhymes in the box of many ancient words, I unearthed the small stained power book and its leaves of gold.

 Tonight when I opened the tiny pages, it fell open, right on cue, as if it were still open on his lap as I walked past him to the kitchen 

Tears fell on page 40 as I read
 "In Time of War" and "Prayer For

Can you imagine anything more timely in this hour?

He has shown me the pattern.
 I will place the prayer book in the peace box
where it surely belongs

Marrying prayer and peace sounds like a mighty fine idea.
It was Papa's way. I aspire to his way. 
He didn't make peace, find peace, or go looking for peace -

He carried it.

In his pocket, in his coat, in his mind, in his heart, in his actions, in his demeanor, in his attitude, in his love walk
Going into the room was easy for him. He simply yielded.
I watched. 

No matter what beliefs you hold or where you find your rooms of solace, know that it matters greatly how much of it you carry out into the world with you. 

In this dark and trying time in the world, I'd like to offer Papa's Prayer For Peace
He passed it to me. I pass it to you.

"O God, who hast made of one blood all nations of men, mercifully receive the prayer that we offer for our anxious and troubled world. 
Send Thy Light into our darkness and guide the nations as one family into the ways of peace. Take away all prejudice and hatred and fear. 
Strengthen in us day by day the will to understand.
And to those who by their counsels lead the people of the earth, grant at right judgment, that so, through them and us Thy will be done through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen." 


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Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Wonderful post, Mimi - made me cry, but in a good way.
Here's mine:

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was truly a wonderful post Mimi. Ours is here:

Michelle said...

Beautiful, as always. <3

Michelle said...

darn! Forgot my link. :P

Just Ducky said...

Joining you again this year for this important day.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Such a wonderful post, and story. Thanks for hosting this blogblast every year, Mimi. My dream is that one day we will be blogging for peace without one war happening in the world. Wouldnt that be great? John Lennon said "War is over if you want it." We'll keep singing.

ShannonW said...

Wishing everyone a lifetime of peace.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

We Love your writing, Mimi, you bring so much Peace into our Souls when we read your stories and you're so funny too. We had a great MOL about the electricity...MOL... Double Pawkisses from us for a Peaceful Mind to create a Peaceful World🐾😽💞

Jackpot Village said...

Thank you for the enthusiasm and energy you infuse into your writing.

Raymond L said...

I appreciate how you emphasize finding peace and quiet in your own space.

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