The Doll Box and Way of The Pansy

Yellow ones. Just like the ones my Grandmother used to plant. And this afternoon I'll find a spot in the woods of Bloggingham....somewhere near a rock and an oak tree I think...not on the porch for decoration. No. I want them in the earth. Near a tree. Because if there's anything I've learned about love in the memories that flow around this time of year, it's that nothing as delicate as pansy leaves can withstand the cold in the artificial womb of man-made pots. They need the warmth of the earth and the tether of trees.
Love is like that too.
It is bold. It is delicate. It is all.
But it needs lots and lots of protection. Love needs to live along roots you see.
We talk a lot about my Papa in this movement and how he gave me his unconditional love. But this story, The Doll Box, was really inspired by my grandmother's pansies. I started to plant and Papa showed up.
I hope he visits me this afternoon. I want to hear a new peace story.
If you need to catch up, here's The Doll Box (2007). I'm going to put my pansy-planting boots on.
See you soon.
Join us for BlogBlast For Peace Nov 4, 2014
Oh I love pansies...and yellow ones are a favorite.
love Pansies such a happy flower,xx Rachel
Paula Kaye - I love them too. Happiness in winter months.
Speedy - How are YOU? Yes, they are a happy flower. Strong AND delicate.
The marbles and the dolls. Two of the finest pieces of writing that I'm happy I get to read every year.
Travis - Thank you on the writing part. We have to thank Papa and my grandmother for the inspiration. And now all of you continue the tradition.
I miss reading your writing on a regular basis. Hint hint.
Thank you for commenting so much on peace globes. I see your comments everywhere when I make the rounds..which I'm STILL doing.
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