My Thanksgiving Joy in Photographs

Just him.
I remember seeing a sunset like this many years ago over a body of water that was just stunning. My heart was heavy that day and I was worried deeply about someone I loved.
I crossed the bridge, looked to my right and saw a myriad of spectacular colors in the sky. It looked like a deliberate mural - a painting from God.
In my heart that day I heard these words, "Don't worry. I'm not through painting his picture yet."

Happy Thanksgiving my pencil skirt! How was it? I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your lucky and blessed you are.
Can't wait to talk to you...
Beautiful pictures from a lady with a beautiful heart...
May your holiday season bring you Joy and Peace.
Hi hope that you had a great Thanksgiving.
What a cutie next to your side :)
He is very lucky to have you.
You have a very spiritual soul, my friend. We have to look beyond ourselves at times...
Ev - Dial, dear. I have a lot to tell you.
Anndi - I adore you. Always nice to see you at the castle.
Barbara - My new friend from France. Blessings, indeed.
An adorable boy, but then so is his mother! xx
So precious. Thanks for sharing these tender moments.
Love all the pictures and I can definitely see the family resemblance in those pictures! Of course, it's only a half-face family resemblance but there's one there nonetheless!
I love your pictures! You have a unique style for framing an image and it turns out very nice.
It is also wonderful you had such a great Thanksgiving with your family.
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Mimi, your camera has noting on you. You can paint a beautiful picture just with your words. The photographs are a bonus! Great post!
As if you don't have enough to do, I've tagged you for the Blue Tea Meme if you're interested in taking part.
Beautiful boy who has a beauty~full mom!
I saw a spectacular sunset tonight that made me say "thank you" to the Painter...deep blue and purple lake effect clouds distinctly edged in hot pink.
Thank you for this lovely perspective of your wonderful world.
Happy Turkey Day! Hope it was special...
Sounds like a wonderful way to spend your Thanksgiving.
What a Painter indeed!
From little boys to sunsets, His canvas is increadible.
Wonderful photos! They remind me of my Thanksgivings as a child.
Akelamalu - Thank you very much. He is special.
Songbird - How was your holiday? Love it when you comment. Thanks.
Linda - Half-face resemblance, yes. Little half-pint is just right for a half-face photo.
Tracy - Thanks for visiting. I will come knocking on your blog door! Do you have pie?
Lee - What a nice thing to say. Thank you. You're a fine wordsman yourself. I've heard of this Blue Tea Meme. I'll check it out. I have to do it, else be thrown in my own dungeon.
Robin - Did you snap a photo? That sounds gorgeous.
Bud - Thank you. Same to you. My day was very special, yes.
Trav - We had frolicking fun in the leaves. It was a perfect day with baby boy.
Jeff - You said it best. His canvas is incredible.
Nick - Glad I could take you back in time. I'd forgotten some of those little spots existed. We even found a working bee house! And stayed away.....
Beautiful photos accompanied with wonderful text!! Here in the Netherlands we don't do Thanksgiving, but we hope you had a wonderful one.
Mimi, I didn't know you were a grandmother. He is a gorgeous little man! I hope to be as vibrant and look as good as you do when I am a grandma.
Polli - I'm not exactly over-the-hill ya know! And thanks.
I didn't mean my comment to say you were over the hill. My grandma became my grandma at age 36, 2 years younger than I am now! Truth be told, I am probably more over the hill than you. Apologies for being rude.
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Next year I'll be a grandma... and nope she's not calling me "Granny" either... ;-)
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