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Monday, July 18, 2022

Monday Mimisms ~ Chasing the Days in 3/4 Waltz Time

Sometimes life throws you into a whirlwind dance of change. 
I'm currently in the waltzing stage. 

Stealing my reading

I've been blessed to have my granddaughter here during the marvelous age of two-years-old. Her parents moved, changed jobs and are house-hunting in this crazy market. It's taking awhile. Houses that were $250K last year are 400K this year. Not a great time to invest, I'd say. So temporary has become more of an extended stay until the right circumstances arise for them. That should be soon.  
Alone much, Mimi? 
That's a big NO.  But it's not about me at the moment. 

When I am tempted to throw my hands in the air and complain about the noisy busy busy busy buzzzz in the house at this time in my life, I try to remember that I will one day soon be thankful for the days of witnessing her learn letters and draw pictures. I will enjoy seeing her in her new room in their new home. And we will plant flowers in her own yard. 

 Conversations with her are fascinating!  She sees the world through simple and glorious eyes. Everything is exciting to her. Everything! The sun. The clouds. The trees. A bug on the ground. Rocks (she collects) and even weeds. Everything is beautiful to her.
and she sits in the sun
Snickers the Cat observes it all in lounging style. 
I want to be more like a worries, no cares, just peacefully sitting in the sun. When I'm interrupted a million times a day because someone needs something ("Do we have any chocolate milk?" asked Beans at least a hundred times a day. "We're out of paper towels!" "What do you want for dinner tonight?" etc etc) or there's a boo-boo AGAIN, I want to be less irritated and more thankful for Bandaids and such.  I'm working on that. My name has been called at least 300 times since I started this blog post (reminds me of teaching middle school) and reminds me, also, how much I treasure my alone time and look forward to enjoying my own single life again.. I truly have a need for solitude and space. With one complete family downstairs and a myriad of new animals too (that story coming soon) days are mismatched with drama and joy. 
No, this is not Snickers. 
Bree carrying her "baby" cat. She's such a good mommy.

"Do we have strawberry syrup, Mimi?"
Beans! I'm trying to write a blog post here!

Photo credit: Mimi Lenox
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Ned Hamson said...

I remember a bit of being two. The universe began and ended with my line of sight and how fast my mother could move to keep me from going (again) over the edge of the earth. Will never forget her expression as I jumped into a pile of hay from the second floor of the horse barn...

Mimi Lenox said...

Ned! The second floor??! I can't imagine how your mother must have felt. I hope you weren't hurt? LOL What a story.

You sound a lot like little Bree. She's very hard to keep up with....

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