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Sunday, August 21, 2022

Monday Mimisms ~ Mama's Lipstick

It was the purses

and maybe because I never got to see her things....
or know the name of the last lipstick she used
or pick up the hairbrush from the oval tray in her bedroom
and brush my hair with the combs of life left from mama

perhaps it was the lingering smell of giggly laughs
we tossed about
on summer days of shopping
 'round the thrift markets
the way she would bid
the way she would fight
for what she wanted

and laugh
when she got

The roses were lovely
in the market today
on the face of the painting
she would have loved

so I fought
and I bought
thinking it was for me
when it really was for her

"I know that box," she would have said.
"Pick it up, my girl, and we will take it home to our treasure pile." 
Oh, how she would have loved the Lillian Vernon pink. And the lining. And the way it fell from her slender shoulders, prancing around in the store of trinkets like a Queen sitting high on the Nile with no one to judge and no one to care. I picked it up three times and felt the silk way down on the inside before I put it in my basket. There was something about the way my hands knew the cloth. Inside the deep well of the purse I felt my mother's hands..only realizing later that's why I kept picking it up and putting it much like our complicated way with each other 
so I bought it
 thinking all along it was mine; when all along, I knew it was hers. Always hers.
She loved purses
and priss
and me

"Isn't that print just the finest? she'd say. "I know just where I'll put it and it matches the roses in my garden. The ones on the bush you gave me for Mother's Day that's grown so tall and full of you, my girl. I think of you and pray for you when I see them bloom," she'd say.

So I bought it
for me
And I gave it
to her 

And no one would believe - not even I - that she had shopped with me today
Until some time later
 in the evening
when I needed her in a moment of pain
 for no reason I can logically explain

 she knew

and she came
into my room

this perfumed

 and all the exquisite days with her
came flooding back with her presence
 and it no longer mattered what lipsticks
she left behind
and suddenly I remembered
a kiss
placed on my lips 
by my mother
on the day I was born

It was the shade she wore



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Michelle said...

Lovely. <3

Mimi Lenox said...

Michelle - I STILL owe you an email. Thank you so much for visiting with me. xxoo

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