The Barbie Doll With Brains ~ Yippee!
My mother used to say "you can't be pretty and smart" - unfortunately she said it smack dab in the middle of the awkward teenage years when I struggled with how to fit into the cheerleading clique of the hour and still edit the nerdy school newspaper. "Why not?" I secretly fumed, "I want to be the Barbie doll with brains." The fact that the fuming was smothered is a testament perhaps to my mother's influence, but I would like to think it had more to do with my own stubborn pencil brain. I wanted to be taken seriously. As much as I love all things prissy, as witnessed time again on this blog (those who know me best could attest that I do indeed worship my fingernails)......truth be told, I'd rather be respected for intellect than fluff.
That's why today's acceptance of an award from Lee, a tarheel rambler of distinction and a fellow blogger who is relatively new to our blogging community is important to me. He calls it the Brain Building Blog Award.
I like it! Apparently I wrote a post that has forced his brain into overload. See what I mean? It just won't stop. I never knew I had that affect on people. I just thought they came here for my cooking.
But Lee is new, so he doesn't know that the food is store bought because the Queen can't cook. He thinks I just sit around and think in my pencil skirt all day. Ergo, a brain award. Pleeeezzee don't tell him I'm not smart enough to cook. This is how Lee 'splains it in this post.....
Don't Make Me Blog That is a wonderful post from Mimi Lenox (Mimi Queen of Memes) about making sure we don’t hold back in our relationships. The post is wonderful, but the circumstances that prompted the post are more than a little scary. Mimi almost got creamed by a careless driver and the experience prompted her to think about all the important people in her life and her last contact with them. Did she say everything she wanted to say to them? Did she say she loved them?"
I have thought a lot about that post too since I wrote it. Maybe I have some fences to mend. I noticed also that several people wrote stories on a similar theme last weekend on their blogs. One that comes to mind is Rollie from Friday Night Fish Fry who had an actual car accident on Friday about the same time as my near miss. Odd! Why don't you pop over and give her a little blog love? Rollie is a talented photographer with an eye for humor as well as beauty in nature. You'll like her place. And she may need just a liiitttle attention after all that excitement.
Thank you, Lee from Tarheel Ramblings for allowing me to be the Barbie Doll with Brains today. I'm glad I made you think. Mom would be proud. Or not.

What posted on Mimi Writes one year ago today?
ummm dear no one who has spent more than five seconds here thinks you and the kitchen are intertwined... no one...nope nope....
you do write you deserve the award....
and the fingernails...YUP we know...
There are plenty restaurants out there. They all own so many eggs and "secret recipes" they specialized in selling prepared food =)
You decided to be a brilliant blogger - who needs additional omelettes? Me? No way!
I see you've taken the eggs out of the shell, so you're off to a rip roaring start!
My brain seems to have taken a short recess. It's that or my fingers haven't caught up to it yet.
..Must type faster..
Ah, dog gone it, there it goes again.
you are a wonderful writer and nobody cares that you can't cook!
And about those Cheetos you claim to consume...tsk, tsk
That's OK, Mimi, I know how to cook, so that's not why I come here. I come for the snappy conversation and the pencil skirt attitude.
And you're more than welcome!!
Let's here it for the Barbie dolls with brains. I was one of those that would play dumb when it was convenient. I've worked with people that would tell me later they couldn't believe I was really smart, they thought I was hired on my looks. First time it hurts your feelings...then you get used to it. But sometimes it is easier to play dumb...of course, sometimes I can just be dumb. Scatter brained might be a better term. Anyway, I loved doing your meme. That one reminded me of all the things I love. And thank you for the extra attention...hugs...I do feel better now. I also found out today my vehicle won't be gone too awfully long.
Okay see how dumb I can be? Here for hear, I hate things like that.
Maybe you and cooking don't always agree...ok...never agree.
But you look great in a pencil skirt and your nails are fabulous. And you're a spankin' good writer!
Pssst...don't bake the eggs dear.
I'm pretty and smart.
Double yokers have to be baked medium rare at 325 degrees, but not in an easy bake because of the high wattage, just so you know...
And there was never any doubt, you can have both, err, you do have both beauty and brains. You know that too.
Don't sell yourself short, Mimi. You're much prettier than a Barbie.
Congrats are in order !
Very well deserved :)
Don't you think that some parents need to go back to school to learn to be positive with their children??
That's a bummer of a remark ...
You take care, dear friend.
Well, first of all, Starr Ann thinks the eggs are done once they look like that. So, good for you realizing they need an extra step.
And, Barbie? That chick's laughing all the way to the bank.
Oh Mimi, you are just so priceless. I think you are brilliant and beautiful. Brilliant first though. No honey you don't bake eggs. You crack me up. Have a great day. :)
You're too unique to be the "fluffy" type. No one can write the way you do & be stupid. I'd trade in a bit of my brains for a bit of Barbie's shape, though... *sigh*
Congrats on the award Mimi.
You did cook those eggs before you ate them didn't you? :)
MWM always says he wishes he'd been born rich instead of good looking!
With beauty and intelligence combined, who needs to know how to cook?
Bond - Let's just blame it on the fingernails. They get in the way of my cooking. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Sannie - That's an omelette??!
Jeff - Don't try to be a Barbie doll. It doesn't suit you. Your brains are working fine.
Patti - Cheetos are a staple in the castle. Yum. And soooo bad for me. I know...
Lee - I have an attitude? I do?! Thanks again for the nice recognition.
Deana - It's a double discrimination. You and I are from the south. And in the 50/60' mother's era. Typical.
And by the way, you are gorgeous AND witty. Love your blog.
Travis - Thank you.
OK. I'll try scrambling. What temperature?
Diesel - LOL
Frank - Very sweet. Thank you. But just one thing. Easy bake? Does this mean I need my Easy Bake oven? Rats! It's at my mother's. And I'd have to explain this post to retrieve it.
She wouldn't understand.
Desert - You're kind ya know. Thank you my dear.
Barbara - Yes, I agree. But I survived.
Margo - You are so right. Barbie was smart after all. You do have a point.
Sandee - You are so sweet. Thank you. I needed to hear that today! No bake eggs? But you put them in cakes. Right?
Bundle - Thanks. And thank goodness I rebelled against my mother's well-intentioned advice.
My independence, however, never set well with her.
Akelamalu - I never eat anything I cook. Rich and good looking is the perfect combination. I do read your blog. You're blessed ya know.
Bud - You should know. And wisely made dinner reservations and taught me how to speed dial for takeout. If I'd only listened more often. It's that stubborn streak again....
Misty - Aww....thank you. I think the southern thing is a bit ingrained. You cook, you clean, you take care of. Except I never really did that much. My sister is a fabulous cook and seamstress (very smart as well). I just wanted to sit with a pad and pen or play the piano all the time. Maybe it's time I let myself off the cook....oops. I mean hook.
I love to cook and write and be smart and oh so many things! Good looks? Well, I make the best of it. Except for my fingernails...I just can't keep them painted.
Do they match your red coat and hat?
Let's here it for the Barbie dolls with brains. I was one of those that would play dumb when it was convenient. I've worked with people that would tell me later they couldn't believe I was really smart, they thought I was hired on my looks. First time it hurts your feelings...then you get used to it. But sometimes it is easier to play dumb...of course, sometimes I can just be dumb. Scatter brained might be a better term. Anyway, I loved doing your meme. That one reminded me of all the things I love. And thank you for the extra attention...hugs...I do feel better now. I also found out today my vehicle won't be gone too awfully long.
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