A Call To Send Our Peace Globes To The White House
We've done the work. We've laid the groundwork from grassroots web pages since the fall of 2006. There are 1468 peace globes and remarkable posts flying proudly in the blogosphere from 46 countries. The fifth launch was inspiring.
Now it is time to take it a step further.
Consider this statement: "Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today." ~ President Barack Obama. This quote was taken from a website called Change.gov. maintained by The Office Of The President which has now transitioned into the official White House site. On the right side you will see "An American Moment" with the link "Tell Us Your Story" and at the bottom of the page "Tell Us Your Vision" with this explanation, "Your stories and ideas can help change the future of our country. When we come together around a common purpose, great things are possible."
I believe we have an opportunity and an obligation to do so.
The President understands the power of the Internet. He successfully built and won his campaign for office via the old-fashioned campaign stump trail, FaceBook, Twitter and Blogging sites - just like ours. A long-time peace blogger - my friend and yours - Travis, who writes Trav's Thoughts decided to make his voice (and ours) heard on the President's web page.

This is what Travis had to say during our last BlogBlast For Peace : "I visited more than 240 peace posts. But there were more than 500 bloggers who signed in on two of Mimi's posts. Many signed in on the Nov 6 Dona Nobis Pacem post. And many more signed in on the Sept 10 kick off post.
I wish I had time to visit each of you. But know that I join with you all in hoping and working for peace.
In keeping with my goal to be part of the change and work for an end to the politics of fear and divisiveness, I have sent my Peace Globe to the office of President-Elect Obama. ....
There is a form you can fill out to send an email to the President-Elect, in which you can "share your vision for what America can be, where President-Elect Obama should lead this country". I encourage you to do as I have done. I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to write to President-Elect Obama. Use your voice to tell him you are out here.

Speaking to my fellow citizens, whether you voted for him or not, we are all Americans and we need to stop spreading fear and distrust and start looking forward.
I was chatting with a friend yesterday, and she asked me where I thought idealism fit with pessimism and optimism. I said...
And I said that realism is the plan.
Maybe I'm right and maybe I'm wrong. But it's the way I feel. And I am going to do my best to be part of the process and not part of the problems this country faces. So I attached my Peace Globe to my email to President-Elect Obama. I wrote...
Please fix that.
I accept your challenge and have done the same. I explained our efforts to the President and sent my globe. I would have done so no matter the outcome of the election. I shared with the President and his staff what we had done, how far the movement has reached and promised to continue to make our voices heard.
The site is Change.gov. Click the Tell Us Your Story link, the Share Your Vision link or the contact page at Whitehouse.gov (the blog!). Snail mail to the President at:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
FAX # 202-456-2461
Can you believe it??! They walked right past me.

