Well, I Declare!
I could play this straight but I won't. I'm in a whimsy mood but could stray into serious periodically. We shall see what my stream of consciousness doth bring....
“Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.”
This is your moment.
What sayeth you on the subject of freedom?
Fill in the blanks. Make your own Declaration of Independence. Freely choose your destiny. Embrace your inner freedom.
Some questions are serious. Some are silly. All are revealing. Have fun! It's time to play The Queen's Meme.

I declare myself to be free from inhibitions.
I wish I could free myself of spammers.
I am thankful that he freed me from my necklace which was caught in my earring!
I don't mind paying for pencil skirts but pencils should be free.
I am free to buy another pencil skirt over and over again. In fact, I look forward to it!
If I could choose one freedom I don’t have today it would be free from financial obligations and able to travel the world at will. But first I would spread the wealth among family and friends.

I am going to write my Declaration of Independence on a peace globe.
I wouldn’t mind being taxed on pencil skirts but I highly resent being taxed on pencils. I said that didn't I?
When I was younger I was free to run amok in the Kingdom of Bloggingham but now that I’m older I prefer to run amok in the Kingdom of Bloggingham.

I declare myself joyfully addicted to blogging !!! (and omelets)
I don’t think the world will ever be totally free of prejudice. Sadly.
With complete abandon, I free fall into love. Nice thought, eh?
In a hypothetical Superman existence, I would use my power to do good doing good.
I wickedly use my power to do evil doing evil.

When I need to free my thoughts from stress and worry, I dip my toe in the river of love.
I want to drive fast on the highway every single day and pay no consequences.
I want the freedom to let my silliness run amok also and enjoy dancing barefoot in the kitchen every single day.

If I could re-write the Freedom of Information Act I would remove Homer's social security number from the public record.
I daily need the freedom to create whatever my imagination comes up with on soooo many levels with and I don't give a bamn what anybody else thinks about it. Bam!
If I had the power to throw one person in jail it would be Osama bin Laden.

If I had the power to free one person from bondage of any kind it would be anyone with an alcohol or addiction problem. It is truly a deceptive and hellacious existence.
If I could “speak truth to power“ I would say to the world "Listen up! The world's on fire, can't you see? Put down your arms before we don't have a world left to fight in."
The 3 most important freedoms I have in my life are: Once I started really thinking about this answer I realized there are so many freedoms I take for granted each day. The freedom to live in a country without war, freedom of speech (to write on this public page what I choose) freedom to be myself without apology, freedom to begin each new day with a clean slate, freedom to worship as I choose.... many many more.
My favorite freedom song is "Think" aka the Freedom song by Aretha Franklin.
I know. Whimsy. But fun. And totally danceable.
Let's dance with Aretha ala Jennifer Hudson.