Sunday Blog Chatter Hodgepodge
"Moonlit Shower" original drawing by
Frank Sirianni (see details later in this post)
Hello friends.
Lots of things happening in the blogosphere this week that caught my attention. Here are the highlights in no particular order.
Get some coffee. Relax.
(By the way....Just a reminder that Saturday Comeback Challenge Round 4 is underway. You still have until midnight Monday to send in your answers)
NaNoWriMo has come and gone. Fellow blog buddies are peacefully sleeping now and dreaming of edits and book deals with Random House. Congratulations to those who hit the 50,000 word count and to those who didn't (like me)! We all made progress with our writing and it was a learning experience. I'm glad I did it.
NaNoWriMo has come and gone. Fellow blog buddies are peacefully sleeping now and dreaming of edits and book deals with Random House. Congratulations to those who hit the 50,000 word count and to those who didn't (like me)! We all made progress with our writing and it was a learning experience. I'm glad I did it.
Ian at EDog's Everything Page posted a huge count of 57,003 words! He finished at 11:58 on November 30th and deserves a round of applause . His novel, Enter The Jackrabbit, can be be read here. Ian is also a WebComic genius! Read about this amazing talent at
The guy with intense gaze. Makes you wonder......what literary gems are lurking there....?

And speaking of gems.....
- The lovely and lyrical Gale Martin has been smoking the keyboard all month writing her own novel. It's called Sewing With Mrs. Quimby. Gemmolina's word war with fellow author Adrian Lankford has been entertaining and real. Congratulations to both!

While searching for Gale's book posts I got understandably sidetracked when I stumbled across this article on nakedness. Gale! Please! I can't take, back to the task at hand.
BIG NEWS! Gale has launched two new blogs!! Be the first to check out Pennsylvania: Elsewhere and Gem-Lets (I love it!) Who could resist a title that reads The Pithy Witticisms of a Perky Pessimist?
Speaking of wit...... The Comeback Champ) continues to rain down laugh-out-loud daring dating disasters. He's started a Sunday feature on dating. I like to think of him as the "antithesis" or male counterpart to my own Dating Profile of the Day site. It is silly spoofing at its best. From a guy's point of view. Priceless.
And congratulations, Bud, on writing your 200th post today. He is also a NaBloPoMo winner
Ghostrose from Touched by The Wolf
wrote Stuck in Red China With Jesus and A White Wine Spritzer - now that's an interesting title. Rose frequently "lost her marbles" through the process and confesses to drinking too much wine. Rose now has an official NaNoWriMo hangover to go with her award. Way to go, my friend!

A Christmas Meme is making the rounds. Please return all memes to Mimi. I will put them in one of my meme central sites with a short bio about author and a link back to your site.
Other blog happenings....

I'm speechless.
And cuddleless.
However, plenty of warm fuzzies await. I was honored this week to be named a Lifetime Sponsor on Frank Sirianni's site - as was Gale Martin and Rhys Postlewaight
(from A World of Bloggers)
It is a lovely tribute and I am touched. Thank you, Frank, for keeping the Peace Globe movement alive and my wonderful Papa's spirit in sight.

Frank has an INCREDIBLE new theme on Foxxfyrre's Black and White Art Blog. I plan to do an in-depth review of his work in an upcoming Karaoke Blog. For now, please do yourself a favor and take a look at the amount of work that has gone into this project. He's created a BLOGHUNT! A blogosphere scavenger hunt. What a great idea. It's awesome. I plan to participate just as soon as I find the missing files I've been hunting down here for days. Uhh....for all you competitors out there, take a hint. If I can't find my own files it's not likely I'll win a blog hunt (Sigh) so you have little to fear. However, I'm highly motivated because I truly want the prize he is offering. Get this!! Frank is offering one of his original pencil drawings to the first person who correctly identifies all 29 blogs and their post titles. I love this drawing. It's called Moonlit Shower.
So what are you waiting for?!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to write a letter to Santa.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to write a letter to Santa.
Dear Santa.......I need a radar detector that finds little blue globes.
Mimi, I did the meme that you tagged me for though not sure how to send it to you.
What a gracious post, mims! It was wonderful to read about Ian and Bud, and I wasn't aware of Frank's accolade so I have to check that out. I'm grateful for the mention of my new sites. Remember those days of watching your site counter hit its first double digit, wondering whether anyone would ever read your blog, except for the ten people who found you your first week in operation. Lovely, lovely work. How does Mimi get all this good information on her fellow bloggers. Or doesn't a good pencil skirt reveal her sources?
Thanks, Silverneurotic. I'll go to your site and get it from there. Hope your Sunday was great.
Yes, Gale. I remember those single digit days. Not so fondly, either. The bloggers who've stuck with me from the very beginning are near and dear to my heart -YOU are at the top of my list. I'm delighted to see your blog so well-received. I wish you nothing but good things and more readers than you can shake a stick at. (that's a Southern expression, in case you're wondering) Don't forget the little peons you left in blogworld when your book sells a million or two copies. Love ya!
And no. A good pencil skirt never reveals her sources or her choice of nail salon.
Silly Gale.
Nice post Mimi. I hope I'll have time to check out the NaNoWriMo entrants (though it will probably take me all year to do so!)
Shame you never quite made it, but what the heck, you did a helluva lot of writing... and you were just a little bit distracted :-D
I quite like the idea of the men's dating site linking into yours... has a certain humour about it! :-)
Mimi, I stopped by to thank you for signing up for our story project. I can't wait to read your story!
I may go try and recruit Ian. I wonder if he has any words left after those 57,000 he just wrote?
Well, hello there, Mimi!
Thank you for the great plug for my blog, my webcomic, my book, and the rather, uh, startling picture. Okay, I totally did not expect to see my short-haired mug gazing back at me in such a large size. I really do have that intense gaze, don't I? It's insipient insanity, I tell you.
Always come her to learn new things and read wonderful word and you combined both with this post..going to email some dating answers now..
Thnnks for the post and I will certainly send you an email hopefully Tuesday. Algebra is calling. Have a great day.
Hi Mimi,
Thanks for the comments, and the boost for BlogHunt. I'm hoping that this will work well enough because I want to make it a monthly feature for my blog. It will give me something to draw about (and for) every month, and a little bit of fun while we are reading other's blogs. I know I had a lot of fun putting the contest together so it's another reason to furouisly go 'bl'urfing' every month too (as if I needed a reason). Don't tell Dr. Anonymous though, I'm sure he'll have me wrapped and padded on hourly doses of bl'ithium :0!
But Mimi,
Estheticians always confide in their favorite Bartenders. Lips get very loose while sipping their favorite bevvy not being able to resist my dimpled smile and brown eyes.
I don't have Outlook running on my computer in the connex, but I have set up an email limk on my profile, please feel free to send me a note and we can go from there.
:-) Hi Mimi - thanks for the hot plug; it made me laugh. I didn't lose my marbles that many times did I? You rocks.
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