Announcing Blog4Peace (BlogBlast For Peace) November 4 - 7, 2021
Welcome peace bloggers!
Welcome NEW peace bloggers!
Thursday, Nov 4, - Sunday, Nov 7, 2021
*NOTE: We have expanded the date from one day to FOUR days of peace blogging this year. Choose a day to participate or blog peace all four days! This gives people a chance to really visit each other and see all the peace globes.
will blog for peace
Courageous Peace in a Time of Great Change
No one on earth has been unaffected by the perpetual unfolding crisis of this global pandemic. We are still thriving and swimming and struggling a bit with its far-reaching effects. I believe it's always wise in a crisis to glean those nuggets of truth that rise to the surface and change us for the better. And despite our well-deserved grumblings and grief-stricken days, there have been transformations within each of us that perhaps only a scene of such epic proportions could produce. The fallout might rain down some fruit.
Notice it. Harness it. Strengthen it. Loose it to the world.
Courage: the ability to do something that frightens one or
strength in the face of pain or grief
Courage: the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation
This is how I've felt since the pandemic began.Can you relate?
I contend that somewhere in that mix of human achievements is also a bounty of peace.
Peace that comes from simply doing what you have to do. Putting one foot in front of the other and doing the best you can. There's satisfaction in that. There's grace in that. And I don't mean finding peace at the end of the the tragic mess we're in, but peace in the midst of the mess we're in.
It's in you.
Peace bloggers always know how to find it. It's been challenging the last two years to write about peace, but it's NEVER been more important. Your words have never been more powerful. Your words (!) oh, your words are truly inspiring and fabulous! The thousands of peace globes and posts you've created continue to alter the landscape of the hearts and minds of all who see them.
Give it your attention and ride this out. I promise it will be the best peace blogging year we've ever had - even and especially NOW.
Courageous Peace in a Time of Great Change!
What has your courage looked like in your life during the past two years? What does it look like now? I'm asking because you need to understand that those of us paying attention SEE your character shining through with every choice you've made and continue to make. My opinion on your personal choice doesn't matter. I've seen stress, illness and death knock on doors in my neighborhood.... only to be met with that one neon-colored beautiful word - COURAGE.
That's what matters.
How can we take this extraordinary fortitude and weave it back into the ordinary, if and when our pre-pandemic lives ever return? What attributes and/or personal growth have you noticed about yourself that you want to carry with you through the remainder of your days as we deal with an ever-growing chasm of dissent and division?
It's going to take COURAGE. It's going to take CONSISTENCY. It's going to take CONVICTION. It's going to take COMPASSION.
And where does peace fit into this equation? I contend that peace is a natural consequence of walking through grace....even when you think that grace looks like pain. If you made it through this far, peace IS a consequence. Keep holding on to that and don't let go.
When the world looks back at your life during this time of great change, what will they see? What will your story be?
It's going to take courage to manifest peace in these times.
That's my challenge.
Let's go. It's a launch!
See the thousands of peace globes from 214+ countries and territories flying in the Official Gallery @
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Join us for BlogBlast For Peace Nov 4-7 Like Our Facebook Page ~ Peace Store How To Get Your Own Peace Globe"
Dona nobis pacem ~ Grant us peace

Join us for Blog4Peace Nov 4
We are definitely planning to blog for peace again this year. :)
Looking forward to it, meowmeowmans!
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