And a proud American I was.
I know some of this is out of the President's control. I know this is not all his fault. I would not take back my vote based on what I knew at the time and the motivating factors I believed to be true that justified my choice - the need for a changing of the guard. I voted on the premise of HOPE and optimism and pride in a country that could stand united for one day and elect a man of color to the highest office in the land. I am still proud of that. I still have my little sticker stuck in the corner of a scrapbook page marked HOPE.
I have never voted a party line. I have always voted my conscience and beliefs.
BUT - and it's a big but - I voted on the premise of transitional change. I wanted a shaking up of the status quo; and while I know that does not happen overnight nor am I privy to what goes into his decision-making, I did not expect the wind to swing first in the other direction so brutally.
I did not expect to be discouraged in the first quarter of the game.
Obama's apparent lack of stick-to-it-
ness does not diminish the pride I felt that day...nor my pride in the human beings that make up this wonderful nation nor do I believe that we have seen even a sliver of that which is good and decent in our land

shine forth as I know we can.
I just want him to show up.
Americans roll with whatever they are dealt. They wave the flag and march in parades and write and blog and converse; volunteer, hold each other up, defend with honor and live with compassion for others. They defend their ideals. They show up with supplies when their neighbors house burns down, they look out for the elderly across town. They show up. At least that is the vast majority of the people I know. That is your average everyday American.
But we have been dealt enough.
How long are those same people expected to sit by and say nothing when their children are being sent to fight and die in an ineffective war? We have no reserves left stateside to defend or handle what might need defending. How long when they've lost all hope for a comfortable future they've so carefully tucked away in the name of family and have to start again at the age of 65...or 75...or even 80....with nothing they worked for at hand to comfort them. When good people who've worked for forty years in a bottling plant can't afford to have an operation they need to stay alive and enjoy their grandchildren? When you are thirty-five years old working as hard as you can with a college degree and can't afford to buy winter coats for all four of your children? When
somebody's mother is handed a flag in the name of jihad victory....
What is happening to my country? What did my vote stand for?
Why is the dream shifting into something I don't recognize as hope?
And yet I am a patriot. I love my country.
I have respect for those who serve and defend in the name of freedom.
I have respect for the Office of the Presidency, for the man on a personal level, for his ideals and for his courage. I just want to hear and see the hope I longed for - and voted for - come to fruition. Can you answer my questions? Having said that, if you bring Obama bashing of a vile nature to this page or arguments shrouded in racism I will delete them. But if you answer those questions with respectful discourse and banter, please......do tell.
Politics as usual in Washington has become politics as usual in Washington. Again.

We are STILL in Iraq.
We are sending another nightmare to Afghanistan.
Nobody can find a job.
We have spent enough money on this useless war to feed and clothe half the children in
Trillion dollar debt? Trillion?
Did I mention we are still in Iraq?
I don't care what the financial wizards say about the state of the economy or the rise and fall of inflation - the price of everything has increased
Except peace.
And that should be the highest priority of all.