Carry on with your groovy peace-lovin' selves.
**White House photos public domain wikimedia.org
Copyright © 2006-2012 Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved.
The Queen is such a stick in the mud. There's probably a special Minister of Peace Globe Protocol or something you were supposed to go through but didn't, so she had to ignore you.
Whose that guy with QE? I don't recall ever having seen him at all ...
Count me in for sure! I just need some eloquent prose to go along with my globe. After all, we are talking about the President... it seems only fitting that he get my best work.
Perhaps I should devise a new globe as well... Because I don't know if it's new or not, but there is now a White House BLOG! Can you think of a better place for a Peace Globe??
Gal - I am not a stick in the mud!! Oh...you were talking to her. Glad you said it and I didn't. I want to keep my head.
Mojo - Your enthusiasm is contagious. I hope it flies through the blogosphere in one fell swoop - like only peace bloggers can do.
"I would love to say my country is the leader in renewable energy, universal healthcare and banishing economic classes. I'd love to know that parents wouldn't lose their children because povery equals abuse. Progression, tolerance, and self-sufficience are my vision for the country."
Sorry Your Highness, I jumped the gun & attached my next Peace Globe. I love the opportunity to express my opinion! I've already sent the President a letter.
Autumn - You are awesome. I want to read your letter but the "letter" link does not work. Will you please send it again?
Wow! I'm honored and humbled to be even a part of your inspiration.
Peace begins with us. I hope every Peace Blogger participates.
I am just glad that SOMEONE is listening.
peace sure begins with us and most importantly from within us!
Travis - I hope so too! You are the best.
Meleah - I thanked him for that in my letter to the White House.
seher - Truer words were never spoken.
What a great idea, you can count me in. :)
Unfortunately there is no email address at the moment for 10 Downing Street and the Prime Minister. Apparently one will be available soon and I will keep checking then perhaps us Peace Globe bloggers can send our Peace Globes there too?
PS Never one to procrastinate I just tried to send my Peace Globe but it shut down my computer! I don't think it will accept correspondence from England. :(
If you want to submit one of my Peace Globes and copy one of my posts m'dear you are welcome too. :)
You are always so full of ambition Mimi. I like that :-)
I have commented on the President's site more than once, but never thought to add my Peace Globe. Why on earth didn't I? I will now!
But I am a bit confused (My usual state) Are you asking us to do this ourselves - which I intend to do anyway - or do you intend to submit them yourself? Why must I find my number on the list? I haven't been able to find it today, BTW, though I had seen it months ago. I am having a great deal of trouble today with Blogger, trying to make comments, etc. Maybe that's what is confusing me.
Okay, Mimi, I'll join you and Travis uploading my Peace Globe! Great idea! :)
Is the Prez reading your blog?
Akelamalu - Of course! This is a global event. If you get the information and post it on your blog for us, we'll do the same....I can see it now....little blue globes flooding the mailboxes of diplomats everywhere....hmmmmm......what a lovely thought.
Akelamalu - Send your letter to me or better yet, post it on your blog, and I will send your globe along. Which globe would you like me to use?
Eric - And then Homer looks at me with that 'what have you gotten yourself into' look.....but he loves me. Right, Homer? Homer??!
(oops...I forgot to give him his breakfast. He's not speaking to me.)
Bobbie - I am asking you to do it yourselves and then let me know here in the comment section so that we can keep a tally.
I will check the list and get back to you with the number. Sorry!
Mary - YAY!
Jean-luc - I certainly hope so.
What a wonderful idea =)
Starr - I always wanted to get a peace globe to the White House (smile) but when Travis took the initiative to send one along himself, I thought others might want to do the same. So far, the response has been good.
Starr - Did I hear something about a birthday??? Happy happy!
Yes Sunday is the big 40 for me. So how do I prepare? I watch Atonement and now have red eyes and nose from sniveling. Man did I hate that little girl.
I think the very laudable goals expressed by you here will be listened to and acted upon in some capacity with the current administration in office. The last president could care less about peace and it appeared that he liked the natural state of things to always be at war. I too grew weary of the politics of fear as it is such a paralyzing thing.
Ricardo - Well said.
Peace globes in the blue office. That just fits, doesn't it?!?!
As usual, this is a wonderful idea. So wonderful that it inspired me to create new globe just for this purpose.
I recently received an email message from the White House regarding the launch of the Suggestion Box. I went to the box to and saw where it is possible to create a group. I think this might be a great way to show the President the Power of the Globe if you were to create a group specifically for Blogblasts for Peace.
Let us know what you think.
oops! forgot to give you the link in my excitement!
Here it is: http://obamasuggestionbox.com/groups.php
Tish - Perfectly!
SjP - I created a group. Getting it confirmed now....brb.
What a great idea. Thank you!
Great!!! Can't wait! I'm preparing a post right now about the Obama Suggestion Box and will "weave" this effort into it along with my Peace Globe.
Much Obliged for being a part of this great effort!
As soon as the email address is up for 10 Downing Street I'll post about it Mimi. Once I get back from Spain (22nd Feb) I'll do a letter to President Obama and a Peace Globe on my blog then you can send it to him. :)
SjP - Yes, we exchanged a few emails about it. I love your new peace globe for 2009.
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