Monday Mimisms ~ A Message From Homer The Palace Dog
I knew she would crack.

Do I know her or what???
Then Red Tie Guy entered the picture a couple of weeks ago. And my dog life became a living blell!! That's blog + hell for all you non-blog speakers.
She even changed my wardrobe without asking me!!! I have to wear the stupid thing all.the.time. Even in the moat.
If I've told her once I've told her twice, do NOT trust a man or dog who wears a red tie.
Did she listen to my blogvice? That's Blog + dog + advice + ....oh never mind. Ummmm...that would be a no. I told her NOT to give him her phone number. Did she listen to me? NOoooo. You think she's in there writing peace prose? HA! She's texting "him" at all hours of the night when decent people ought to be asleep in their beds. I can't get any shut-eye at all in the Castle. She's imPOSSible. So it's RT this and RT that and what should I wear and does my hair look alright and tell me if I sounded stupid on the phone and do you suppose you could be an alibi when my mother calls Friday night so I don't have to tell her about Mr. Tie?
I wish she'd go back to peace globes.
At least I had all of you to talk to.
We've become familiar enough to call him R T? Hmmmm
Hilarious - and I just hope he is as wonderful as you are!:)
texting him all hours of the night huh? Keep an eye on her Homer.
Jamie - I have my wits about me. You know it!!
And he'd better be calling me Queen...
HOMER The PALACE DOG - That ain't what he calls her, folks, I've been listening in! Shhhh.....
Sherry - Thank you..but you know...I just like his voice.
That is all.
Nothing less.
Nothing more.
HOMER The PALACE DOG - Dawn! You know how she is. I can't keep up with her much less keep an eye on her and I have TWO eyes to her one.
Can I have your number?
I need blelp.
(That's...oh, you know)
10 days! I'm not ready. My Peace Globes aren't finished!
Oh...right. I finished them a couple of weeks ago.
But my poem isn't finished!!
Oh...right. I finished it over the weekend.
OK. Sorry about the momentary panic.
10 days to go!
Are you ready??
Homer, you are a saint. No doubt about that.
It's all in a good cause Homer!
I dont like that red tie ....
I think a man in a red tie shows ultimate possibilities...Homer, shut it or be banned to the front porch
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