Monday Mimisms ~ Getting Back To Me

I need rugs. And lamps. And art on the walls.

Join us for Blog4Peace Nov 4
A blog of inspiration, humor, and peace Penned by Mimi Lenox, Founder of Blog4Peace
Written by Mimi Lenox at Monday, May 08, 2023
Authentically Me,
Baby Boomer Thoughts,
Homer The Palace Dog Speaks,
Life in Bloggingham Palace,
Monday Mimisms,
On Relationships,
Personal Stories
Being awesome!
Just me and my cat.
Mickey - I AM enjoying it so very much. Snickers keeps me company. I love it!
I'm thankful for having roof over my head.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.
I SO resonate with every line of this. Enjoy your reclaimed solitude. It is sweet.
Dora - Yes, indeed! Thanks for the coffee.
Sherry - It IS. I don't think I would have appreciated things so much had I not been without the solitude for so long. I learned to function but it was not easy. I love peace and quiet! But I do miss those little kisses...
Solitude is so necessary for we humans. To slow down, reflect, do for you instead of others. But so is connection necessary for we humans. To love, to talk, to exchange ideas, to nurture. It’s the balance of the two, or rather imbalance in your case, where things go wrong. I can relate. Time for you. Take all the time you need.
Well said, Christine.
Alone time is when we recharge. But I like what you wrote about balance. Solitude can be seductive, and just because something is comfortable doesn't mean it's positive. Connection to others keeps us balanced. PS I'm glad Snickers stayed with you.
Gal - I'm really making an effort to connect more. I can be so reclusive and that's not always healthy.
P.S. Snickers has a way of looking at me that makes me think she can read my mind. Not kidding!
Bud - You can say that again.
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