Monday Mimisms ~ It's Time To Sweep The Blog
Have you ever started a project that stretched out eons longer than you had anticipated? Well, Lizza warned me, yes she did.
"I'm revamping my blog from beginning to end," I said.
"But Mims! That's...that's....." Her point? That's lots.
I know. Nearly 2900 posts and drafts and a ton of coffee later here I sit only up to March 2007. I know!
But I am nothing if not tenacious. I trudge on. With my broom.
And sometimes on it.
Actually, it's been fun! And hysterical. There are misspelled words and dangling participles and broken links and disappearing bloggers, comments from people six years ago that made me smile and remember how blogging used to be. I click on their blogger profiles and poof they are now gone or hidden. In a few cases hiding from the law, but I digress. Blogging 2012 is sooooo different. We are on a random course these days. And yet I have a feeling that blogging in its truest form is about to make a comeback. I hope
And that's what made it awesome!!
And that's what made it awesome!!!
We lived and breathed blogging and commenting
That's what MADE it awesome.
And thought we were going to change the world.
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Michelle Frost |
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Charles Gramlich |
Blogging photography hobbies morphed into exciting new business opportunities (Linda, I'm talking to you) Poetry blogs were born (Travis!) and long-held passions re-ignited and birthed into awesome adventures (of course we mean Vinny and his Music On The Couch radio show that is hot hot hot!) He's doing what he loves and making a difference in the lives of unknown musicians and in the national Blues community.'=
And my lovely friend Akelamalu was a rockstar.
Those were the days.
Memes were the hottest thing in blogging back then. If you were tagged it was because (generally speaking) the person who tagged you was either (1) flirting (2) interested in your answers and your life (3) genuinely wanted to do something nice for a fellow blogger and include them in the community. Blogging was as exciting as newfound puppy love.
We thought Bobby Griffin's Bestest Blog Of The Day was gonna save our blog souls. Some of us (moi included) got our first taste of online review writing doing work for his website. It was great experience. We also learned a LOT about where to spend our time and how to blog smarter. Many connections were made through Bobby's site.
Ian Healy |
As I've reading through and editing posts from 2006 and halfway through 2007 now, it's a hoot to see all the tagging we did. Tag tag tag!!
Julia Phillips Smith |
Maryam Montague |
Then we had what I call The Season of Awards. Now that was a time. There were awards for your smile, awards for your brain, awards for your sweetness, awards for your
Gale (aka Gemosophy) |
They did.
And then they didn't.

Ferd Crotte |
Maryam (whose design book was recently praised by Martha Stewart) I'm talking to you...recent winner of 2011 Best African Blog with two other nominations and Michelle, winner of the 2011 Scotland Blog of The Year.
I spent some time on the phone yesterday with a blogging friend from back in the day for a long overdue phone marathon to catch up with our lives. She wrote, "Dialing!" I answered the phone, "This is Mimi Pencil Skirt." We laughed and laughed. So many delightful and meaningful friendships have evolved over the years. You can't put a price tag on that.
But you can sure thank blogging.
Join us for BlogBlast For Peace Nov 4
Oh those were the days for sure Mimi! Blogging just isn't the same any more, but I won't give it up, I'll be blogging until I die methinks! ;)
Thanks for the mention m'deario. xx
Those were such fun times indeed. Now you've made me all nostalgic. Keep on trucking, O Queen of Memes!
BIG smiles here dor so many good memories. :-) And yes, the best part of blogging has been the friendships.
love you, dear pencilskirt!
What a fun post, Mimi!
Yes, blogging was sure different a few years ago, for all the reasons you mentioned. I am so glad to have made so many friends and acquaintances, from the other side of the world, to around the corner like you!
Peace and love, Mims!
Ah, the good ol' halcyon days of blogging when it was so much more fun and interactive than it is now though heaven forbid you missed a day of either posting or visiting! The pressure! The pressure! But it was "okay pressure" because blogging was something we did to connect with each other, to share with each other, and to become friends with each other.
I wouldn't have given it up for the world and even though I've become a bad blogger as far as consistency in writing my own posts and reciprocity in visiting others' posts, I still blog because to not blog would just be strange at this point.
Besides, I have met - in real life - some of the nicest people in the world through blogging. People I never would have met if blogging didn't exist and for those I have yet to meet in the flesh, they are as real and dear to me as any "real life" person could ever be and that right there has made every single blogging moment worth it!
A totally different many memories...thanks for the ride
I only started blogging last year, and have made quite a few great friends. It sounds like you've made many wonderful friends over the years, and I'm looking forward to that for myself, too!
I love this post, Mimi. Blogging definitely changed my life - and now it virtually IS my life:) You have accomplished so much with your peace movement, kiddo. I'm already looking forward to this year"s!!!!
This is a wonderful post! It was fun. Now I just go down one rabbit hole after the other. Your words are so true, though. Huge friendships made through blogging. I am trying to get my sites all straightened out. Things just confuse me too much. I get nervous because the last time the blog itself got fed up with my maneuvers and became inoperable. But I, too, keep on trudging along - and always will.
What a great look back on how blogging has changed for most of us over the past few years. For me personally, I've noticed that the technological changes in how people get to blogs has made the most significant impact on blogging.
Many former bloggers migrated their time to Facebook or Twitter, and blogger comments plummeted. Now I pretty much divide my time between those three environments, plus write fiction. My blogging time had to reduce, which has definitely been a lot less fun, but like Akelamalu said, I'll also be blogging for the duration.
So glad that you're one of the friends I've made during this time, Mimi!
You were one of the first bloggers who felt like a support system, a cyber sister. I had posted about a difficult situation where I'd be surrounded by family tension and you told me I could call you if I needed you. Imagine! It was such an amazingly generous gesture, and I think I DIDN'T need you because I felt stronger knowing you were there. It's nice to know that queen has my back. :) Thank you for making this a community.
I blog, therefore I am.
It's a different blog world, but all things evolve. I still enjoy blogging and have no interest in the other forms of social media.
Akelamalu - For sure. Some things NOT so good...but for the most part, yes.
Lizza - Nostalgia seems to plague us.
Michelle - Love you too! We've been through a lot of blog stuff together.
Ferd - You have become an excellent blogger! So glad we connected.
Linda - It's hard to explain to non-bloggers that you can be "close" to people you've never met. Although in our case, we've met!
I have some close connections in the blogosphere - people I could call day or night and they would drop everything to do what they could to help me. Yep. It's true.
Vinny - You've been on the blog train a long time my friend.
Claudine - You are a newbie. Keep it up. It's so worth it.
Sherry - Blogging is a huge part of my life as well. I'm so honored to have met you and your poetic ways. Peace on. Can't wait.
Fisher - I so enjoy your presence here on my blog. I have too many blogs and they all need fixing.
What a chore. But it's a fun hobby.
Julia - I admire your accomplishments and appreciate your friendship so much. Keep writing. You are my hero!
Gal - How nice. Thank YOU for posting such wonderful and insightful writings on your blog and recognizing the need for a supportive and kind community in the blogosphere. It is needed. Some circles are more about backbiting and competition.
I admire your candor on your blog and always learn something new about you and the world.
That offer still stands.
Travis - Yes, Peace Bee, you blog therefore you are.
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