The Green Conspiracy
Welcome to The Queen's Meme #73
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday
We will attempt to "go green" today. Even I'm green. Even Mr. Linky is green! (don't tell him) I am woefully ashamed of my non-green status in this country and wish to do better. Recyling is not my forte unless we're talking fingernails. Let's find out how green we really are. I went to this website and was SHOCKED to learn that not only am I un-American and globally unwise in this regard, but I deserve to be smacked with a non-toxic noodle as well. I hate pain. I'd rather reform. Shall we?
How green are you?
1. Do you recycle?Only boyfriends
2. Have you ever hung clothes on a line instead of using the clothes dryer?
No. But when I was a wee child I remember seeing diapers and sheets out on the clothesline in the backyard. We didn't have a dryer. It was snowing outside. They were frozen.
I still don't get it!
3. Do you walk or bike to work to save energy?
Anybody with half a brain knows that walking and biking EXPENDS energy.
Who wrote these questions? 4. Do you use a water filter for your tap water or do you buy bottled water?
I think it's a conspiracy.
5. How many trees do you kill each year buying new books?

Meet "Gnarls" (rhymes with Charles!)
6. Have you ever considered recycling your cellphone?
Bwaaahaaaha! My cellphone is truly possessed. It pocket dials, it purse dials, it walking-pants dials, it even dials in my sleep (ummm...that might be the ambien, not sure)
7. All you need are a few simple non-toxic ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, lemon, and soap to clean your home. Are you willing to throw away the bottled chemicals?
I brush my teeth with baking soda sometimes. Does that count as green?
I am so failing this test.
**Remember! March 26, 2011 is Earth Hour!** I'll be asleep.
I kill some trees buying books, but I also plant some trees too.
I do not look that great in green...but I try
You are a very silly person. Now you are a silly green person. You will be pleased to know I found you a green boyfriend.
Is that Gnarles BARKley?? Bwahahaha! I kill myself sometimers....
Charles - Planting trees is a good thing, yes it is.
Vinny - I'll bet you do. Did you do this meme today? If not, I will paint the dungeon walls green just for you.
Jamie - YES! I can't wait to meet him. It's not Kermit The Frog is it? I'm really tired of kissin' frogs ya know...
Coopernicus - LOL. Oh you.
We stopped buying bottled water and bought a Britta pitcher. And we both buy mostly Kindle editions for reading these days.
So I guess we're doing our part.
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