A Hat From A Bra
I was minding my own business the other day frolicking through the blogosphere and what did I find in my mailbox?

Thank you so much, Miss Double D Delight.
The performance tonight went very well except for a microphone glitch.
Thanks for all the well wishes and thoughts.
I need to U.N.W.I.N.D.
I'll just be chillin' with my hat on.
Copyright © 2008 Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved.
Well Ms. Mimi - I think you look stunning in your Santa Hat! Perhaps you should wear it to your performances? Instead of a crown. :)
Ho Ho Ho!!!! Merry Christmas! and XOXOXOXXOXO!!!!
It looks very nice Mimi.
Outstanding chapeau!
It's you. The hat is you! ;)
You look adorable in your Santa hat. Very young and hip and Christmas parade-ish.
I linked to you in my post today!
Lovely Santa hat, Olga is an amazing travel bra, isn't she?
Rest well, my dear. You deserve a good night's sleep!
Your loyal subjects just have to know...did you sing "Santa Baby" at your concert in honor of the new hat? I know you were probably planning on just conducting, but I think it would have been appropriate to sing "Santa Baby" in your new hat. It's the perfect song for a Queen in a Pencil Skirt!
you look mahvelous in that hat dahlink! Simply mahvelous!
Olga - I'll wear it with my red evening gown. What a great idea!
And thank you again....
Shannon - Thank you. You need one too.
Travis - I am enjoying the feel of it....keeps my pencil head warm.
Bud - Thanks. I wish I had it in pink too....maybe for Valentine's Day.
Jennifer - I'll come over! Thank you. Do you have a hat too?
Lizza - I slept like a log last night. This weekend is catch-up time.
Lee - That's for me to know....although last year I did don a Santa hat in one of the performances. It's "interesting" the way your head bobs around to the music (in a dorky kind of way) when the Christmas hat is upon you.
It was fun!
Then I put on the reindeer ears and that was just stupid.
Lois - Why,thanks! Get one for yourself. It's put me totally in the Christmas mood.
Summer - Giggling...
Twitter makes hats? Amazing!
I think it looks just stunning on you and much better than the hats I drew on my blog (I most definitely DO NOT have Amanda's talent when it comes to drawing!). Still, I rather like the looks of a squid holding a candy cane! It makes me blaugh (that's the Queen's Blenglish for Blog + Laugh as you might say!).
Linda - You drew hats? I must see! A squid holding a candy cane? I must see! Be right over.
Do you have any coffee?
It suits you...
The quizzical santa.
I love your new hat. I don't think it will replace your crown, but at this time of the year it's perfect.
Have a terrific day. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
Glad you didn't blow away to OZ and the concert went well...
Perfect fit! Very becoming. :)
You suit red! :)
Crushed - Thank you....I'll try to look "quizzical" more often.
Sandee - It is a temporary laying down of the crown...
Vinny - It was a breeze! Thank you.
Autumn and Akelamalu - I do love red. Wonder what I'll wear for New Year's....hmmm......I'm thinking something a little less "covery" if you catch my drift.
LOVE the new look! I'm mixing drinks. I'll save one for you! (wait, did I say drink, or save?)
its looking sexy for the holiday.
You look bladorable in the Santa hat!
(that's blog + adorable in case you were wondering)
I love the hat ... but where can I hear YOU sing Mimi???
do tell!
Vodka Mom - I'll have a Godiva please...
Queen - Me? Sexy? Ohh...I'm feelin' it. Yep. Feelin' it lately.
Patti - Why, thank you, Princess. You are getting quite good at the Queen's English!
Eric - I will tell...for a price. Got any eggnog?
Or we could do a cyber-duet...that might be fun.
That would be SO MUCH fun I might pass out ...
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