Monday Mimisms ~ It's All Starr's Fault
A week of no blogging. Whoa. It was weird.
Did anybody miss me?
Did anybody miss me?
Here are my excuses. My mother gave me a note and everything.
Just ignore that pesky dog.
Just ignore that pesky dog.
Top Ten Reasons Mimi Was Away From Her Computer

2. More parking lot kissing.
3. I rearranged the castle from head to toe.
It took a full day just to untangle my jewelry.

4. The moat overflowed in a flood. I had to buy a yacht just to get home.

Another day in the salon.

I hate her and the turnip she rode in on.
6. I was writing offline. It happens.
7. Ju

8. More parking lot kissing miiiiight have kept me busy had it actually occurred in the parking lot.
Only Homer knows for sure and he ain't talkin'.

9. Would you believe I got kidnapped in a Mafia War on Facebook?
10. Turnips. Oh please. Like I have time to buy fruit.
10. Turnips. Oh please. Like I have time to buy fruit.

Happy Monday, Everyone.
I'm going to the grocery store.
Do they come in bunches?
I'm going to the grocery store.
Do they come in bunches?
I was going to say the wine was optional but maybe not :P :P :P
I still don't know what you meant by de-glazing the pan with wine or water. It sounds so Jesusy. Aren't we supposed to be GLAZING, not DE-glazing??! That is why I drank the wine first. And yet, the light bulb did not come on.
I ate frozen pancakes for dinner.
It's a foo foo term for making a sauce out of pan drippings. That is where most gravies get their really good flavor. You know our hotel in Atlanta is going to have a kitchen. I think you need a food demo. Maybe I will teach everyone to make Greek Meatballs ;)
I will bring the karaoke.
You bring the gravy making foo foo.
We can sing and make meatballs at the same time. Wine required.
I hope Kat has her camera ready for that scene.
What? Her instructions were clear... no?
Of course you were missed! You doubted?
Welcome back!
Didn't I try and teach you to make chicken cutlets once?
Just asking...
About excuse numbers 2 & 8 .... details, we must have details.
Welcome back.
Anndi - Well....ummm....I didn't quote exactly what she said (wink) I might have mixed up a few words.
Travis - My own dog hates me!
Vinny - That you did, sir.
I failed miserably and then some. But you are a fabulous cook!
Jamie - He is reading. All I will say is....ummm....that's all.
I mean no disrespect, your Majesty, but your culinary skills make me look like a master chef.
I'm just sayin'.....
i hope u r well. been a long while!
Songbird - Ain't it the truth!
AD - I've missed seeing you around. Happy New Year!
Can Homer be bought? This time I'm sure he has the juicy dirt. But how exactly does one bribe an imaginary dog?
Oh well, it doesn't really matter why our Queen was gone. Now that we know she's back, safe and sound, all her humble subjects are the better for it.
Just don't get the parking lot kissing and turnip sauteing confused....
I want to know all about this car park kissing that is going on!
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