Meet Guido and Bruno
Midmorning. Waking up. Coffee on the deck.
Someone is staring at me......
Someone is staring at me......

Eyeball to eyeball. It was amazing!
I slowly moved away to get my camera. I came back. She is still there and then .....the dash! Through the woods and another followed from out of nowhere. See the blur around the tree as they ran away? The other shots were lost.
This must be Bruno and Guido. Mr. Bond aka Vinny sent them to watch over the castle during the burglary. I'm going to get some deer corn. I'd like to meet the rest of the family someday.
Who knew??! I'm so excited!
That's a funny name for a girl.
Note: Sunday Blog Chatter will post later this evening. I need to get out of the castle for awhile and visit my folks. See ya later!
I love your new security system. How beautiful. When I was a kid we lived in the country and this was a common sight. They are indeed beautiful. How wonderful Mimi. Have a great weekend. :)
What a fantastic way to start your day.
There are many deer where I live (and it's not country either!) ... and when I lock eyes with one, for those few moments, I feel like time has totally stopped. Awesome feeling, eh?
Deer corn?
Is that one of those genetically engineered strains?
I can see it now, "Comming to a grocery store near you, Bambi on a cob."
So glad the palace is now being carefully watched by Bruno and Guido.
Maybe Rocco will join them soon. I hear he's "the enforcer."
I had a similar experience about a month ago with a deer in the road in front of my house with our neighbor's little dog just staring up at her. I ran for the camera, but only got a shot of the tail as the deer ran away. Next time.
You got great pix!
How wonderful - that's so special. x
PS Congratulations on all the awards honey, they'll look magnificent on your mantlepiece! :)
How sweet to have such tender, yet strong security!
You are blessed.
(btw, thanks for you kind thoughts and well wishes during my difficult time....It was soooooo appreciated...)
Hugs and peace.
Sandee - I love them. I can't wait to get more shots....oops little deer, I didn't mean buckshots! You know what I mean.
Lee - A much needed awwww..moment.
Nancy - It was an awesome feeling. My son is a deer hunter though. He can never come to visit again. Nope. I'll have to hide them now....
Jeff - Bambi on a
Patti - Isn't it amazing?
Akelamalu - Thank you, sweetie. I need a bigger trophy room. That's on my list.
Odat!! - So glad to see you in the blogosphere again. I've been worried about you, praying for you. You know you have so many people who care. Take it slow, honey.
In the future, please be careful 'outing' the boys...their identities should always remain a secret....
It was the wise guy expression that gave it away, wasn't it?
oh mimi,
i just read about the burglary.
thank you for writing about it, despite how painful it was.
it serves as a reminder for all of us reading to take precautions.
(i do what you did, not set the alarm, if i think its going to be a quick trip)
i don't know if one month is enought time to get over something as violating as this...
i hope you are doing well.
any leads?
i loved your entry about your time spent with the peanut buttery boy.
it was so well written.
when i read your posts, i feel like i am in a dream sequence that happens to make sense.
(do you know what i mean?)
beautiful deer.
peace and love to you mimi.
WOW - absolutely stunning!
Nice to meet Bruno and Guido. I´m sure they take good care of you, Queen Mimi.
Congrats on all those very well deserved awards!
Oh I love deer too! I struggle with the whole "i need to fill my freezer" mentality. Sorry guys...just me.
They are so majestic! I see them freqently....but oh so far away.
Super pictures as usual!! If you put deer corn out, I might have to stop over. "Speedcat, get out of my yard!" .... I do love the deercorns and tomatoes.
Even with their mob enforcer tendencies, those deer look to a burglar about as threatening as our cats...
How exciting!
We've only seen a fox near our "new" house... & we're worried about "our" stray cat, haven't seen her in a while.
Your lovely totem, Mimi!
Great pics!
She sensed your gentle was the camera that made her shy...
She'll be back.
By the way, they like apples and love a powdery white substance called (no joke!) deer~caine. It attracts them like crazy :-)
How exciting! Deer are my favorite animal (besides dogs, of course) and I collect deer 'stuff'. How cool that they are watching over you! ;-)
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