Monday Mimisms ~ Let's Talk About Depression

stress'll kill ya."
A few years later, he committed suicide.

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A blog of inspiration, humor, and peace Penned by Mimi Lenox, Founder of Blog4Peace
Written by Mimi Lenox at Monday, July 24, 2017
Authentically Me,
Baby Boomer Thoughts,
Monday Mimisms,
True Story Files
How are you feeling, Mimi?
Mark - Thank you for asking. I am good. The usual life stress like many others. Moving slowly through my own stuff and trying to be a sounding board if anyone needs to talk.
Also re-vamping my own need to be more transparent about how I'm REALLY feeling. So thank you for asking. Again. Really.
How are you, my friend?
Stress is a catch-all non-definition that stresses me out - grin. I have had attacks/periods of anxiety, depression, and OCD for years and one by one spent time finding the triggers and sometimes the sources. But "stress" as most seem to define it - pressure, speed, out of control was never an issue - go figure. Body chemistry has something to do with it and some drugs can give you time to figure out what the triggers are and how to disarm them. For those who have chosen to kill themselves, it often seems as though they have accepted some form of guilt for real or imagined faults and suicide seems to be their judgment of what they deserve and a way to end and make up for their sin/crime/wrong. At least that's the road that four people I knew took. Talking when they are willing can certainly help. Accepting them and loving them can help. But... recovery and change is an inside job. Supporting positive thoughts and not giving energy to negative ones can help. But... recovery and change is an inside job. Listening obsessively to Buffy St. Marie's God is alive, magic is afoot helped me a lot. grin.
Yes, we do, and it's not easy. I've been experiencing it myself for quite a few years now
Ned - Thank you for such an insightful comment. You always seem to enhance and explain much better what I intended to say. You are right on so many levels. It IS an inside job and very personal. Triggers, yes! We all have them and need to recognize and understand them. Supporting and loving someone through depression is as effective as antibiotics for the sick. Supporting yourself through temporary sadness or situational depression/stress/anxiety (whatEVER) is much harder IMHO.
I've used music all my life to heal myself. Maybe tonight I should crank up Buffy....
Charles - Lately I've taken to pushing the envelope with a few people who needed a gentle push to open up and talk. I mostly listened and encouraged. It made a world of difference - to both of us!
I am well, thank you Mims. A bit unsettled if I look deeper. We have decided to sell our current place and find something smaller that we can manage in a proper retirement. So contemplating the double uncertainty of departure from the known at some future time unknown, plus an unknown destination. But nothing seriously amiss.
Mark - That sounds like a lot of stress. Moving is a big deal. Decisions decision....there comes a time when decisions must be made.
Glad to hear nothing is seriously amiss, however.
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