The Bucket List Meme ~ Tying Up A Few Loose Ends
It's not original. It's not my idea. This meme has been around in various forms. Call it whatever you wish. But I thought it would be interesting to make a wish list of things you want to accomplish or do before you Cheery, no? Just like the two characters in the 2007 motion picture, The Bucket List, we all have a list in our heads. I'm not sure I've ever actually written mine down. Some I've already crossed off. I think it's time for a fresh new slate of ideas and direction for me. I've been through a lot of change in the last year. And even though the list might change periodically, nevertheless, the task gives me pause.
What AM I doing to push forward those dreams of mine? Maybe it will help if I write them down. And what hinders me from getting them done? That is the bigger question.

What's on your list?
(in no particular order)

2. Settle a few scores, right a few wrongs, smack a few people. (Just kidding about that last part. Maybe.)
3. Forgive a few people including myself at times (See? I told you I was kidding) I'm working on that. Seriously. Life is short.
4. Go to Italy.
5. Go to New York and see as many live shows and concerts as possible.
6. Make love in the rain (not necessarily in New York) with someone I love. In a pinch I'd settle for a thunderstorm proper roaring outside and a raincoat....ummm....nevermind. As long as the thunder rolls and the lightning flashes.
7. Find and enjoy my one and only....

I think it's my year.
8. Finish and expand the creative projects I've started, including peace globes.
9. Live to see my family happy, peaceful, healthy, and secure. HAPPY being the operative word.
10. Sing karaoke in a seedy smoky bar wearing a very short skirt and lots of smoke wafting by. Don't ask me why.
I just have to do it.

11. Stop working full time and live the second half of my life a bit more carefree. (If I don't die from the smoke in #10)
12. Sing a duet with Andrea Bocelli and Rod Stewart. A girl can dream.
13. Go shopping in Morocco
**I think I should write this list every week or so. I keep thinking of things to add and delete and modify!
P.S. Rod said no.
Back to the drawing board.
I love this meme - and your list! - and plan to incorporate it into my Friday 55 post.
But I dropped by now to let you know I've nominated you for a creative blogger award! Come by any time and pick it up.
Excellent list. And there's no rule that says you can't keep adding to it, ya know.
I was just perusing some books at Barnes and Noble. They included "1,000 things to do before you die", and "1,000 places to see before you die," or something like that. I agreed with a bunch of them. A good start to my bucket list.
I'll work on the list and meme it if it isn't too risqué!
Rod's a dork....
Interesting list, Mimi! I must consider making one meself.
Rod has no taste, I always said so :)
I have never created a bucket list. I guess I'm afraid I'll invoke the bucket. Some day I will do this meme,, though.
Ya know, Rod Stewart is not what he used to be - he should take you up on his offer! I can so see you perched on top of a piano during this song, too!
I hope that this is your year and that the right knight comes galloping up to the castle at long last!
Rod said No? I always knew he was mad! ;)
#10 is great! See you there!
Save This Website to check before the New York trip.
And imagine this is you Between Sets in that smokey dive.
Felicitas - Oh, I wasn't in the mood to do it the justice it deserved. I think I might take another stab at it later on. But it was interesting exercise in making me THINK.
Can't wait to read yours!
Travis - I know. I needed to cut it off somewhere though publicly. Oh, self-indulgent me ya know....wouldn't want anyone to think I'm self-absorbed enough to actually have a looooong bucket list.
That made no sense.
Maybe I need not write comment responses tonight.
I agree with your comment, my friend. I shall keep adding to it.
Without apology.
So there.
Ferd - I know!! I keep adding to it and re-thinking the whole process. I don't see a Bucket List as depressing. I see it as hopeful. Don't you?
Coopernicus - You are not the first to say so today. More than his personality I'd just like to match that groveled throat with a smooth duet, ya know?
It would be a challenge (grin)
Nick - I put it off a long time. Since Daddy died I've been in a purging mood - inside and out.
Mortality. On my mind of late.
Cogitator - Ha! Thanks...I think. It would be an interesting meeting of two very different sounds. I could think of many more to sing with as well.
I'll have to check out the latest about him. So many negative opinions floating about.
But what about Andrea? Do you like him?
Charles - That has been my fear as well. But really, it's just kinda silly (forgive me).
I'm such a list-maker anyway.
This one is important.
Akelamalu - Ha! To think he could have met the Queen.
He's already met the Queen, my Queen.
- You are the only one to comment on my seedy desires.
Linda - I hope it is YOUR year as well, my friend.
P.S. Linda - I would so like to perch on top of the piano in a lounge wearing a slinky dress.
"Fish gotta swim and birds gotta fly..."
Jamie - Oooohhhh...going now!
Jamie - Sondheim! Mamma Mia! The Miracle Worker! Wicked!
I want to go right now.
Jamie - Second link.
I want the boots!!!! Whaddya mean imagine that is me? Ha!
Stilettos sans the cigarette.
Oh, but I might as well smoke if I'm gonna play the part, right?
At first glance one her legs looked like it was in a long black boot. The hosiery is to die for.
K. I'll stop now.
Has Rod seen you in the short skirt? Seeing as he has a known weakness for "Hot Legs," it may help persuade him.
I thought #7 was very sweet.
Gal - Ha ha ha!! That was seriously funny. I forgot about that song until now. That wouldn't have been my choice of duet. "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?" would have been my pick.
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